The Longevity Project

Chapter 86: Deep in the canopy (10)


"I don't want to blow you up this time!"

"Uproot this thing!" The eyes of the few people were full of vicious smiles. They were really tossed so badly by this inexplicable weird tree before, and were too aggrieved by its silent pit.

A few people found a corner to squat, and Gu Tang started the second blasting. This time the amount used was several times that of the last time, but the superimposed effect was far beyond the last time.

Here I have to praise the blaster Gu Tang. This man’s marksmanship is also very good. The second time he blasted, he was placed a hundred meters away, and the surroundings were almost dark. He just relied on the memory position and shot. , Detonate easily.

After almost an earth-shaking period, several people were smashed badly, especially me, because my upper body was bare, and I was bruised by the flying vines. The others were not much better. Everyone was in ragged clothes. There are strips of cloth hanging.

However, after seeing the whole body clearly, the eyes of the few people were full of surprises-the ground that appeared before them completely disappeared, and replaced by a void with no end in sight. Obviously, the crown of the giant tree has been completely blown through by Gu Tang.

What's more surprising is that there are large expanses of white light revealed in the cavity, illuminating the surrounding white faintly.

"Awesome, this cannon was fired... Tsk tsk, it exploded directly out of the mountain."

I am also confused. It stands to reason that we should be deep underground now, there is no possibility of light, and the white light that resembles moonlight in front of me is really coming through from under the huge vine cavity in front of me. .

Several people stumbled and ran over. The bottom of the tree canopy had been completely blown through. The probe looked down. We were at an altitude of several hundred meters, and below... was a huge city shrouded in cold moonlight.

"What the hell is this..." The king stared blankly at the magnificent city hundreds of meters below.

Gu Tang drew a sigh of relief, "This is the real... The Underground Palace of the Shao Clan."

The cobweb-covered city that Gu Tang and I visited before is really insignificant compared to the city in front of us.

The gray and black tones of the vicissitudes of the city were shrouded in a cold white light, and countless cornices and tiles were squeezed and squeezed close to each other. What kind of an unknown civilization is the Jing Clan, building such a vicissitudes of life in this isolated underground.

The question before us is how to go down. Compare this. With a few people living in the air at a height of several hundred meters, this city is beyond sight, and can only see the dense ancient buildings spreading into the distance. Since the line of sight is blocked, I can't see the end of the city, maybe I can just change the angle.

"Let’s go and look elsewhere. We can only try our luck. If we can’t find a way to continue, we will really give up all our efforts and watch the big pancake starve to death." The king recovered from his shock.

"Hurry up, the vines are refilling here." Chongyang reminded.

The four of them looked around, and indeed, all the vines in the visible place were squirming slowly, trying to swallow the huge space that appeared out of nowhere.

"This thing has a strong sense of territory."

Fortunately, the four of them walked around the huge hollow not long before they saw a steep mountain wall with no top view appeared in their field of vision, which was also the edge of the city below.

"See if I can figure out a solution from the mountain wall." (End of this chapter)