The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 11


The registration time given by Xia Zuoyi is more than half a month.

As soon as the conscription conditions and the notice of lowering taxes came out, it is not necessary to say how excited and enthusiastic the civilians and slaves in the whole city of Wessas were.

The civilians and slaves of Fort Comoy passed the initial cautiousness, and then the middle section began to come in a continuous stream.

However, within a few days of the closing of registration, the number of people from Fort Comoy suddenly dropped sharply.

The reason was that Earl Beavis Elliott had deliberately ordered that commoners and slaves be prohibited from leaving the city.

When the knight wanted to buy the registered slaves back to Wessas, he also broke out several conflicts with the manor owner who refused to let them go. In the end, Valk William came forward to resolve the dispute.

It's almost two months since the registration deadline.

Xia Zuoyi was in a good mood, leaning on the chair by the window to watch the sea view. His right arm has almost recovered, so he no longer needs to hang it on his chest.

He took a sip of the lemonade that Judit had brought, and said, "It's too late for Beavis Elliott to react, he didn't register in time, and he wasn't allowed to leave the city, so the civilians and slaves left behind will only increase. Envy and jealousy."

Once the ban on leaving the city is lifted, there will be more and more people eagerly yearning for Wessas.

He said that the registration deadline will be 15 days later, but he did not say that registration will not be reopened.

Anyone who wants to come is always welcome at Weissus.

Civilians and slaves who signed up to become soldiers would bring their families along.

After a certain financial subsidy, the labor force is self-sufficient. In addition to building temporary housing, some people are arranged to work in the salt drying field and the production line for refining salt.

The Thorns Chamber of Commerce was established in the process and began to sell fine salt grains of lower price but better quality.

At the same time as the gold coins were continuously being credited, the plot deviation value finally moved forward by 1%.

Xia Zuoyi couldn't help bending his big caramel-colored eyes with a smile on his face. He turned around and stepped on the chair and sat down again: "Judit, how is the house under Mount Parr built?"

Judit: "It's about to be completed, Lord Count."

Recruits must be trained.

Xia Zoe chose the location of the recruit training in Parshan.

The civilian slaves who became ordinary soldiers and reserve soldiers were not idle during the registration period.

The knights organized them to build the recruit dormitory at the foot of the Parr Mountain. The labor force, wood and stone materials were readily available. The civilians, especially the slaves, were not unfamiliar with this kind of thing, and the construction speed was good and fast.

Ten days later, the dormitory was completely completed.

At the same time, Valk Wilhelm also sent the statistics of the number of soldiers to the castle.

There are two hundred and fifty-two ordinary soldiers and three hundred and ninety-eight reserve soldiers.

More slaves signed up for the army than civilians.

But more commoners than slaves settled in Wissas.

On the Western Continent, smaller cities like Wessas and Fort Komoy generally have a population of less than 2,000 to 3,000 people, and a large city with a population of around 10,000 is not bad.

Among them, those who can fight include less than 100 or just over 100 knights.

The number of people who can sign up for more than half a month can reach nearly 700 is a very impressive data.

At this time, the foot of Pal Mountain has changed a lot.

The grass and gravel have been cleaned up, the redundant trees have been cut down, and a road has been reserved. Two dormitory buildings with three floors are built neatly in a row. There is a canteen that provides free meals next to it, and the far side is public toilet.

In front of the soldier's dormitory building, there is a large open space, and many sports equipments are displayed.

The two-day adaptation period has passed, and the Count of Desinia will come to review today.

Soldiers were led by knights to the field and lined up.

Regular soldiers stand on one side, reserve soldiers stand on the other side.

Mike Andrew stood among the reserve soldiers, listening to the whispered chatter of the people around him.

"The commander of the ordinary soldiers is Lord Valk William, the Knight Commander. Do you know who the commander of the reserve soldiers is?"

"Of course a knight."

"No no, this officer is not a knight now, but he has a lot of history."

"What's the history?"

"I heard that he was once the knight commander of the Kingdom of Gaina, and was demoted to a slave because of some crime."

"Later, the Count bought him in the royal city, and he made great contributions in the attack of the Parshan robbers, so the Count first removed his slave status, and then gave him the opportunity to serve as the commander of the reserve soldiers."

"I think it's just a matter of time before this lord becomes a knight again or becomes a knight commander."

Mike Andrew couldn't help but ask, "Is he great?"

He knew that the speaker was originally a slave of Weissus.

The man replied: "It's more than amazing. My father went to work in the salt field a few days ago, and saw this adult and Lord Valk William from a distance. Guess who won?"

Mike Andrew thought, it must be the grown-up.

"It is this adult who is better."

Mike Andrew: "What's this lord's name?"

"Fernandi Edwards."

Mike Andrew: "Lord Edward doesn't seem to show up much in training camp."

He never saw it.

"This Lord usually follows Lord Earl. You can see it today. He will be in charge of our future training."

Mike Andrew wanted to ask something else.

At this moment, a knight sounded the gongs and drums hanging at the front of the field.

The knight in charge of guarding the soldiers hurriedly made them stand up straight and kept their mouths shut.

Not long after, a carriage stopped outside the venue.

Count Xiazoe Desinia was carried off the carriage by Judit, the butler.

"Look! The man following the earl's left is Sir Fernand Edward."

Mike Andrew looked at it according to his words. The man had a face that was not angry and arrogant, with light brown hair and brown eyes, dark brown skin, handsome and strong.

He looked at it, but was attracted by the little earl standing at the front.

Is this, is this his lord

Mike Andrew quietly covered his chest.

Xia Zuoyi was unhurriedly held by Judit on the high stool, and waved at Wu's crushed head: "Hello, comrades."

Some people below didn't respond.

Some people came back to their senses, and sparsely replied "Hello, Lord", "Hello, Earl" and so on.

Xia Zuoyi thought, this is the result of not starting training yet.

He motioned to Valk Wilhelm, who was standing beside him, to read out the rules that soldiers had to follow.

A total of more than ten articles have been drafted for the time being.

Among them, soldiers need to pay 40 copper coins a year for accommodation and 60 copper coins a year for food. During the year, the canteen will provide two meals a day for free.

Soldiers will be given a voluntary allowance every month, 10 copper coins per person.

If you need to ask for leave, you must not leave without permission, otherwise you will be punished. Everyone has three opportunities to ask for leave every month, and the reason is reported to the knight commander. You can leave only after approval. If you exceed the number of leave requests, copper coins will be deducted according to the situation.

Soldiers were not allowed to pick quarrels and provoked troubles, and they were not allowed to fight in the army. Once found, they would be dealt with severely, ranging from a warning to expulsion from the army, or even expulsion from Weissus.

After the ten-odd stipulations were read out one by one, the commoners and slaves whispered below.

Obviously, the benefits are obvious at a glance, but the penalties are also very severe.

When Xia Zoe saw that they were almost discussing, she clapped her hands, and Valk William sounded the gongs and drums on the side, and there was silence below.

Xia Zuoyi said: "I need you to memorize all the regulations. This is an order."

"There are also some regulations that need special explanation."

"Soldiers need to train every day, and take two days off after every five days. Three months are a quarter, and there are assessments in each quarter."

"Twelve people are divided into a class, three classes are a row, three platoons are a company, and three companies are a battalion. Every quarter, the squad leader, platoon leader, company leader, and battalion leader will be selected according to the results of the assessment."

"The monthly allowance will be adjusted according to the level."

"The squad leader will give out fifteen copper coins per month, the platoon leader will have twenty-five copper coins, the company commander will have thirty-five copper coins per month, and the battalion commander will have one silver coin per month."

After Xia Zuoyi finished speaking, the bottom boiled.

"What?! Can the battalion commander have a silver coin?!"

"Even if you can't be a battalion commander, it's good to be a squad leader or a platoon leader."

"I don't know what the content of the assessment will be?"

Mike Andrew's heart couldn't help but become extremely hot, he was going to be the battalion commander!

The gongs and drums were struck again.

Xia Zuoyi waited for the following to become quiet again, and said, "The results of the assessment all have the passing line."

"If none of you can meet the standard of battalion commander level, the position of battalion commander would rather be vacant, and the same for other levels..."

He looked to his left and right.

On the left is Fernandi Edwards, on the right is Valk Wilhelm.

Xia Zoe said: "Fernandi Edward will be the commander-in-chief of the reserve soldiers, and Valk William will be the commander-in-chief of the ordinary soldiers. The two of them are mainly responsible for your daily training, and the other knights will assist in training."

"Three months later, I will come back here to check your training results."

Fernandi Edward then read out the "three disciplines and eight notes" that soldiers need to keep in mind.

After everything is over.

Xia Zoe opened her arms and was carried off the high stool by Judit.

Before leaving, he instructed the two of them: "They must be trained in an organized and disciplined manner, and their words and deeds must be uniform. After three months, I will see a different mental outlook. If you can't do it..."

Valk William asked with a smile: "How about the count?"

Xia Zuoyi raised her chin: "Deduct your money."

Valk William pretended to be afraid: "Wow, I must double the task given by the count."

I always think you're kidding me...

Xia Zuoyi was carried by Judit into the carriage with a small face and left.

After he leaves.

Valk William finally couldn't help laughing uncontrollably. Seeing that Fernandez Edward was still serious, he couldn't help poking his arm.

"Do you think that the little earl is so cute, I really want to hug him. Butler Judit must be very happy every day."

Fernandez Edwards is silent, silence is golden.

Valk William continued: "Don't you want to hug the count?"

Fernandi Edward: "...he's an earl."

Valk William raised his eyebrows and said meaningfully: "Oh, so you are thinking."

Fernandi Edward: "Since you have time to think about it, you might as well think about how to train them, so that you won't be able to choose a squad leader."

"Would you like to compare it, I was very unwilling to lose to you last time."


The author has something to say:

Xia Zuoyi: Hold me and pay the money.