The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 3


Three days passed, and the servants in the castle's recognition of Xia Zoe reached a new high again.

When the reputation value finally increased to 20 points, he immediately exchanged the "Sea Salt Method and Detailed Explanation".

[Ding, the exchange is successful, and the download process is in progress... The download is successful, "Sea Salt Method and Detailed Explanation" has been saved in the stickman universe mailbox for the host, and you can read it at any time.]

- The three-page "Sea Salt Method and Detailed Map" and the detailed location map of the natural asphalt mine are on the list.

Xia Zuoyi used the time to sleep at night to study thoroughly, and then began to make some preparations for how to take out the seawater for drying salt without abruptly.

After Xia Zoe moved the alchemy laboratory to the attic, she spent almost half of her time in it every day. So much so that it was rumored in the castle that the little earl could not resist the charm of alchemy, and he began to indulge in it like the old earl.

The kitchen is busy, preparing lunch for a while.

The two cooks chatted in a low voice. From the young earl's willful reluctance to eat porridge, boiled bread, and fire-roasted fruit to today, the young earl asked the chef for a bottle of salt shaker.

"Chef Phili is going to die of heartbreak. He only has two salt shakers left, and he doesn't dare to stop..."

"What does the little earl want the salt shaker to do?"

"Who knows, maybe out of curiosity, the day before yesterday, the little earl asked me what the price of a bottle of salt shaker is..."

At this moment, Chef Phili knocked on the bowl and shouted: "What's the fuss! Fasten the plate! Can you afford to delay the meal time of the Count?!"

The cook didn't dare to talk any more, and acted quickly.

After lunch, Xia Zoe went back to the attic.

After proper arrangement, the attic has been given a new look. The experimental equipment and utensils are neatly placed in the cabinet, and some objects that should be protected from light are placed in a cool corner.

"Judit, do you know how you got the salt?"

Xia Zoe sat on the chair and shook her calf gently.

He seemed to have a lot of curiosity about the origin of the salt. His caramel-colored eyes were sparkling. He held the new salt jar that was coming today and turned it upside down. The coarser grains of salt rustled in the jar.

Judit: "Boil the salt, Lord Earl, use a wooden pipe to convey the brine, and boil it in a square iron pot or a lead pot."

"The salt shaker in your hand is sold everywhere by the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce."

"Nagabi Chamber of Commerce?"

Xia Zuoyi looked at the picture engraved on the salt shaker—two neatly-clothed people were standing face to face, one holding coins, the other holding goods, and the two were trading.

Obviously, this is the emblem representing the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce.

Judit: "The Nagabi Chamber of Commerce belongs to the Anas Empire."

"There is the largest salt lake in the Anas Empire - Lake Betala. Because of this, the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce has almost 60% of the salt sales channels."

Salt is a necessity, and selling salt is even more profitable.

The Nagabi Chamber of Commerce has the secret support of the Anas Empire royal family, and the price of salt has remained high.

This is also the reason why Chef Feili felt so distressed that Xia Zoe had to go three or four jars of salt in a row.

"Is there only a way to boil salt?"

"I think so, my lord."

"What about the salt?"

Zoe Xia pointed to the long table by the window unintentionally.

On the long table were four shallow wooden pools with a square half-meter square.

Looking at it again today, the amount of water in the wooden pond that was first poured into the salt decreased, and even smaller blocks of salt were condensed.

"The "Alchemy Handbook" left by my father records the process of his search for the presence of metals in seawater. It is mentioned that salt particles will appear after the seawater evaporates to a certain extent under the sun..."

Xia Zuoyi held the salt shaker in both hands, and her two short legs were neatly put together. She tilted her head and said innocently, "Judit, can we try the sea water to dry the salt?"

"If you have salt, you can sell it, and then I will have a lot of money."

Matt Designia did leave behind an Alchemy Manual, and his long-term obsessive research did not lead him to nothing.

At least the search for metals present in seawater is true, but in the end it failed.

Xia Zuoyi forged some records about sea salt drying in the "Alchemy Manual".

The behavior of the past few days has made the servants in the castle think logically—the little earl became interested in alchemy—read the “Alchemy Manual” left by the old earl—curious about how to obtain salt—try it (xia ) test (wan).

Judit: "Naturally follow your wishes."

The craftsmen were summoned to the castle, and after constant discussions and adjustments, they finally succeeded in building a large-scale salt drying field on the coastline east of the Cogit Sea.

When Xia Zuoyi decided to test the feasibility of drying salt in sea water, many servants were skeptical.

How can the salt be exposed to the sun in the sea

The little earl must be fooling around... Look, after the failure, there will be no more tossing.

However, as time passed, they began to realize that things were not as messy as they thought at first, but to no avail.

The servants watched helplessly as the sea water was first introduced into one pool, and after a period of sun evaporation, it was then introduced into another pool to continue the sun exposure.

After waiting for a while, white particles gradually precipitated out of the seawater.

"Salt, it's salt!"

The first exclamation was unbelievable.

Can't believe how much salt you can get from just a few pools.

Although the quality of the salt obtained at present is relatively rough, after further processing and purification, the refined salt obtained is even more delicate than the one bought outside.

What's more, there is no need to say much about the human and material resources spent on boiling salt.

However, sea salt drying relies on "wind and sun" from beginning to end, and the "cost" to be paid is almost negligible.

Chef Phili was about to cry again looking at the dozen or so jars of refined salt in front of him.

This time, I cried with joy.

After the "experiment" was successful, Judit raised the necessity of "salt control" for the royal family to Xia Zuoyi.

It is impossible for the royal family to let go of the huge benefit of "salt".

Although salt can be sold in the Chamber of Commerce, it has to be secretly controlled by the royal family.

In terms of the current status of Weissus, it is like a bird with not yet full wings. No matter how much you open your wings to cover it, it is impossible to protect the "treasure" behind him.

Furthermore, Xia Zoe's original plan was to dedicate the sea salt method as a "gift" to the king, in order to gain the territorial rights of Parshan.

The Cogit Sea can't move.

At most, Xia Zuoyi gave up most of the profit in the sale of salt to the king. At that time, the work of producing salt will still be carried out in Weissus, which is equivalent to returning to his own hands after turning around.

Giving away is far more rewarding than being forced to give up.

forever and ever.

Xia Zoe is sure to develop Weissus into a major channel and an important city to control the sale of salt in the kingdom of Gadayat.

Xia Zuoyi: "Judit, I want to go to the royal city in person."

The morning sun shone with golden light, and accompanied by the chirping of seabirds, the Desinia convoy set off for Kaes, the royal city of Gadayat.

The flag of the thorn rose fluttered on the top of the carriage, followed by the artisans who built the salt yard, and a small team of knights guarded the safety of the lord.

After passing the Pal Mountains, you will find Fort Komoy, the nearest territory adjacent to Weissus.

The lord of Fort Comoy was also an earl, Beavis Eliot.

In prime of life.

Also an earl, Fort Comoy is richer than Vessas, has a larger range and a larger population than Vessas.

Even Count Beavis Elliott has a valiant cavalry team in his hands.

When passing by Comoy Fort, Xia Zoe deeply realized the gap between the two cities.

He kind of misses lemons.

After passing through three big cities, they arrived at the royal city of Kaes.

The area of the Gadayat Kingdom is not very large, and the time spent on the road is not much.

After entering the royal city, he soon got the opportunity to meet the king.

Old King Duke Patch and Shazoe Desinia are somewhat distant relatives.

The cousin of the previous king is married to the grandfather of Chazoe Desina.

This old king is about the same age as Xia Zoe's father, and he already has a prince and two princesses under his knees. She likes beautiful women, has no faults in government affairs, is a gentleman, and is not cruel.

It can be said that the character of the old king Duke Patch is also in Xia Zoe's consideration and plan.

When Xia Zoe entered the royal hall, the old king was discussing political affairs with the chancellor of the exchequer, Bas Ridges. Seeing him come in, the old king raised his hand, and when he saw this, Bas Riches stood aside and did not leave. .

The old king: "What gift did you bring?"

"Your Majesty, the gift is here."

Xia Zuoyi presented a roll of parchment paper, which recorded the seawater salting method and the test results.

The old king was slightly surprised, and asked the waiter to go down to receive the gift.

He remembers Dessina, who sent condolences to Matt Dessina after his unexpected death.

The sudden arrival of Xiazoe Designia made him puzzled, and after reading the content on the parchment, this doubt began to turn into a huge surprise.

He even stood up from the throne with excitement on his face.

"Your Majesty?" Bass Ridges frowned and asked.

The old king calmed down and handed the parchment in his hand to his favored minister, "Riches, come and have a look."

Xia Zoe also turned her head curiously.

The Minister of Finance had brown hair and green eyes, his face was rigid and serious, his eyebrows were raised, and the bridge of his nose was wide, and he looked inhuman.

After reading the content on the parchment, he immediately recovered his emotions except for a flash of surprise on his face, and stared at Xia Zuoyi with a pair of sharp eyes full of light.

"Are you sure this is possible?"

Xia Zuoyi pretended to be frightened by him, and nodded slightly timidly: "Yes, I also brought salt after the test."

Judit presented the salt shaker in his hand.

The old king couldn't wait to take it from the waiter.

He opened the cork of the refined salt bottle, poured snow-white salt into the palm of his hand, and after watching it carefully, he twisted some and put it into his mouth, even more delighted: "It's salt!"

The salt shaker was handed over to Bass Ridges.

After confirming, Buzz Ridges asked Xia Zoe some questions.

—It's nothing more than "how did you find out" "who else knows"... "What the king wants to dedicate the sea salt method to".

Xia Zuoyi answered "Actually" one by one.

When it came to the last question, he clasped his two little hands in front of his chest, two blushes appeared on his white and tender cheeks, and he said shyly with milk, "I want to expand my territory a little bit."

The author has something to say:

Xia Zuoyi: Look at me, silly, white and sweet.