The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 41


Today's weather is particularly bad, windy and rainy, and overcast.

Especially looking along the direction of the coast of Cogit, the sky is dark and dark, and it is getting darker and lower.

The strong wind whipped up the turbulent waves and slammed it to the bottom of the cliff, and it shot out layers of water mist and foam, and the sound was deafening.

It was in this extreme weather that priests such as Grove Jo were sent to the castle of Lord Desinia.

Barna glanced at the priests who were drenched by the rain, and said, "Come in, Lord Lord is waiting for you inside."

He wants to hurry back and return to Lord Valk.

"Bang" sound.

The iron tool that was blown away by the wind suddenly hit the corner of the wall and made a frightening sound.

The banner of the rose of thorns rustled at the top of the castle and fluttered in the wind.

The background is an increasingly gloomy sky.

The entire castle seemed to be shrouded in a thick shadow, which made the priests, who were already terrified in their hearts, feel even more terrifying about this place.

Another loud noise came.

Grove Joe and the other priests shivered.

at this time.

The gate of the castle slowly opened with a "creak" sound.

A maid with a three-pronged candlestick in her hand appeared at the door and said sideways, "Mister priests, please come with me."

Grove Joe swallowed hard.

Barna turned and left after seeing the priests tremblingly entered the castle.

There are soldiers guarding the castle.

They stood on both sides of the corridor holding spears, the dark armor reflected a cold light, and the sharpness of the spear tip was even more terrifying.

The soldiers were expressionless and did not look sideways at the arrival of the priest.

Grove Joe listened to the whining wind in his ears, barely suppressing the thumping heart in his chest.

He and the rest of the priests were eventually led to a room by the maid.

After the door was knocked, it opened.

Maid: "Butler Judit, the priests and gentlemen are here."

Judit nodded and looked at the priest standing behind the maid: "Everyone, please come in."

Grove Joe led the way in.

Because of the bad gloomy weather outside.

The light in the room was a little dim, with soft, plush blankets on the floor, and candles on the walls, flickering.

Judit led them through the outside of the house and walked inside.

At this moment, a silent lightning flashed outside the window, and there was a momentary light and darkness in the room.

Grove Joe just closed his eyes for a while.

When he regained his sight again, he saw a figure sitting behind the long table in the inner room.

However, what frightened them, the priests, was that behind the figure, two other huge bodies were slowly standing up.

Even in dim light.

Grove Joe also confirmed it extremely - these are obviously two ferocious and mighty tigers!

They have a rare fur color, one black and one white, their bodies are smooth and strong, with beautiful markings... They also have thick limbs and sharp teeth, and two pairs of piercing tiger eyes are staring at them without blinking.

Grove Joe has no doubt that Half-Life could be taken out if he got a paw...

He is also frightened enough now, his face is pale, his legs are trembling, and he is probably only one step away from going directly to the embrace of the God of Creation.

"Lord, Lord, spare your life, spare your life!"

A priest finally knelt on the carpet with a face full of fear and unable to support it.

Immediately afterwards, the other priests involuntarily followed suit, begging for mercy.

Xia Zuoyi, who hasn't said a word yet: "???"

what's the situation? !


The briquettes tilted their big head, the long tail like a steel whip swayed leisurely behind him, and put the tiger's head on the top of the long table.

Snowball licked his paws slowly, then squatted gracefully.

When the priests heard the tiger's barking, their bodies trembled more obviously, and their heads almost buried in the carpet.

Xia Zuoyi suddenly understood and rubbed the heads of the briquettes and snow balls.

The two of them have grown rapidly in the recent period, and their size is now completely the state of an adult tiger.

Even if Xia Zoe wanted to ride on the backs of briquettes and snow balls, there was absolutely no problem.

He pulled the big head of the briquettes off the table and patted it to be honest and not naughty.


The briquettes rubbed against Xia Zuoyi's arm and acted coquettishly.

Grove Joe had a cold sweat on his face, and said in a trembling voice: "No, I don't know if the lord will order someone to bring us here, what are your orders..."

Xia Zoe: "… "

Don't be so afraid.

He said, "You stand up first."

The priests were trembling, and after Xia Zuoyi said it again, they stood up supporting each other.

No way, my legs are still weak.

Xia Zuoyi: "I have someone bring you here, because there are some things that you need to complete."

Grove Joe: "You, you please order."

"Judit, give them something."

"Yes, my lord."

Judit picked up a stack of paper and enough pens from the table and walked over, handed them to the priests, and said, "You need to fill in the information truthfully, and give it to me when you're done."

"There's a table over there, go and write there."

"… "

The pastors looked at each other, not quite understanding the operation and direction.

But they didn't dare to ask anything. After taking the paper and pen, they immediately walked to the side and filled it out.

The contents on the paper include-name, age, etc., positions held in the church, abilities that you are good at (multiple choices)…

There are also several classification items listed below the ability to be good at, mathematics, music, astronomy, medicine...

But why is there manual work, but no theology option? !

The pastors bite the bullet and tick off a few more familiar or slightly understood options, and fill in all the content on the paper in a tangled state.

Then give it to Judit.

Judit showed it to Xia Zoe again.


The briquettes came over unwillingly again, and rubbed their big head on top of Xia Zuoyi's head, and a thick big tiger claw also rested on the chair by the way.

The contrast between one person and one tiger is obvious.

The action of the tiger getting so close also made Grove Joe take a deep breath and his heart was beating wildly.

However, after being in the house for such a long time, he also found that the two big tigers were ferocious and majestic in appearance, which made people feel fearful.

In fact, he really listened to the words of the lord sitting in the chair.

Grove Joe peeked at Zoey Xia carefully, and then a familiar feeling rose in his heart.

He seems to have... seen this little lord somewhere.

Where is it

Grove Joe suddenly remembered that in the royal city of Kaais, the church was still intact... The child who told him at that time that he wanted to ask the God of Creation for a small amount of money!

That... No, isn't that the lord who is sitting in front of him now? !

Grove Joe opened his mouth in shock.

No wonder... Even the butler next to him looked familiar.

Xia Zuoyi nodded with satisfaction after reading the information in his hand.

Yes, these pastors know more than he expected, and they can be trained and installed in advance.

He raised his head and said: "You will be temporarily arranged to live in the castle, and you will explain the situation after what you need to do. During this period, don't leave or walk around randomly, understand?"

The priests such as Grove Joe respectfully said: "Yes, Lord Lord."

Whether it is to pass on the news of the selection of the mayor, or to give out the exam papers, etc., it needs to be arranged and planned in advance.

What's more, there is no precedent for preparing for exams on the Western Continent, so those who want to participate in the selection must be given a little time to adapt and prepare.

After all, there must be a review period before the exam.

The written test is one aspect, and the interview is another aspect.

During this period, papermaking and sugar beet making, which had previously been delayed by the Duke's unrest, had to be rearranged.

He had to put papermaking first.

When the paper is finished, it happens that the mayoral exam can be used to spread the appearance and benefits of the new paper widely.

Then, you can sell it in the Thorns Chamber of Commerce.

Exam paper.

The paper that the mayor once answered the question will know how good it can be after using it!

What a great way to promote this.

Xia Zoe began to prepare for how to "research" papermaking.

He had previously asked Adai to find out what other plants could be made into paper besides the sedge plant that could be made into papyrus.

After the turmoil in the Duke, Adai was not idle.

With Xia Zuoyi's clueless reminder, he has found four or five kinds of raw materials that can be boiled into pulp.

Xia Zuoyi only revealed a little bit about the raw materials used in papermaking, but there were still many key steps to get the finished paper.

Now is the time to bring papermaking to life.

It's one thing to get acquainted with the methods of papermaking, and quite another to start practicing.

Xia Zuoyi took Yadai to test several times, mashed the required raw materials such as bark, hemp head, straw, and worn fishing nets, and then put them in a pot and boiled them completely, and boiled them into pulp...

He also asked Renault to make paper fishing and paper covering tools.

Use a suitable tool to remove the pulp, filter out the water, and form a paper film, then continue to cover, press, and completely squeeze out the water... Finally, dry it to dry.

During this period, the fire burning in the courtyard on the side of the castle did not stop, which made the priests living in the castle also very curious.

However, they didn't dare to take a look at it, and they didn't dare to inquire about it at will. They stayed peacefully every day, and their hearts could not help but let go.

Even the big tiger that often hangs out in the castle is still scary.

a month later.

The priests such as Grove Joe were brought into the previous room again.

Xia Zuoyi sat on the sofa and gently combed the hair for the snow ball, while the briquettes squeezed aggrievedly aside, trying to push his younger brother away with his big thick claws.


At this moment, Xue Tuan turned his head and bit the claw of the briquettes, and frightened it with his white and sharp teeth.

Xia Zuoyi calmly pushed the briquettes away, then reached out to touch Xue Tuan's teeth, and closed his mouth: "Don't make trouble, don't fight, or there will be no meat to eat at noon."

He had already combed the briquettes first, and the big black ball next to it was all the hair it shed. It was obviously his brother, but he didn't have the stability of his brother at all.

Xia Zoey sighed and was tired.

Following the snowball's hair, he raised his head and smiled at the priests: "From today, you will start training."

After all, teachers have to be on the job first before they can ask questions.