The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 37


Xia Zoe was sent out by Segalot.

There were still three corpses lying across the corridor, blood was flowing everywhere, and the smell in the air was inevitably a little unpleasant.


Xia Zoe's call made Valk, who was anxiously looking at the end of the corridor, raise his eyes, and his face immediately showed a look of surprise, and then quickly walked towards him.

Segalot stood inside the door, dressed in black as if to hide in the darkness, deep and quiet.

In his right hand, there is a small bird whistle that Xia Zuoyi took off and handed over, and his fingertips slowly rubbed the finely carved patterns on it, and said softly: "I hope you will win in the end, little rose."

Xia Zoe took a step towards Valk, turned her head involuntarily, and looked at Segalot's slightly dark golden eyes at this time.

The latter twitched the corners of his mouth and smiled at him, then turned back to the house.

The door closed slowly in front of Xia Zuoyi.

"Lord Count!"

Valk hurriedly came to Xia Zoe's side, looked at his condition worriedly, knelt down on one knee and checked up and down carefully: "Are you alright?!"

Xia Zoe came back to her senses and shook her head: "I'm fine, Valk, let's leave the church quickly."

"it is good."

Before Valk picked up Xia Zoe, he frowned and glanced at the three corpses in the corridor and the door that was closed beside him...

Just now, someone was standing behind the door talking to the count... Who is it? !

No time to think too much.

The people of Bath Ridges are still in the church, they must exit here quickly, and leave the royal city to meet the soldiers outside the city.

Shazoe asked Valk to take him to Marco Keys first.

When they were returning along the route, they happened to meet the Marquis of Case who was fighting with the Knights of the Royal City halfway.

After eliminating the Knights of the Royal City, they were covered by the soldiers, and a group of people went to kill outside the church.

Segalot returned to the house and looked at Bishop Bolton and the bishop's deputy with a cold gaze.

He was playing with a delicate and small bird whistle in his hand, and said casually: "How much money and favors did Bas Ridges give you, so that you can join in the murder of the royal family?"

Bishop Bolton's face was covered in cold sweat, and his lips trembled a few times before he finished the words, and then begged for mercy: "Mian, Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

The bishop's deputy was also stunned with fright.

Segalot: "You allowed Bas Ridges to build a murderous, blood-stained statue in the church, and turned a deaf ear to the Holy See's holy will."

"According to the stipulations of the dogma, deprivation of identity, dismissal from office, and death to apologize."

"No! No no... "

The bishop's deputy stepped back, pale and terrified, trying to escape from this room like a death prison.

He wanted to get up from the ground and rush out of the room, but he didn't move as fast as the man in black who was standing beside him like a sculpture. He was grabbed by his hair and dragged mercilessly to Segalot's feet.

Segalot brows lightly, and said "hands on".

"Your Majesty, forgive me..."

Before the bishop's agent could finish speaking, the man in black robe slashed his neck with a knife, and blood spurted out instantly, and a string of patterns bloomed on the ground.

Bishop Bolton knelt beside him with wide eyes in horror, watching the deputy bishop covering his neck in vain and struggling, and finally fell to the ground without making a sound.

The black-robed man came towards him with a blood-stained machete.

Bishop Bolton shuddered.

He didn't want to die like this, and in a panic, he took out a dagger from his robe and slammed it at the man in black robe, trying to seize the opportunity to escape from the room at the moment when the man in black robe was dodging.

However, he can only be regarded as a lamb who is in a hurry, hoping to be wiped out.

However, he was stabbed in the chest by the man in black robe in a moment and died in front of the door. He opened his eyes and took his last breath.

"Your Majesty."

The black-robed man's dull and low voice sounded: "Is it still necessary to stay in the church of Kaais?"

Segalot put away the bird whistle in his hand and said indifferently, "It's not necessary."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The church in the royal city of Caes suddenly burst into flames.

The fire was once violent.

It began to spread gradually from the second half of the church, and the fighting was forced to stop, and everyone escaped from the inside quickly to avoid danger.

This fire also bought time for Xia Zuoyi and others.

They successfully escaped from the siege of the king city knights, and took Marco Case to hide in a hidden place for the time being.

"Valke, medicine." Xia Zoe said.

Marco Keys has a serious back injury.

Because of the constant action, the wound is involved, and now blood beads are constantly oozing out, and his face has become even paler.

Valk hurriedly took out the ointment from the armor, neatly bandaged Marco Case, and said: "Lord Marquis, Bass Ridges has completely controlled the royal city, and the knights who coerce and coerce you in the church are only one of them. part."

"He must be dispatching other knights in the royal city now. You can't stay here any longer, otherwise the situation will be very dangerous, leave with us..."

Marco Keyes heard this and shook his head to interrupt him: "No, my son Nat is still here, I can't go."

Xia Zoe: "Then find Nat Case."

He asked, "What about Valk, Judit, Tyler Barner and the rest?"

Valk: "Butler Judit and Barna sneak out of the city to contact another team of soldiers so that they can respond to us outside the city at any time."

"Taylor is holding Keith William away and taking away my father and some royal knights..."

Otherwise, it will take some time for him to invade the church.

Valk seemed to remember something and said, "By the way, there were many clergy who blocked us from entering the church before."

"Later, for some unknown reason, all the people in the church suddenly retreated."

Xia Zuoyi knew why.

He said what happened behind the church: "... A person who can make the bishop and the bishop's deputy kneel on the ground with a timid expression on his face... I don't think there will be another person other than the Pope."

"What's more, Judit once mentioned to me rumors about the Pope."

"I heard that he was born in the Holy See in the Saint Airo Empire. When he was born, the sacred flower Bellranka planted in the Holy See all bloomed, and it never withered for a long time."

"It is rumored that this is the favor of the God of Creation for him, the current Pope Augsger."

The Pope's full name is Segalot Wordsworth Augsger.

Xia Zuoyi said: "His age is right, the man in black robe he is with... I saw a little golden armor under the man's robe... "

He had caught a casual glimpse in the hallway while the black robe and the three knights who were after him were fighting in the hallway.

Marco Case couldn't help nodding: "They should be the golden armored knights who follow the Pope. They are all skilled and responsible for protecting the Pope's safety."

"The count is right. What happened when the Pope was born actually happened."

"The Pope is deeply favored by the God of Creation, and has shown something special from ordinary people since childhood. Otherwise, he would not have inherited the Holy See at a young age, and his prestige is very high."

Valk did not expect that the Count would meet the Pope in the church of Cais.

He couldn't help but feel fortunate in his heart, and because of this, the Count would be safe before he found him.

Although they did not know why the Pope came to Gadayat.

But the most important thing right now is to leave the royal city of Kaais quickly.

If the road out of the city is blocked by the knights led by Buzz Ridges, the situation will be even more critical.

Valck contacts Tyler via Bird Whistle.

Taylor and others held Keith William hostage to restrict Harry William's behavior, and have been moving in the direction of the city gate according to the plan that had been made before.

When Valk arrived with Xia Zoe and Marco Keyes, Harry William was already extremely angry, his face was ashen with anger, and when he saw him, he almost ignored Keith William's life.

Harry William: "Do you want to disobey your father for an outsider?!"

Valk: "You did something wrong, I can't make mistakes with you, father, it's too late to stop now..."

"What do you know?!" Harry William said angrily.

His gloomy eyes swept towards Xia Zoe: "Valke, think clearly."

"Are you really going to fight against the Duke for an irrelevant person?!"

Valk frowned.

But he stood firmly behind Xia Zuoyi, and his attitude was obvious.

"Okay, you're good at it..."

Harry William gritted his teeth, his hands shaking with anger.

However, he couldn't make any moves, because Keith William was still in the opponent's hands.

Right now.

Buzz Ridges finally arrived with a team of Cavaliers.

The Knights of the Royal City wear armor, and they walk with a heavy, cold, and depressing aura... The background is an empty urban street, the civilians and slaves are scared to hide, and the location of the church in the distance is still burning brightly. blazing fire...

Kais was silent for a moment.

Bas Ridges's sharp and sinister gaze swept across Xia Zoe and others, then raised his hand, and the two knights behind him grabbed one's arm and stepped forward.

"Damn, let me go." The person who was caught kept struggling.

"Nat!" Marco Keyes called immediately, with panic in his expression.

It was Nat Case that Buzz Ridges caught.

Nat Case was worried about his father Marco because he saw the church on fire, and went to look for it, but he happened to be caught by the people of Bath Ridges.

The knight's hands were so strong that Nat Case's face puckered up.

"Let him go!"

Marco Keyes accidentally pulled the wound on his back emotionally, and his face became paler and weaker.

Buzz Ridges: "I can let me go, exchange it."

He lifted his chin and pointed at Keith William.

Xia Zoe agreed: "exchange, but not here..."

They must go to the city gate, otherwise, once they lose their hostages, it will be more difficult to escape from the guarded royal city.

"Lord Duke."

Harry William's eyes were eager, he had to save Keith.

Buzz Ridges had a cloudy look on his face.

But still according to Xia Zuoyi's statement, the two sides slowly retreated not far from the city gate.

Xia Zoe called Valk.

Valk raised his hand, and the soldiers behind him blew a sharp and harsh bird whistle in unison. Under the ugly expressions of Buzz Ridges and others, the echo of the bird whistle also rang out outside the king city, conveying a message.

Kaisi's city gate opened with a "coax".

Judit and Bana confronted the knights who were guarding the city gate in front of them, and they were waiting.

Xia Zuoyi said: "Now change people, one person and one person walk over to each other."

Taylor said: "Lord Count, I'll go."

Xia Zoe nodded.

Marco Keys clenched his fists worriedly.

When the two sides walked slowly, Keith William looked at Harry William without a trace.

After they walked beside each other, Keith William suddenly broke free from Tyler's restraint, but Tyler also reacted quickly, grabbing Nat Keys as soon as he found that he couldn't get him back.

Tyler kicked the knight who was holding Nat Case away, and pulled him back very quickly.

However, Harry William shouted at this moment: "Archer, let go of the arrow!"

Bows and arrows shot at them from hidden corners...

The stalemate atmosphere was broken in an instant, the two sides fought each other, and the cold bloody smell gradually spread.

Tyler was hard to resist alone, not to mention that he had to bring Nat Case, there would inevitably be omissions in his actions... Just when we were about to make peace, a bow and arrow came towards Nat.

"Do not!"

Marco Keys didn't have the speed of a man who was already injured, and he threw himself in front of Nat Keys before everyone could react.

Nat Case opened his eyes wide and exclaimed, "Father!"

Xia Zoe immediately shouted: "Valke, Taylor, bring them back quickly!"

The chaos continues.

The soldiers led by Judit and Bana eliminated the knights guarding the city gate almost instantly and came to support.

Fortunately, there were not many archers prepared by Buzz Ridges. After a certain distance, they were out of range.

Therefore, under the cover of the soldiers, Xia Zuoyi and others quickly left the royal city.

"Chase! Can't let them leave Ka'ais!"

"Yes, Lord Duke."