The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 28


Xia Zuoyi lifted the curtain at the car window and glanced outside curiously, then got out of the carriage and walked directly to the high chair that Judit had placed beside him.

Judit and Conrad stood on his left, Fernandi and Valk stood on his right, and the soldiers were scattered on the edge of the field.

In the middle of the venue is the Trak people.

Renault looked at Xia Zoe, who was clearly dominant in the front, and lowered his voice to Adai and Sarah and said, "Is he the master of this territory?"

"I remember that the steward of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce seemed to have said what his name was... Desinia? He has the title of Earl."

But the steward didn't say that Desinia was actually a delicate and lovely "little" earl...

Reynolds was in disbelief.

But that's what happened.

Adai wondered: "Why do you think this little earl wants to trade with the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce... to bring all the people of Trak into his territory?"

Renault shook his head, he didn't understand either.

At this time, Sarah tugged at the hem of the two of them, indicating that someone had started talking in front of them, so listen.

Under Xia Zoe's advice.

After being explained by Judit, the arrangements for the people of Trak - registration of basic personal information, statistics of the number of people, settlement in Fort Komoy, distribution of labor, etc.

Among them, the men of Trak have two names that must be chosen.

One, participating in the upcoming summer conscription.

The second is to participate in the temporary artisan construction team organized by the artisan guild.

Fernandi and Conrad respectively gave a detailed explanation of the two mandatory items to the people of Trak, explaining the conditions and benefits of participation.

Needless to say, the conditions for participating in the temporary artisan construction team are broad, and there are basically no restrictions.

Participating in summer drafting, however, requires excluding those who are not eligible for drafting.

For example, the body cannot have disabilities, the age needs to be males between fourteen and twenty years old, etc.

However, regarding the age, it is possible to relax some restrictions on the people of Trak, and the upper age limit can be extended to 26 years old...

They will be at the registration information desk later, while doing a preliminary review of the soldiers.

The women of Trak were assigned other jobs.

For example, some women who need to work to earn money can choose to go to the salt farm production line for batch canning, or packaging refined salt.

You can also go to the subsidy station that is still maintained to help with cooking, laundry, and caring for the elderly and orphans.


After Fernandi and Conrad finished speaking, the place where the Trak people stood could not help but become noisy and chaotic.

Xia Zuoyi looked at their rapidly changing expressions, surprised and disbelieving... Finally, the information was reluctantly digested, and the discussion gradually subsided.

He pressed his palms down, attracting attention, and raising his voice, he said in a small voice that the people of Trak could clearly hear: "My territory is not a place to torture and destroy you."

"It's a place that can give you hope to survive well and live with expectation."

"You don't need to doubt, all the news just said is true and effective."

"And, whether it's participating in conscription or joining the ranks of temporary craftsmen, you can all get rid of your slave status by accumulating merit."

"But remember, although participating in the conscription accumulates merit fast enough, you need to stay in the army all the time, and then leave the soldier training camp to enter the black cavalry or the white cavalry."

"As for the temporary craftsman construction team, the accumulation of achievements is relatively slow, but the time is relatively short and the activities are free. After the five-year construction plan is over, you can choose whether to continue to stay in the construction team."

Xia Zoe paused and said, "Although these two items are mandatory options, there are exceptions to everything."

The Trak people listened intently.

Xia Zuoyi: "If some of you have good skills, such as being good at mathematics, proficient in arithmetic, or have a good craft skill, outstanding ability, etc."

"When the information is registered later, the recorder can be told to fill it out on the parchment, and when it is confirmed that it is correct, the labor related to it will naturally be arranged."

"All the people of Trak will be settled in Fort Comoy."

"There are not too many temporary residences in the city. You can live in some tight places first, and then you can build your own houses."

"When you come over to register the information later, Fernandi will also open the shackles for you, and each person will give out a subsidy of fifty copper coins, including children."

The people of Trak Nation once again received a wave of unbelievable content shocks.

Xia Zuoyi pursed his lips and rubbed jiojio on the high chair without a trace. After talking so much at one time, he was thirsty and tired from standing.

Immediately, he glanced at Judit beside him.

Judit immediately stepped forward and added some points that hadn't been said yet.

Adai couldn't believe his ears.

He grabbed Renault, who was also in a daze, and said, "Pinch me quickly to see if I'm dreaming..."

Reynolds regained his senses, reached out and pinched Adai's arm, and then pinched the flesh on the back of his hand, baring his teeth: "Hey, it hurts."

Adai also rubbed his arm in pain.

He murmured to himself: "We, we still have a chance to break away from the status of slaves?!"

Renault nodded: "Yes."

Yadai couldn't help but analyze: "If we participate in the conscription, there will be subsidies and holidays..."

"And the first year is free of charge, living in a soldier's training camp, and having enough food to eat... As long as you train hard to make yourself stronger, you will most likely get the opportunity to be promoted soon... "

He couldn't help but look at the soldier standing behind Fernandez Edward, the knight.

Adai remembered his name as Mike Andrew, a platoon leader.

When Mr. Fernandi Edward explained the conditions and benefits of conscription just now, he gave a few random examples - Mike Andrew was promoted from reserve soldier to platoon leader, and it only took more than half a year before and after.

Some other soldiers also explained.

Renault said: "However, participating in the temporary artisan construction team has more freedom, and you can choose to stay or leave after five years."

"Yadai, your body is not strong enough, even if you participate in the conscription, your chances of being promoted are very small..."

"Besides, you also know that I have never been trained as a knight since I was a child, and I am interested in making tools. I am not qualified at all, and there is not much hope."

"What would Sarah do if we both went to soldier training camp?"

Adai: "Won't go, I just think these two names that have to be chosen are too friendly for slaves... Surprising."

"Is Gadayat so tolerant of slaves?"

Renault shook his head: "How is that possible."

Adai looked at the little earl who was standing on the high chair with his hands behind his back, and said after a while, "Then the three of us will all go to participate in the temporary craftsmen..."

"No, Adai."

Renault interrupted him suddenly: "You will recognize herbs, and you once had the identity of an alchemist apprentice. When the time comes, the registration information will be filled in by the person who recorded it."

He said, "Do you remember the ointment that the two Knight Chiefs threw us in the forest?"

Adai nodded: "Remember."

Renault: "There must be a very good alchemist in Vessus or Fort Komoy."

"If you can be confirmed to be assigned to help with his studies, the treatment will definitely be much better than being a temporary craftsman."

Adai: "But I won't necessarily be seen by the master alchemist..."

"What's more, the injury on Sarah's shoulder is not completely complete. Her identity... has little strength. After I become a temporary craftsman with you, I can still help... "

Sarah shook her head to interrupt him: "I'm fine, you should seize the opportunity, Adai."

Renault: "How will you know if you don't give it a try? Even if the master alchemist looks down on you, Adai will have no problem with you coming back to join the temporary craftsman."

Adai finally nodded in agreement.

When it was their turn to register information, he had the recorder fill in information that would identify herbs, among other things.

And this parchment was specially drawn and placed on another stack.

Waiting for it to be handed over directly to the Earl later.

After the registration of the information of Reynolds, Adai, and Sarah, they came to a group of people waiting next to them. It didn't take long for them to be led by knights and some soldiers into the city.

Adai couldn't help but look at the person who was walking at the forefront, and found that he was actually Platoon Leader Andrew who was standing behind Knight Commander Edward just now.

The expressions on the faces of the Trak people who were walking around were quite complicated.

Excited, happy, worried, hesitant…

A man finally couldn't help but ask the soldiers walking beside him: "Is the kingdom of Gadayat so good to slaves?!"

The soldier was a young man, and he laughed when he heard the words, with a proud expression on his face: "Of course only in the territory of our Count, slaves can be treated so well!"

"Not only slaves, but also commoners."

"Lord Count is the best lord of Gadayat! You are lucky to come to Fort Komoy."

When Renault heard what he said, he couldn't help but ask, "Is there really someone here... who has been freed from the status of a slave?"

The soldier said: "This is not a rare thing in the count's territory."

"You only need to stay in the city for a few days and you will hear about it naturally, or you can just ask someone casually."

"I can also tell you now that Lord Fernandez Edward was once a slave who was sold from Gana to Gadayat..."


Renault and the others couldn't help showing expressions of astonishment.

They never expected to hear such a news.

The soldier continued calmly and said: "Sir Edward was bought by the Earl for a gold coin from the royal city, and later in Parshan... The lord has now become a knight commander again, and..."

The soldier quietly glanced at Mike Andrew, who was walking at the forefront, and whispered enviously, "Platoon Commander Andrew was once a slave of Fort Komoy."

"Later, I went to Weissus to join the army, seized the opportunity and accumulated enough merits, and has successfully escaped from the status of slaves and became a free citizen in Weissus."

"Our platoon leader's goal now is to accumulate enough credits to break free from slavery for his parents..."

Renault and others didn't know what kind of expression to put on their faces, they could only listen to the soldiers with their mouths open.

Soldier: "So, you really don't have to worry about the existence of lies and deceit in the count's territory. When you stay down, you will understand after a long time that our count is the most kind-hearted!"

Certainly the cutest.

The soldier muttered in his heart, not daring to say the last word.

He said: "The Count said that as long as you work hard enough, anything is possible."

"I used to be an impatient commoner, but now my family has a happy and prosperous life."

"Praise the Lord! Being able to live in Weissus must be a blessing from the God of Creation."