The Longevity Project

Chapter 649: Final Mapu Temple (38)


In the next period of time, I saw many people in that sky, on the huge screen created by Padmasambhava. Many of them are people I know, and there are many people I have never seen before.

I saw Meng Qi's life and death in the mountains of Guangxi. He never waited until A Di came out from the ground. I saw the old man sitting on the rocking chair in the yard as usual, but the old tree in the yard finally died completely, and the last leaf It fell on the hand of the old man sitting under the tree; I saw Ning Shan who had lost his legs and was sitting in the courtyard of a nursing home with his eyes closed. Behind him was a nurse running in a panic; and he was sitting against the wall. At the same time, Li Yuanyi, who was covered in blood but still smiling with cigarettes in his mouth, Hu Qinan, who was breathing hard in a piece of rotating gears but his chest cavity was ruptured, and many acquaintances, Xiang Xiang sitting in the weeds of the 308th plant Shui, Ning Cunxu standing in front of the door looking at the snow-capped mountains, Guo Huihuang with a backpack, Qin Du meditating on a futon, Zhang Tongmeng sitting in the dark, Ning Peiping, Ning Peichun, and many more Familiar or unfamiliar faces, they are either alive or dead, but from now on, from the day when the longevity plan ends, everyone has ushered in the ending of this story.

Padmasambhava waved his hand, the picture dissipated, and the city of Chongqing behind the picture was still brightly lit.

"Go back." He said, "The underground of Yuanshan Garden is the closest connection point between the Saint Snow Mountain and the Second World. Therefore, the Secret Investigation Bureau has built fortifications there time and time again over the years, whether it is a bomb shelter during the Republic of China or a bomb shelter during the Republic of China. Later Yuanshan Garden was all to prevent things they didn’t know from happening. You know what I mean?"

Of course I understand that, just as the United Nations in the third world built a tower of civilization, people in the second world actually did something, but they may not know that these two worlds overlap, but they just feel that this is the same place. An evil place, so after limited research, I chose to seal it up.

This incompatible concrete mountain may be from that time.

"So, we climbed up the concrete hill, and one climbed up, and we could get to the underground of Yuanshan Garden?"

"Yes. Moreover, I feel that the overlap between the two worlds is still deepening, which will have some impact on the outside world in the future."

"What effect?"

"Just like a bug in the system, there may be a sudden anomaly in temperature, a sudden change in human nature, or an unexpected storm, or a sudden plague."

I am silent, these things have nothing to do with me.

"Cough cough cough, help me—"

As soon as I turned my head, a hand stretched out from the ground, it was Fang Jinyue.

"Are you not dead?" I said.

Fang Jinyue panted on the ground and said, "Where is it so easy? It's too cruel if I'm dead."

The group rested for a while, and Fang Jinyue fainted directly after the ship disintegrated. He didn't know if it was luck or bad. It was Fang Xingzhi who led him to find the exit, but Fang Xingzhi chose to stay there in the end.

I didn't have the other side's choice to make an evaluation. I just sat there silently, waiting for Chongyang to wake up, Gu Tang fainted again.

I touched his forehead, it was already very hot.

Padmasambhava said lightly: "He is going to die."

I didn't speak. Gu Tang's state was actually very bad long ago. He knew it, and I knew it, but neither of them knew how to face the last moment. They just didn't say it tacitly.

I silently carried Gu Tang on my back, and we must leave here for the hospital as soon as possible. Fang Jinyue wanted to help Chongyang, but he refused. The four people slowly walked towards the concrete mountain.

"Ning Chuan, this is the first time to do it." Liansheng stood behind and said lightly.

When I looked back, I looked at him for a while, "There are still some people below."

Padmasambhava sighed faintly, "I will try to save some people."

The next journey can be said to be lacklustre. Before the end of this story, the underground fortifications of Yuanshan Garden certainly deserve to be told as an important plot, but by now, it has lost its meaning.

There is a spatial reversal between the two worlds. I don't know when the concrete mountain in front of us becomes upside-down, or it is originally upside-down.

At the end of the mountain, we really entered the fortifications in the distant mountains. This underground fortification spreads in all directions, like a maze, with many things stored in it. It is similar to what I saw in the Dongxing warehouse. The Secret Investigation Bureau did not treat this fortification as a mere The tool to seal the evil land, but to serve as an important base.

We couldn't find the exit. We went up and down the concrete stairs, one by one in the concrete room. We went in and out from here. I was carrying Gu Tang on my back. I couldn't find the exit. I know that at this time, only the correct route can be found to save Gu Tang.

I began to recall that the engineering drawing of the Yuanshan fortification that Hu Qinan showed me, which I could not understand at the time, now I am beginning to recall the engineering drawing.

People’s memories are amazing. Now that I remember that day, I still feel incredible. Even though my memory is something I’ve always been proud of, but then I can’t reproduce the miracle of that day. Recall that engineering drawing, even the corner markings, or even a crease somewhere.

I don't know what helped me, maybe it was the words I just heard, maybe the sights I just saw, maybe it was Chongyang's silence, maybe it was Gu Tang's dying.

I took off Fang Jinyue's clothes and re-engraved a map on it with my own blood. But I still don't understand.

In the process of my exploration, Gu Tang woke up. He actually looked very energetic. He looked at this engineering drawing, and the blaster once again helped this team with his expertise. This is something he is very good at. .

So we found a right path. I carried Gu Tang on my back, holding the map in my hand, and looking at the indefinite route, my eyes felt a little astringent.

Gu Tang said he was okay, so I don't have to worry, and there is no time to call 120 after going out.

I don't know where Gu Tang was injured. The injury on his leg was definitely not fatal. Most of the fatal injuries came from internal organs.

In fact, recalling that day now, although I was very unwilling, it was more of a strong sense of powerlessness, because Gu Tang had stopped breathing when he was far, far away from the end of the underground fortification. So there is no assumption at all. No matter how fast we are and no matter how little time we delay, it will not be possible to save that person's life on that day.

At that time, we couldn't even take him away. This was his last request and put him on the fortifications of Yuanshan. In the last period of time, I said a lot of things to him, and it seemed that I didn’t say anything. Looking back now, I can’t remember what the two people talked about, I just remember that I found the last one from him. The smoke was lit and put into his mouth. He was talking to me intermittently. When the fireworks stopped lighting up, I heard Gu Tang's voice for the last time. He said that a leaf of duckweed belongs to the sea.

This is the only time between the two of us, no one said the next sentence.

We continue to move upwards.

The place that came out of the underground was actually where I saw Chongyang for the first time, but the thick concrete wall had been smashed open, otherwise we would be blocked close to the exit.

I squatted outside the parking lot like I did before, with Chongyang standing beside me and Fang Jinyue. After a long period of darkness, the light in the morning was so dazzling.

Fang Jinyue lost his former liveliness. The three of them stayed in the hospital for a period of time. I kept thinking about who broke through the concrete wall for us.

It can only be Ning Hanqing, the man who played everyone in the palm of his hand. In a story, such a character will not have a good ending, and I hope so.

But after this, I never saw him again, as if he had never been in this world, including everything in the longevity plan, in a long period of time, he quickly disappeared.

Later, I took Chongyang and Fang Jinyue to Beijing, and handled simple funeral affairs for the old man. Then I took Fang Jinyue around. The three of them had no thoughts. Fang Jinyue was about to start school, so I sent him home. .

Back in Chongqing, Chongyang was sitting on the sofa and playing with his mobile phone that day. There was a bird outside the window pecking at the glass. Chongyang seemed to want me to drive it away. I heard him yell the word Ning and stopped speaking.

When I went to see it, Chongyang was sitting on the sofa, holding a mobile phone in one hand, with his mouth slightly open, looking at me in amazement.

He forgot my name. (End of this chapter)