The Longevity Project

Chapter 82: Deep in the canopy (6)


The king took off the cigarette that had been hanging softly on his mouth and pinched it with his thumb and index finger. After that posture as if he was about to take a deep breath, he threw it on the ground and crushed it with the toe of his shoe, and then shouted to Lao Tzu. Disabled!

However, it did not.

I was about to speak to ease the atmosphere, the king grinned and handed the cigarette to Gu Tang, "Is there any fire?"

I:"… "

Speechless to speechless, but it is a good thing after all. I was relieved. It seems that the king still knows how to weigh the pros and cons and does not intend to tear his face. After all, the most important thing now is how to get out of the depths of the vine.

Gu Tang took out a flip-top lighter and handed it to the king. This is considered to be a temporary trust between the two. I found the opportunity to ask Gu Tang, "How did you get here?"

"I fell with my head knocked on the stone wall. I fainted. I woke up and came here. I haven't found my way out."

It seems that although Gu Tang is better than me, he has more ideas than me. I was only hung from the periphery by vines and rescued by Chongyang, but he was dragged to the deepest point and lost as much as we are.

"Where is this place?" Gu Tang looked at the dense and endless jungle of vines, "How can there be such a large jungle of plants under this ground?"

It turns out that he thought we were trapped in a strange jungle, so don’t blame him. After all, Gu Tang appeared here as soon as he woke up, and there was no way to see the whole picture of this giant tree. I was afraid that he wanted to break his head. Unable to guess, this huge maze that had trapped him for so long turned out to be the crown of a tree.

"Hey, don't you know, this is actually a canopy of a huge ancient tree growing underground, and the surrounding vines are its branches." I explained, "We saw it with our own eyes when we were outside."

Gu Tang thought for a while and nodded, "Yes, it makes sense. Due to lack of light, all its branches and leaves are degraded."

After that, he frowned again, "Xiao Ning, that's not right, it doesn't make sense."

"Huh? How to say?"

"I walked deep in the vines alone for so long, and found that the vines around me are basically the same thickness, but occasionally branches of slightly different thickness appeared."

"Yes, we are the same."

"The question arises here. If it is really the crown of a tree, will all its branches be of average thickness?"

"According to the law of energy flow inside plants in nature, the branches and trunks of a normal gymnosperm should be of different thickness."

"Huh? Yes, this is indeed a problem." The king nodded thoughtfully.

"Could you make a mistake in your judgment, this is not a tree?"

"No..." The king waved his hand, "This is what we have seen with our own eyes, and there is basically no dispute."

"Then there is only one possibility." Chongyang said, "As we just speculated, this tree is planning everything.

"It doesn't want us to get away successfully, so it keeps a group of people in circles inside its canopy. At the same time, he doesn't want intruders to touch its main branches, so it keeps us trapped in the young vine area outside it."

I have to say that Chongyang's speculation makes some sense, "But why don't you want us to touch its main branches?"

"Shooting a man, shooting a horse, catching a thief, and catching the king, is the same. If the intruder wants to bring harm to it, the most important method is to cut off the main branch. Once the main branch dies, then all its branches It just fell apart."

"In other words, the biggest weakness of this tree lies in the part it has always hidden, that is, its main branches." (End of this chapter)