The Longevity Project

Chapter 90: Stone Stack Mural (4)


"Then why didn't the Qing people destroy the murals left by the Song people?" I won't let people leave anything insulting me in front of my house.

"This is indeed strange. Judging from the frescoes about wars left by the Qing clan and the Song people, it seems that the Qing clan has never been annihilated. Why didn't these murals be destroyed after the Song Dynasty army left?"

Chongyang, who has been seldom speaking, suddenly said, "Perhaps, the Shao people will never be able to come back after the war."

"It makes sense." Gu Tang nodded, "The Song people should be sure that the Shao people will not come back, so they dare to leave after the funeral. As for the reason... it is still unknown."

"The strange thing is, who was buried in the underground palace of the Jing Clan with the great fanfare of the Song Dynasty army?"

"It should be a certain important person, who can send an official army to his funeral, and even start a war, maybe he is a relative of the emperor."

"Then why must he be buried here? The price is too high."

Everyone knows that the Song Dynasty was poor and weak. In fact, the country was very rich, but the expenditure was especially large. The annual salary of a civil official was more than the total income of the court officials of the northern minorities. The military’s expenditure is even greater, with an annual expenditure of billions of billions.

Under such circumstances, the Song Dynasty was still bureaucratic and corrupt, and the army was scattered, making it difficult to initiate a war.

Judging from the murals, in order to mourn the man, the Song Dynasty even sent troops to fight with Xixia, and helped them into the Hengduan Mountains, and then launched a war with the Jing people. Everything is just for funeral for one person.

"After Song Jun left for the funeral, the Shao people never came back, and their supreme leader, the Shao tribe general, was also buried in their reincarnation place." Gu Tang paused, "Where did the man in black go?"

The man in black, who had only appeared on the mural before, presided over the sacrifice with the general of the Qing tribe, and his status should be similar to that of the general of the Qing tribe. It is not uncommon for many ethnic minorities to have two leaders at the same time.

I shook my head, "Perhaps he died in the war."

The three of them continued down, and the stone stack quickly reached its end, but Gu Tang said, "Is there something else you found?"

"what's up?"

"The sequence of the group of murals I just saw." Gu Tang turned around, "We walked all the way down, and just happened to be able to read them in order, but when the artisans painted them, why did they arrange them in this way?"

"How should it be arranged?" I still don't quite understand Gu Tang's meaning.

"If the order of the normal murals should be from the inside to the outside, we now regret that we can just read all the contents of the murals in sequence." Gu Tang pointed to the last mural, "but these murals are from the outside. Inside, it happened to be painted in reverse."

"What does that mean?"

"Who is it convenient for?"

"Of course it is people like us who enter the city from outside." I said.

"In other words, the craftsmen who left these murals just want to show these murals to people who enter the city."

I thought for a while, "Then why do they spend so much time doing these things?"

"It should be to remind outsiders something." Chongyang said.

Gu Tang nodded, "Or... to remind outsiders to remember something."

… Recalling something, I looked at Chongyang, this kid seemed to have amnesia, can something like this for thousands of years have something to do with him

"Chongyang, do you remember anything after reading these things?" I asked.

Chongyang shook his head. (End of this chapter)