The Longevity Project

Chapter 8: Secret Investigation Bureau


The tea in the cup is cold, and the fire in the room is out. The sky was twilight, and the wind and snow gradually ceased.

The story of the monk named Meng Qisheng is drawing to a close.

"Later, I brought Ah Di here. On this snowy field, it was considered clean. Here, I thought a lot. The reason why Ah Di was able to die and resurrect must have a great relationship with that wet flood. .

Therefore, the wet Jiao is called the Longevity Buddha for a reason. And over the years, I have been investigating about wet floods, so I still have a certain understanding of wet floods..."

Meng Qisheng's face was covered with fine and dense lines, which appeared and disappeared in the darkness.

I glanced at the closed wooden door. Meng Qisheng had been closing the door tightly before, and there seemed to be something closed inside.

Now, I finally know.

The man in the room has been dying for nearly a hundred years from 1943 to the present.

Thinking of this, shudder.

"After I came here, I could only eat food containing Adi's meat. Simply, Adi has been growing rotten meat continuously." Meng Qisheng's tone was calm and seemed to be talking about something that couldn't be more ordinary. .

I stared at the plate of steamed buns on the low table with a pale face, which turned yellow.

Just now, I ate one, and I didn’t feel anything was wrong when I ate it.

The monk also ate a few and chewed slowly.

"Adi entrusts the blessing of the wet Jiao, and I also entrust the blessing of Adi, and I have lived till today."

The dead are resurrected, and the carnivores live forever.

It turns out that this is the Longevity Buddha.

"However, I once had a doubt about this matter."

Meng Qisheng opened his eyes suddenly, staring at me straightforwardly, and calmly narrated in his hoarse voice.

"After Ah Di and Wet Jiao disappeared with the big ship, what have they experienced? After Ah Di came back, they became like this."

The monk said lightly, his dry face lifted up, but his eyes were staring at me.

"Many years ago, a person named Ning Hanqing found me and told me the whole thing. Only then did I know the whole thing."

"What is the relationship between you and Ning Hanqing?" He asked suddenly.

I straightened up suddenly, the cold hair on my back stood up.

Ning Hanqing is my grandfather. He has another identity-a researcher called the Secret Investigation Bureau.

Once, his third identity was the captain of a certain fishing boat.

I don't know how the monk knew about my relationship with my grandfather, but my grandfather did have something to do with him.

My grandfather Ning has a long history and was born at the beginning of the last century, that is, in 1900.

In 1931, on the basis of the former Qing government, the Kuomintang established a secret agency, the full name is "KMT Secret Affairs Investigation Bureau", referred to as the Secret Investigation Bureau.

In Chinese history, the establishment of every political power symbolized a reshuffle of power.

However, while the old regime is overturned, some institutions or organizations will not be subverted, but will be tacitly preserved by the new authority and continue to exist.

After the establishment of the National Government, when there was still chaos within the government, a batch of documents from dynasties and dynasties were sent to the hands of those in power. These documents have attracted the attention of the upper levels of power.

After a series of rights rolling, the Secret Investigation Bureau was finally established as a confidential organization, and continued to conduct research on the basis of previous records.

In 1943, the twelfth year of the establishment of the Secret Investigation Bureau, the Secret Investigation Bureau under the leadership of my grandfather started the "Southeast Coast Wet Flood Investigation Project".

However, as a secret behind-the-scenes organization at that time, the KMT did not have the ability to mobilize resources within the Kuomintang, which had frequent powers.

Therefore, the leaders of the Secret Investigation Bureau began to use forces outside the government to conduct research.

The agents of the Secret Investigation Bureau selected a group of absolutely credible businessmen and used their resources in the form of payment.

This group of businessmen was asked to keep secrets.

Meng Qisheng is one of these businessmen.

The research operation at that time was only part of the secretarial director's plan.

It is a research action on wet floods.

In 1940, the people from the Secret Investigation Bureau issued a reward for catching the damp flood.

A group of businessmen went to sea to search for the wet flood, all of which were carried out under the supervision of the Secret Investigation Bureau.

However, this investigation plan has not made any progress. The reason is that the Secret Investigation Bureau does not have much information about wet floods and does not know much about the habits of wet floods.

Until 1943, my grandfather hid his identity and personally began to monitor a Shanxi businessman named Meng Qisheng.

The captain of the fishing boat that Meng Qisheng rented was my grandfather, and the boss of the boat was also the person in the Secret Bureau.

In these days when going to sea, the domestic upper-level power has once again undergone a large-scale reshuffle, the few funds of the secret investigation bureau are interrupted, and the executive team is also at risk of being banned at any time.

So on the way back to Meng Qisheng, the secret policemen took the risk and took the fishing boat away.

During the period when the fishing boat was driven away, the researchers of the Secret Investigation Bureau conducted experiments on Meng Qisheng’s wife, Wang Di, based on the documents left by predecessors—Rang Shijiao and Wang Di **.

Later, the fishing boat and Wang Di were returned to the port, and the wet Jiao was transported to Tianjin by another ship.

All this is going on in secret.

In the following months, the Secret Investigation Bureau began to secretly observe Wang Di's situation in Shanxi.

The information left by the Secret Investigation Bureau recorded the death of Wang Di, and Meng Qisheng was also missing. But in the end, Meng Qisheng, who was buried alive, brought the resurrected Wang Di here to hide.

The strange thing is, how did Meng Qisheng recognize me as a descendant of Ning's history

"Ning Hanqing, who are you."

The monk sat there, his voice hoarse, and asked again.

"Ning Hanqing, it's my grandpa"

I looked at Meng Qisheng's straight eyes and answered his question.

The monk seemed to smile.

"Is it finally started again?" he muttered to himself.

I don't know what he is talking about, but I intuitively think this is a very complicated matter.

He seemed to glance at me mockingly, "I don't know how many years ago it was, maybe after the new regime was established..."

Meng Qisheng set aside the fire and glanced at me with a stiff face.

"Ning Hanqing brought some people here to look for me. I don’t know how he knew I was not dead. However, at that time, the Secret Investigation Bureau had been disbanded. Your grandfather seems to be continuing a study. He didn't fully tell me what happened back then, but he asked me to wait for someone here."

After that, Meng Qisheng glanced at me again.

I was shocked and suspicious, it was obvious that the person my grandfather wanted Ning Hanqing to wait for was me. But I was born in 1993, and my grandfather is said to have passed away as early as 1973. I have never seen him before, and there is no picture of him at home.

Does he want this monster-like character to wait for me here

Speaking of it, shouldn't Meng Qisheng and my grandfather have a deep hatred? Shouldn't Meng Qisheng tear up when he saw my grandfather.

Listening to his tone now, why do these two people still feel like they don't care about the past

He seemed to see through what I was thinking, and said indifferently: "Although Ning Hanqing did not tell me the complete story, I know that after the establishment of the new regime, Ning Hanqing stayed on the mainland to continue research, and what I needed, It was Shun Shun Li's death."

"Only Ning Hanqing can help me. He also took advantage of this and asked me to help him. Talking to a person who has harmed himself is really a feeling of reluctance to remember."

Meng Qisheng's face resembled a walnut, and the calm lines on it suddenly became ugly after an earthquake suddenly appeared.

"Do you know how painful it is for a person to live without being a man or a ghost, cannot see the light, cannot be discovered by others, have no relatives or friends, want to commit suicide but come back alive inexplicably

His tone was agitated, as if a wolf whose scars had been uncovered was trembling all over. I watched him vigilantly, he wouldn't be so excited to kill me and make a bun, would he

The hand involuntarily touched the boot, where was my dagger.

He chuckled, nervously, and sounded like a leaking bellows, "Ning Hanqing was already very old when he was here. Now, he is probably dead, right?"

His tone was no longer the previous madness, only full of ridicule, "He has studied the longevity of his life for half his life, and in the end, it is not that I have lived as long as a test article..."

Seeing that his emotions seem to have a tendency to lose control, I said that I could not let him play on this topic, and quickly interrupted and asked: "How are you sure, the person my grandfather wants you to wait for is me?" I doubted. Looking at this "monk" who has lived for an unknown period of time.

"You will not admit your mistakes, you are very similar to him. I knew when I rescued you that people from Ning's history are here."

"Does my grandfather look a lot like me?"

I'm very curious. I have never seen anything related to my grandfather at home, including photos. At first, I felt that it was different from other families, but then I gradually got used to it.

Meng Qisheng didn't continue the topic, and the whole person calmed down like dust settled, returning to the initial indifferent state.

"The wind and snow are over, the sky is twilight, the donor, let's return soon..." Meng Qisheng closed his eyes slightly, got up and folded his hands together, and said to me.

My grandfather asked him to wait for me here. According to the development of the plot, shouldn't he bring me a sentence or a letter now

I was about to ask, but he took the lead.

"Ning Hanqing wants me to tell you..."


"Something, in the building."

I looked at him, and when he continued speaking, I found that he had no intention of speaking.

"What does this mean? To be honest, I don't really understand."

"Ning Hanqing only asked me to tell you this sentence, the others are not important." The monk said lightly.

I almost let Xue freeze to death, but you told me it's not important

"The dust has been settled, and I will leave here soon. Adi's situation has not been stable recently. Donor, please go back..." Then, the monk got up to see off the guests.

In the morning light of winter, he saluted me.

Under the shining snow, Meng Qisheng's wrinkled face showed no expression. It seemed that all the previous emotions had been hidden, and he had restored the appearance of the Taoist monk.

I am not this perverted opponent. He made a gesture of seeing off the guests, so naturally I couldn't stay long.

I returned a gift, walked out the door, and squinted at the dilapidated plaque—Yinianan.

At this moment, the wind and snow have disappeared, and the journey is clear.

Step by step, I stepped on the snow and left the endless snowfield.


"Investigation Report on the Damp Flood of the Sea God of Southeast Asia in 1943 (Excerpt)

◎Foreword: Slightly

Wet Jiao (shark man)

◎Survival overview

Born in ■■■, it is currently an endangered species.

Mainly living in the deep sea, sex-loving, omnivorous, and primate-eating creatures. From month to month, male and female wet dragons will float on the surface of the sea.


The sex of the wet Jiao is in the mouth, and the method of sex is oral sex.

◎Inspection process

◎Experimental subjects

◎Experimental process

◎Experimental conclusion

If the wet flood is human, the virus carried in its body will be transmitted to humans in the form of body fluid transmission. Humans carrying the virus will accelerate the division of human cells and organ functions after an incubation period of about one month.

◎Case status


In doubt, it is recommended to suspend the project and tilt the resources of the Bureau to other projects. (End of this chapter)