The Longevity Project

Chapter 650: Concluding words with the author


At the end of 2019, a sudden epidemic interrupted the operation of the entire society. Chongyang and I spent a deserted Spring Festival in Yuanshan Garden.

Most of the other residents in Yuanshan Garden have moved away, and the few remaining households are silent. Most of the residents here were originally the Ning family. Now they either left the Ning family or died somewhere.

At this time, I discovered that Beijing Ningjia is finished, at least at the level of the Longevity Plan, Beijing Ningjia no longer exists. As for the longevity plan, I dare not assert that it is over, but this stage of nearly a hundred years from Ning's history and ending in Ningchuan has completely ended. Many of its achievements have been cleared once again, and it may be at the level of true science in the future. Achieved success, but it must have nothing to do with me.

My cooking skills have improved a lot in the past few years. I got up very early on New Year’s Eve to cook. By noon, I barely filled the table. As a result, I welcomed an unexpected guest, Li Yuanyi.

He was not dead, and he came out from the basement of the Yuanshan Garden in rags, just in time for lunch. He was the only one who came out of the underground after the three of us. Then I suddenly remembered that one person was ignored by me. That person was Guan Song. I didn’t know his ending, just like Gu Tang said. This person is easy to be ignored.

Guan Song must have his own story. I can't find much connection between him and the Longevity Project. Maybe Guan Song is not his real name, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Li Yuanyi took a shower, changed clothes, and left after lunch. This was the last time I saw him. In fact, in retrospect of the past few years, besides Gu Tang and Chongyang, Li Yuanyi is the most worthy of me. Thanks people. He has saved me many times and taught me many things, but because of his disdain to express his ideas, it is difficult to truly trust.

When Li Yuanyi was leaving, Chongyang and I stood in front of the door to send him away. Chongyang watched his back disappear into the courtyard and asked me what his name was

Regarding Chongyang Amnesia, I had been mentally prepared for a long time, but when that day really came, I was caught off guard.

The day the bird pecked the glass, it was the first time that Chongyang had forgotten my name. It was only for a short while. He quickly remembered it. In the next half year, there will be many such forgetting times, every time I remember it at intervals. It grows longer until it is completely forgotten.

Just like this damn epidemic, Chongyang lost his memory for a long time, and it was a painful thing for him and me. The things he remembered and the skills he mastered were lost one by one, and the words I told him were forgotten one by one. He once again forgot how to turn on the TV, once again he didn't know how to use hot water, and once again called SpongeBob as a pudding.

I tried my best to pretend to be calm and gentle. After so much, leaving one after another, I never showed a gaffe. I tried my best to treat all of this as an acceptable process. I even really felt that I was already The numbness is so numb that there will be no more intense emotions, even if Gu Tang died in front of me, even if the old man’s body rotted in the yard and was sent to the funeral home by the neighbor, even if Ning Shan died in an unknown sanatorium, even if one day on Double Ninth. Another day looked at me helplessly, even though he secretly wrote everything in his notebook, detailing what clothes he and I wore when we met on the first day.

He and I seldom talk about this aspect. We treat it as if memory loss does not exist. We stay at home all day long. After the epidemic has improved, we will also go out to travel. We have visited all the places he once wanted to go, and we are also in Gu Tang. Lived in his house for a while and didn’t know what to do with his house.

Finally I found the Smokey Doctor. I forgot his name. I only know that he is actually Gu Tang's friend. Seeing me coming to him alone, he asked while smoking, "Where is your brother Gu?"

"Nothing." I said.

The smoker spit out a puff of smoke, "I see, give me the key."

I gave him the key to Gu Tang's house. Gu Tang said before that this doctor can handle the funeral for him.

Later, I stopped by Ningshan's house to take a look, but I didn't know how to deal with the people in the house. I hadn't contacted my sister-in-law for a long time, and I hadn't contacted Ning Yuan. I didn't have any other excuses. I just didn't dare. I saw from a distance that I would rather get out of the car. I didn't hide, and I was sitting on the corner. I would rather obviously see me, but didn't look back and went straight into the door.

Later, I returned to Chongqing with Chongyang. Because his amnesia is getting worse. It has reached a point that cannot be ignored.

No matter how hard he works, no matter how calm I am, there are always many things unstoppable.

He almost forgot everything. He began to completely forget my name. He ate, slept, and went to the bathroom like a baby. The baby would not know and would not mind who the people around him were, and Chongyang did the same.

He sleeps longer and longer, and most of the time he only wakes up for a few hours a day. Most of the time, it is in the afternoon. He starts to stop eating. I know, all this is in preparation for the final deep sleep. .

It was one afternoon, the setting sun came in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the living room was like a layer of golden water waves. I came out of the bathroom after taking a shower. Chongyang didn’t know when I woke up and sat on the sofa in the golden Looking at me in the water wave, he said, I am going to die.

I said you just lost your memory.

He shook his head. He said that he felt that the person named Chongyang was dying, and that only a body was still alive.

In the evening, he fell asleep again. That day was October 25, 2020, the ninth day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, the Double Ninth Festival. I waited for a long time and never waited until he woke up.

The epidemic is longer than everyone expected. Fang Jinyue spent most of the freshest time in college life at home. When he returned to school, it seemed that he was not even familiar with the campus. He is already an old and declining senior.

I have contacted him several times, and then intermittently learned from the circle of friends that he had participated in a competition and won a prize, made a girlfriend, and then broke contact. Once I saw him in Nanluoguxiang, just one Back view, did not speak, took out the phone to prepare to ask, but did not know what to say.

Life has to go on, even in the epidemic. Hu Qinan didn't come back. I started to learn how to manage the company and how to fight with the old foxes in the company. From deflation to tie and then to the upper hand, people always have a growth process.

I started to sell a lot of the company's business and won praise from those old foxes. Tibet, Guangxi, Inner Mongolia, Vietnam, and a real estate called Yuanshan Garden in Chongqing. Those businesses that have to be sold are indeed cumbersome for Shanchuan Real Estate. It took me a long time to learn that after being taken over by others, all those assets have gradually entered the hands of a national-style enterprise, but this has nothing to do with me. God’s will still exists, and the Ning family also has a higher company. Place, but I just take it as a cold eye.

Yuanshan Garden is the last place I planned to sell. Before that, I moved Chongyang to Tibet, in a place called Medog in Linzhi, where there are few people and few mosquitoes.

When I was sorting things out, I found a dirty backpack. It turned out to be what we changed on the day we climbed out of the underground fortifications, a pile of torn clothes, and a map painted in blood. I looked at the map carefully, but I couldn't remember where Gu Tang was on the map.

When I was about to burn these things, I found a string of numbers on the back of the map. It is a string of numbers written in blood.

I looked at them, and the only people who had touched this map were me and Gu Tang.

At that moment, I actually thought what clue this was, and what damn person was hiding in the dark to give me a message. This smelly and long story will continue, but I soon understood this string. The meaning of the number, this is Gu Tang's bank card password.

I sat on the ground and looked at the string of numbers. After daybreak, I packed up everything and moved to a community with many residents. Every day, there were people doing morning exercises outside, and there were dancing at night, and crowded places. Always make people mundane, morning exercises and dancing are the things that should not be disappointed.

I began to try to write the final ending for this story. In fact, after returning to Chongqing from Helan Mountain at the end of 2016, Ning University had already written the beginning of this story on a certain website, but then too much happened, whether it was Ning Er is still me, and I don't have the energy to update. After writing this story, it is also the common idea of Ning University and Ning Er.

During the epidemic, when Chongyang didn’t completely forget me, I continued to write this story that had been broken for a few years. Many details had to be discussed with Chongyang. When Ning Da wrote the first 100,000 characters of this story, I chose to use the first one. One-person narration, because he didn't expect the protagonist to die later. This is a story with three protagonists, Ning Da's separate line, after he died underground in Longshan, the story appeared two protagonists, Ning Er and I.

Since I lived to the end, the story after Longshan should be written from my perspective, but when Ning Er died, I promised him that he should also be the protagonist, and the wishes of the dead must always be satisfied, plus Certain narrative tricks are always interesting, so I tell the story from Longshan to Ning Er's death in Vietnam from Ning Er's perspective.

It now appears that the overly complex and long-winded narrative has left many readers at a loss, and repeated reversals have also made this story suspected of overturning. In any case, our story really ends here. I originally wanted to sort out the clues one more time to make this story more complete, but suddenly realized that in less than two years, even the things I have experienced, even the plots I wrote by myself, have been in Many details are vague, and the power at the point of time is really unstoppable. After thinking about it, I've already written it here. Those pits that have turned thousands of times and are generally on the surface of the moon, whether they are filled or not filled, are actually of little significance.

The meaning of life is to have meaning, and the value of existence is to exist. The epidemic will always disappear, the story will always end, the sleeping people will always wake up, and the separated people will always meet again. Maybe after a long, long time, Chongyang will write a summary and extra for this story

I wish we can all wait until that day.

—End of "Longevity Project·Volume Four·Far Mountain Fortifications"

—The end of the book "Longevity Plan" (end of this chapter)

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