The Longevity Project

Chapter 80: Deep in the canopy (4)


Hearing what Chongyang said, I became nervous too, half leaning against the vines. The clearest sound around was the rustling of the vines. However, there were... other strange tones.

The sound is not loud, but it stands out under the background of the environment.

The sound sounds very far apart, passing through the vines and vaguely into the ears.

"Click... Click... Click..."

It seems that some kind of rodent is slowly chewing something, and...still moving slowly.

"Click... Click... Click..."

The sound is slowly approaching us, moving slowly, but getting clearer and clearer, and it is no longer necessary to hold the sound to be able to hear clearly. The three of them froze in the darkness for a while. Under the depressed atmosphere, I remembered a story I had heard a long time ago.

It is said that there is a person who lives alone, and fell asleep watching a horror movie on the sofa late at night. When he woke up, he found that there was no power outage. It was midnight when the neighbors quarreled. It was very intense, and then, there was a faint dull sound, like... using a bone cutter to chop ribs.

After a long time, there were intermittent sounds of cows eating grass in the garden outside the door, and the man couldn't tell what the sound was, but some sounds like cows eating grass.

"Click... Click... Click..."

The intermittent noise went from far to near, and finally stopped outside the man's door. The man stood inside his door, hesitating for a long time, and finally did not open the door to find out.

When the door opened the next morning, the corpse of a woman whose hands and feet had been cut off was lying in front of the door. The grass in the garden was in her mouth.

I don't know why I suddenly remembered such a story. Maybe, not far away from us, the thing hidden in the depths of the vines is also a corpse whose hands and feet have been cut off

The atmosphere was very depressing, and the three dared not act rashly. The strange noise was already very close.

"Click... Click... Click..."

We are now regarded as a dark place. Once we act rashly, from dark to light, we are afraid that we will be more passive if we don't know what it is.

Under my gaze, I don't know when, the clicking sound never sounded again.

Did you leave, or... Ready to go

We did not turn on the flashlights, and the three of them were plunged into darkness. Although I could not see clearly, I could still feel that Chongyang and the King were tensed and prepared for defense.

Time seemed to stand still, and in the dull atmosphere, beads of sweat condensed on the nose.

Finally, the deadlock was broken, and what broke the deadlock was the weird noise that was close at hand.

"Click... Click... Click..."

People are not only easily frightened when they are relaxed, but also easily frightened by sudden disturbances when their nerves are extremely tense.

However, at the same time I was shocked, I found a problem. How could this sound... be so familiar? It was too far apart, and separated by vines, and it didn't sound very real. But now it is almost at hand, and it can be judged that there is only a vine barrier that is not too thick. The sound seems to be... the sound of a dagger cutting the vine!

"Click... Click... Click..."

A thought passed through my mind—maybe it was...a person over there? (End of this chapter)