The Longevity Project

Chapter 96: Insect Road (2)


The diameter of the drainage channel is not wide, only about one meter, and the three of them can only crawl very stiffly inside. As for whether there is a shaft above their heads, I really don't know. After all, it is pitch black, and it is likely to be ignored without deliberate attention.

After Gu Tang reminded us behind us, Chongyang and I both climbed forward and raised our hands to look for the shaft above our heads. It's just that the speed of advancement has slowed down a lot, and Gu Tang can hear Gu Tang screaming behind him.

The sweat soon fell off my body, and I couldn't hear any strange noise behind me when I was in a hurry, but listening to Gu Tang's movements, I was afraid that there were a lot of bugs.

The day does not fulfill the wishes, the more anxious, the more panic. There has always been a solid stone wall above the head, and no shaft has ever appeared.

"This is definitely a problem!" Gu Tang wailed behind, "It's fun to have no shaft after repairing the sewers!"

"It's not right, right, right!" I secretly said to be calm, the more anxious, the more calm I should be, the cold sweat on my forehead has fallen off and it is too late to wipe it-no hands.

"Why is there no shaft connected to the urban drainage system for the sewer?" I tried to recall my memories related to the sewer in my head while using my hands and feet.

Throwing corpse mask, small particles, mermaid, missing maze, guest comatose, foreign body blocking murderer, voyeur, crazy demon climbing water off...

Climbing off!

"He's not a sewer at all!" The word "Climbing Shuiguan" crossed his mind and shouted.

Most people may not have heard of Climbing Pass. This term is only mentioned by the old Beijingers. I also heard that the old man at home told me that there was this term.

In the Qing Dynasty, Beijing had a strict curfew, but it was not impossible to get out of the city at night, that is, Climbing Shuiguan. Shuiguan refers to the drainage outlet of Beijing City, which is connected to the outer city. Beijing has been one of the largest cities in the world for hundreds of years, and its drainage system is quite developed. In the dry season, people often follow the secret entrance of the sewer to exit the city during curfews, which is called Climbing Shuiguan. This can be regarded as an open secret in Beijing at that time. During the Second Opium War, the British and French coalition forces attacked Manchuria under the leadership of the Chinese at Climbing Pass. It can be seen that the drainage system of Beijing City is so large that it can be used for military traffic.

But here is the problem! Why does Beijing need to build such a large drainage system so that it can be easily accessed by others? Certainly not, it must be that Beijing City needs such a large drainage system to operate, otherwise the huge drainage pressure will cause waterlogging in the city.

But as far as I can see, there is a water gathering place in the deep underground palace of the Jing clan, and the east side of the Hengduan Mountains has abundant precipitation. The sewer outlet connected to the moat is definitely not so big! Not to mention being used for marching, it is no problem to be able to let an adult pass upright. But the damn thing in front of me is only this tiny!

"It's not the sewers! What the hell is your mother! Biting my ass!" The space is small, and Gu Tang is so ecstatic that I'm almost deaf.

"Wenya! Pay attention to Wenya!"

"Just tell me how to get out. I'll be damn elegant in my life!"

"This is the worm path!" Chongyang had given up looking for the shaft above his head, but went all out to crawl forward. I also panted to keep up, "worm path! What the hell!"

"It should be the city defense method of the Jing people. It feeds insects on the road and is connected to the moat. Those Song Dynasty troops died in the hands of this thing."

"But why are you still alive after so many years!"

"Have you forgotten the worm eggs that were built into stone statues!" Gu Tang howled behind her again. (End of this chapter)