The Longevity Project

Chapter 79: Deep in the canopy (3)


"What should I do then?" The king held the lighter in his hand, with that lingering cigarette in his mouth, staring loosely in front of him, "I really don't want to die here."

He is about forty years old. It is the old and the young. At the time of life and death, he thinks more of his family.

It seems that I have not reached the point of death, but there is nothing to do-I can only swim aimlessly in the depths of the vines, unable to find a way out. This is very similar to the time when Gu Tang and I were on the looping corridor. In the end, we used The detonator forcibly exploded the stone wall. Although he did not know the amount of TNT, it was indeed a way to break the game. Now the three of them are trapped, but there are only a few daggers and other useless objects.

Chongyang sat quietly on the side, while the three of them were resting, he turned off his flashlight, the battery was already low, so save it if you can.

The surroundings were completely dark, very quiet, only the breathing of the three people could be heard, and the rustling of the vines slowly squirming when listening carefully.

"I don't know if you found out..." Chongyang said.


"The vines around us are beginning to show some thicker branches."

I looked at it and it was true. At first, the few people were surrounded by vines with the thickness of the arm. Now... they are still the thickness of the arm, but occasionally there are some thicker branches.

"We are actually getting deeper..." Chongyang said: "The closer you go to the center of the canopy, the thicker the branches of the plant will be."

This means... we have been moving in the wrong direction. Several people have been looking for the edge of the canopy, and then walked out. However, it now appears that our previous efforts were all in vain, running away from the goal.

"This is not the point." Chongyang continued, "When we were choosing the direction to open the road, we had been subconsciously looking for the direction of the finer branches as the direction to open the road, but... we just walked towards the depths of the vines. road."

"The reality is contrary to our vision. We have always wanted to escape from birth, but unconsciously, we walked into a hard way."

"Don't you think there is something wrong..."

After careful consideration, a depressed feeling surged into my heart, and I understood what Chongyang meant to express.

The things that several people have been trying to avoid happened unknowingly. Then one can make a guess that someone deliberately wants something we are afraid of happen, or that it is not people doing it, but... tree!

This huge underground tree is born and leads us to the depths of death step by step. This is so frightening. We are like prey in a maze, thinking that we have always chosen the right path, but we don't know that our biggest opponent is not the person who laid the maze, but this huge maze.

In other words... The maze is its own layouter.

The road we have been seeing has been trapped by this tree. It has already possessed wisdom, step by step, bringing its prey into desperation.

I comfort myself, this is just a speculation.

The three of them stopped making noises, and in the extreme silence, the rustling around them gave people a feeling of suffocation. Everything around them was squirming slowly, trying to escape, but there was nothing they could do.

After a short rest, Chongyang re-illuminated the flashlight, and was about to get up and continue to open the road. He just stood up, but immediately extinguished the flashlight, and the surroundings plunged into darkness again.

"what's happenin?"

"Listen." He whispered, "Something is coming." (End of this chapter)