The Longevity Project

Chapter 77: Deep in the canopy (1)


Fortunately, the vines did not have a strange smell, otherwise it would be really unbearable.

"Are you all right." I asked.

Chongyang lowered his head to untie the vines on his legs, "It's okay." The two of them leaned close and breathed onto each other's face.

"Come on and save me!" the king shouted.

I squeezed and adjusted the direction, found the shiny side, and cut through the thick layer of vines with a dagger.

In the process, I found that my initial guess was correct. If I move fast, these vines move fast. If I move slow, they will be lazy. This also brings us great hope of escape.

If they are very aggressive, we basically have no chance of going out, but these vines actually adhere to the principle that the enemy is strong and we are weak, and our hope of getting out will be greatly increased.

As I slowly cut open the vines, the light on the side of the king became more and more obvious.

Finally, a complete king who was hanging upside down appeared in front of us. With the light of the flashlight pinned to his shoulder, I could see this cramped space for the first time.

The gray and blue vines of the baby's arms are intertwined and entangled, our feet, the top of the head, and the sides are all of them.

The foot is still very soft when stepping on it, which makes me have to act lightly, because here is the crown of the tree in the sky. Of course, it seems that we should be in the deepest part of the canopy, and the vines are still dense.

The king hung upside down there and swayed over. I was responsible for catching him, and Chongyang jumped up to cut off the vines that bound him.

"What should I do now?" The king rubbed his numb leg with a grin.

The three people crowded together, especially crowded, Chongyang took a dagger to cut the surrounding vines, making the space a little wider.

The surrounding vines squirmed slightly, and occasionally crawled on us slowly and were pulled aside by us.

"We are safe for the time being, but this situation cannot continue." The king gave us a look, "... We only have a flashlight and two daggers."

"Didn't you carry the equipment bag?" I asked.

"I was carrying it on my back, but when I was hung here by the vine, I lost it."

"Only try to see if you can get out from here, and then find a way to make ropes from these vines and hang them down from here." Chongyang said.

That’s right, making ropes with vines was our first idea, but the situation at the time did not allow us to do so. Now the situation is safer and we have enough time, but we are trapped here by these vines again.

The first step is to find a way out from surrounded by vines, which consumes more energy.

Chongyang and Dawang opened the way, I gave them a flashlight, and when the Dawang was tired, I would go up to replace him, and then when he had enough rest, I would go to replace him.

These vines are very strong, and it is easier to cut one or two, but after a long time, I feel that my arms are unconscious.

The three people moved very slowly in the depths of the vines, and the road that we worked so hard behind us would soon be reoccupied by the vines, leaving no trace.

As if forever, the edge of this sea of vines has never been seen. I was also mentally prepared. The top branches of this huge tree that grew from deep underground were about 20 meters thick. I didn't expect to find a way out deep in the canopy soon. (End of this chapter)