The Longevity Project

Chapter 72: Strange trees and flash floods (2)


For a while, I groaned secretly in my heart, not sure whether I should ask Chongyang to save Gu Tang.

I almost became a white-faced person by Yunnan Baiyao. After Chongyang came over, I squatted next to me, "Why did you come over from the cliff?"

Hearing his question, King Su Mu also looked at me. Before due to physical reasons, I stayed on the cliff and waited for the return of Chongyang, but Gu Nanshan and the others led me in.

I told them the truth about my experience along the way.

"Gu Nanshan..." Su Mu muttered for a while after hearing the name.

"How do you know them?" I said, I guessed it more or less before, Gu Nanshan and Gaoxia Su Mu must know them.

She glanced at me and said nothing.

Seeing that Su Mu didn't speak, I didn't bother to wait for her to answer, but asked her to search and rescue Gu Tang.

Gu Tang helped me a lot. He fell down with me. He must be here, maybe... still alive.

As I expected, Su Mu flatly refused, "We decided to save you on the face of Chongyang. We have lost too many people along the way."

From the mouth of Su Mu, I realized that their journey was not easy. They were attacked by snakes again in the woods of the gorge. In the end they went through a lot of hardships and went deep into the cracks in the mountain. They almost rolled down hundreds of meters before they found the way The road to the Jing clan city, but it should be in the opposite direction to ours. There are thousands of stone sculptures of the Jing clan soldiers.

When they entered the city, they happened to see a fire on the other side of the Jing Clan city, which was the fire that Gu Tang and I set. Knowing that other people had entered, Su Mu thought that it might be the missing Gaoxia team, and just wanted to lead the team. Converging, the stone carvings of the Jing clan began to attack without knowing why.

Su Mu and the others had no choice but to run farther and farther with us in the process of escaping. After that, they finally got rid of the chasing and interception of the stone carvings of the Xiao clan, and began to walk along the depths of the city center of the Xiao clan, and at this time they had only three people left. .

Then I heard my call for help right here.

"I heard you say that the stone carvings of the Jing clan were a planned offensive, not in a disorderly manner?" I was surprised, because the generals of the Jing clan that Gu Nanshan and I met also attacked us, but they were scattered. It did not pose too much threat to us.

"Yes." Su Mu nodded, "and among them, it seems... there is also a commander." She hesitated and said to the king and Chongyang: "I don't know if you have seen the figure in the middle of the stone sculpture."

The king looked blank, but Chongyang nodded: "Always stand at the center of the army, wearing a mask."

mask! A trace of horror flashed in my heart, and an unstoppable figure appeared in my mind—the king of the shaman clan. Wearing a black iron profound armor and a hideous mask, he chased Gu Tang and me for a long time, and asked a word from Gu Tang. Then Gu Tang and I also secretly followed him to find the underground palace of the Xiao Clan.

If it is really him...

Gu Nanshan and the others were arguing at the very beginning—whether the King of the Shao Clan could be resurrected. Now the result is obvious.

I just don't know why he just woke up when we came here.

We awakened him, or because Gao Xia Su Mu and others came here because he was about to wake up.

In any case, all of this has something to do with the Longevity Plan, and I definitely did not happen to be involved in it. Chongyang has a great relationship with this matter.

But I can't figure out why I was involved in this matter, is it really just because I am the grandson of Ning Hanqing? (End of this chapter)