The Longevity Project

Chapter 71: Strange trees and flash floods (1)


"Help-life-ah!" I was flying in the air, the sound of hunting wind rang in my ears, and the airflow across my face was estimated to blow out eighteen folds of my face.

In a hurry, I opened my eyes against the wind. Fortunately, the cold light bomb has gradually dimmed. Even if I opened my eyes in the center of the light, I wouldn't be blinded instantly.

Then in that moment, in my field of vision, I saw a part of this huge underground space for the first time.

Under the pale luminescence, a huge tree growing from the depths of the earth appeared in my field of vision. Without leaves, with vines as branches, what I can see now is only a small part. More vines are hidden in the darkness. The nearby ground and mountain walls are all covered with the vines of this strange tree, as if The peristaltic intestines are normal, twisting slowly.

I was just entangled by this stuff, no wonder Chongyang is so difficult to move forward. I was about to look back at the situation on Chongyang, but I thought of myself too much as a bird. After all, I still couldn't fly. After rising for a certain distance, I started to fall.

This made me have to concentrate on adjusting my posture so that the king could catch me-he had been waiting there for a long time with his wings of love spread.

His position is very accurate, and when my flight arrives, he is ready.

But I still underestimated my own gravity. The first thing I came into contact with the king was my forward-looking hands, and then in the next moment, my stomach was directly on his head, hardly enough to react as the king, the two of them were like It's like being hit by a car in the TV series, flying far away from the camera.

I can’t remember how many times I fell like this. Just when I fell in a daze, when I heard someone running over, I reluctantly looked back. It was Su Mu. What surprised me was this woman. There is no one around.

In other words, except for the great king Chongyang, the other players who followed Su Mu did not come here.

Su Mu was in charge of several equipment bags, which should belong to Chongyang and Dawang. After she ran over, she looked at the injuries for the king who fell worse than me, and then ran over to help me up. After I barely stood up, For the first time, I used a normal standing perspective to look at this space.

Even though the range of cold light bombs is large, I still haven't seen the end of this place. I only know that the terrain here slopes toward the center of the earth with a steep slope.

And the most eye-catching thing is the giant tree that grows from the ground. What we see now is only a part of it. The diameter of the trunk is probably as small as 20 meters. This is only the thinnest part of the trunk at the top.

The most weird thing is its branches, which can basically be said to be snakes. The ones near Chongyang are squirming slowly. The branches near Chongyang have teeth and claws. From a distance, the bunch of squirming branches seems to be rotten. earthworm.

I should have been hung upside down on the edge just now, so Chongyang could rescue me. If I was hung in the center, it would be a question whether I could be seen.

Chongyang is returning now, with a toad mirror on his face, no wonder he can save people with the cold light flare when the light is in full bloom.

The roads are covered with thick and thin "guts", but Chongyang is so skilled that it will quickly bypass those things and join us.

At this time, Su Mu was applying medicine to me. As I walked along the way, I didn't wear clothes on my upper body, and my lower body was just a pair of pajamas. Although Gu Tang Chongyang helped me a lot, I still suffered a lot of skin injuries.

By the way, Gu Tang! Where is Gu Tang? (End of this chapter)