The Longevity Project

Chapter 95: Insect Way (1)


The three of them covered their noses with a wet cloth, "Next, try to talk as little as possible." Seeing Gu Tang's solemnity, I nodded obediently.

I once watched the news that two plumbers were cleaning the sewers without wearing protective equipment. They were enveloped by biogas and trapped due to lack of oxygen. I also thought to myself that the two of them were really unlucky. Unexpectedly, one day I would be terrified in the sewers. .

I think the wet cloth is just a psychological comfort. If there is a lack of oxygen in the sewer, you will have a lack of oxygen, and you will never lack carbon dioxide just because you put a wet cloth on your nose.

It seems that Gu Tang also took the risk and chose this path. Forget it, die today if you die.

The diameter of the sewer is less than one meter, and the three of them can only crawl forward on their stomachs.

It was pitch black all around, too, who would put a light on his sewer. All three of them stopped talking, but crawled forward with their heads stuffed. It turned out that although the gas here is smelly but should be non-toxic, there is no discomfort after crawling for so long, but it is still not slack, and they still wrap a damp cloth around their noses. Start some quiet conversations.

"Ning Chuan, hurry up, your ass is almost touching my face." This is Gu Tang.

"Ning Chuan, slow down, do you want to kiss my ass?" This is Chongyang.

It's for the sake of you two that let the little master link up, little master forbearance!

Soon, the road ahead diverged, "Keep going, keep going." Gu Tang watched me stop, slapped my ass, and whispered.

Now I can understand what it means to not dare to breathe in the air-breathing in the air means taking drugs, and taking drugs is illegal. "Don't rush, don't rush, the road is forked!"

"Make a mark and go-ah!" Gu Tang suddenly lengthened his throat, "Something is behind me! Go go, go!"

I put my head on Chongyang’s ass in front, "Quickly, quickly" there is something behind! Hurry up! "

Chongyang didn't care about those, so he just found a direction, made a mark, and crawled forward. I also speeded up to follow and shouted behind me with my throat: "Gu Tang, Gu Tang, it's okay, what's the stuff behind!"

"Fuck you, hurry up!" Gu Tang slapped me on my ass again, and made a crisp sound like a horse with a whip.

"What the hell is going on!" I pushed against the Chongyang in front of him again and told him to hurry up. At this time, he was breathing a little bit, but I was still suffocating to breathe through my nose.

"Bugs, lots of bugs."

"Oh~ worms." I said to my heart that Gu Tang turned out that you were afraid of worms, so he screamed, "Fuck, fuck! Chongyang, you should hurry up! Worms!" The root was so densely wormed that it was full of holes. His thigh bones flashed through my mind instantly, and the goose bumps all over my body rose up again.

With a slap on Chongyang’s ass, it was quite warped, and it made a crisp sound, "Quick, quick! Quick, quick!"

The three of them bury their heads and climb forward desperately, "Why are you not even headed!"

Is there any mechanism in the sewers for the Shao people? Then the light I guessed earlier is also installed

Behind him, Gu Tang complained again and again, "Is it wrong, we are wrong."

"What do you want to express! Hurry! Don't sell Guanzi!" This person likes to sell Guanzi every time he has an idea. The current situation is still selling Guanzi and he won't sell Guanzi.

"The sewer! Where does the end of the sewer come from? The sewer is circular, overhead! Over your head! There must be a shaft above your head! The shaft!" Gu Tang was going crazy behind him. (End of this chapter)