The Longevity Project

Chapter 65: Break through the wall (4)


He successively made a few marks around with his dagger, and then took out the detonator to start the final quantification.

I know this is about to explode. To be honest, it's really nervous. It's not just a matter of life, it's more of a male's natural love for the military.

After removing the fuse of the detonator, he cut the outer wall of the detonator with a dagger to reveal the TNT component inside, which was divided unevenly into seven parts and wrapped in tarpaulin paper.

Then it was placed at the previously marked blasting point, and finally a single complete detonator was placed at the last blasting point.

"Why is it so troublesome?" I asked.

"There is no tool to drill the eye, only peripheral blasting. What really works is the complete detonator, and the other blasting points are just a restriction."


"It is to suppress the energy generated by the explosion of a complete detonator within a predetermined range with the energy of the restricted blasting point, which increases the possibility of successful blasting while avoiding collapse and spreading."

Oh, after all, it means using force to control force.

After handling all the blasting points, Gu Tang took me away from the blasting center. "Why don't you light it?"

"You go order."

I:"… "

He drew out his handgun, loaded it, and pointed it at one of the blasting points from afar, and said to me: "Go away."

"Can't treat people here?"

"Without measuring instruments, the dosage is not easy to control. The explosion may spread here. I am far away and cannot hit the tipping point."

Hitting the tipping point here is also very powerful, okay. I was not hypocritical, and turned around and ran to the far corridor.

Gu Tang flashed a flashlight in one hand, held a gun in the other, and shouted, "Farther away!"

I ran back several tens of meters.

"Farther away!"

How do I feel like Tang Seng. I thought while running.

Before I could stop, a gunshot sounded behind me. Almost at the same time as the gunfire sounded, a suppressed explosion sounded at the same time.

For a while, the entire corridor vibrated violently, just like the phrase "Suddenly like a building will fall", the sky is spinning, explosions, cracking, falling soil and rock, and Gu Tang running hurriedly...

What is another sentence called? "The sound of wind and rain, the sound of reading, the sound is in your ears", I am "the sound of crackling and falling, the sound is urging for life."

Immediately afterwards, a wave of air violently hit my back, and the whole person was lifted up, and then in chaos, my Sky Spirit Cover directly hit the top of the corridor, like a battering ram. The ground, the second air flow hit immediately, and the whole person seemed to be controlled by the hand of fate, suddenly turned and smashed against the wall on the side.

I could hear the sound of my bones knocking and rattling. After I fell to the ground, I didn’t react. A heavy object came and hit my back because I was lying on the ground sideways. Before I had time to adjust my posture, I almost broke my arm.

Then I was so dumbfounded for a long time, and I didn't know when the explosion had dissipated. Anyway, my brain was just a swarm of roars.

I don’t know how long it took. I was shaken by someone. I tried to twist my neck. It hurt so badly, it should be injured.

The person who shook me was the heavy object that just hit my back. Gu Tang, the great blaster, almost flew and fell on my back.

Neither of us spoke, but we were sure that the other was still alive, and then we both lay there to relax. It is estimated that after ten minutes, there was still a roar in my mind, but I was able to struggle to get up.

Gu Tang still lay there and didn't move. He didn't know what was wrong, and he didn't know where the flashlight was. He couldn't see what was wrong with him.

"Gu Tang? Are you okay?" I asked tremblingly. Actually, I don't know what I said. It seems to be the sentence because I only heard a few words intermittently.

I won't be so deaf.

"Your elbow is touching my stomach, let me... Slowly..."

I heard everything Gu Tang said. It seems that I am not deaf, but... I have a problem with my throat? (End of this chapter)