The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 46


It has now been more than three months since the selection of the mayor and other officials.

After the new "City Management Regulations" were implemented in all cities in the Territory of Desinia, the situation in all aspects has been significantly improved and developed.

Especially in the treatment of this part of urban environmental sanitation, it has achieved quite outstanding results.

After all, no one wants to be fined two copper coins for defecation.

In addition, water pattern paper is widely sold all over the country in the Thorns Chamber of Commerce.

After this new type of paper was researched and manufactured by Xia Zuoyi and others, it was first handed over to the priests for legal use, and then printed as the carrier paper for compiling the textbooks and the question bank.

And sell it in every city's chamber of commerce.

At that time, the sales of the new type of paper were not very good, and it was only spread in a small area. After all, there were parchment and papyrus.

The most important thing is that because of the backward culture, the usage rate of paper on the Western Continent is extremely low, and few people will deliberately buy it.

When water-textured paper was first sold, people almost thought it was papyrus.

They had at most felt a little bit of astonishment and amazement earlier, that the papyrus seemed to have changed.

Immediately, it was found that this paper was significantly different from parchment or papyrus.

Whether in terms of the texture of the friction between the fingers, or the texture and thickness of the paper surface, it can be clearly distinguished from the other two types of paper.

Books made of new paper in the Chamber of Thorns will not be easily damaged when the pages are turned, and they do not require careful care like papyrus.

It soon became apparent that the hardness of this paper was clearly superior to that of papyrus.

It didn't take long for the water pattern paper to use the Thorns Chamber of Commerce to carry out effective publicity strategies in various cities.

From the moment the papermaking technique was researched, Xia Zuoyi began to prepare various matters for the construction of the papermaking workshop, such as recruiting workers and preparing a large amount of raw materials.

Until the examination for the selection of mayors and officials is over, the establishment plan of the paper workshop has been completed.

When the production conditions of the workshop have not yet reached the supply and demand of the entire territory, the amount of paper sold in the chamber of commerce is very limited.

After all, it was impossible for most commoners and slaves to spend money on paper that was of no use to them.

Commoners and slaves were illiterate.

They didn't need papyrus before, and naturally they don't need water-printed paper, which is a little more expensive than papyrus.

Even if the water pattern paper is of better quality, the price is already very cheap compared to parchment paper.

The exams to select mayors and other officials have come to an end.

The paper promotion plan prepared by Xia Zuoyi was launched. After an effective campaign, the sales volume of water pattern paper gradually increased...

Moreover, Xia Zuoyi is also slowly implementing some plans.

Apart from residential areas, he intends to build public buildings first.

For example, administrative-level government buildings and schools serving the people living in the territory, converting the original subsidy station into nursing homes and orphanages, and distinguishing functions, etc.

The Territory of Desinia is undergoing different changes and developments every day.

Inside the church in the King City of Gaina.

This is a spacious hall with a statue of the God of Creation. It should have been a solemn and holy place, but at this moment it was stained with heavy chills and blood.

The surrounding of the church has been heavily martial law by the knights, and there are two groups of people standing in clear opposition in the hall.

On one side is the party headed by Bruno Green.

The other group is a faction headed by the eldest son of the eldest prince, Wright Green.

The eldest son, Wright Green, is the most likely candidate to inherit the throne.

However, the succession to the throne has been delayed until now because of rumors that he loves men in the royal city of Gaina.

Today, the two sides faced off in the church.

On the ground in the middle of the hall lay a male corpse in a servant's clothes. The blood was still slowly flowing down from his chest, gradually dyeing the ground red and the man's handsome face even though it was cold.

Wright tightened his jaw and pursed his lips, and the turbulent emotions were forcibly suppressed into his heart.

He forced his eyes to look away from the corpse, and after that, he turned away the waves in his eyes and looked at the person sitting in front of the statue of the God of Creation.

He looks young, with a handsome face and a pair of extremely beautiful and special golden eyes. At this time, he is slightly squinting, his right hand is casually placed on the back of the chair, his posture is leisurely and relaxed, but his bearing is unbelievable. ignore.

From the moment he entered the church to when Wright and Bruno Green had an argument, he had been like this, his expression remained the same, calm, but he didn't say a word.

The bishops and priests of the Gaina Church all stood behind him with great respect, while on both sides stood tall and burly men who were all wrapped in black robes and had a chilling aura.

Wright couldn't help clenching his palms, unable to guess whether the situation in front of him was in his favor...

Because neither he nor Bruno Green had guessed the identity of the young man—the Pope, Segalot Wordsworth Augsger.

A person who has been exceptionally allowed to succeed by the previous Pope since he was a teenager.

During Segalote's reign, his mind and means made everyone, including the powerful cardinal, bow their heads. Even if there is a voice of opposition, it will be suppressed mercilessly as soon as it is raised a little. .

He is the darling of the God of Creation.

Seeing that the Pope had not shown the slightest sign, the bishop of Gaina said to Wright from behind: "Prince Wright, you don't admit to falling in love with your servant, do you?"

Wright said with an ugly face: "My servant has been proved by death, isn't that obvious enough?"

"Everything is Bruenor's trick. He framed me for the purpose of ascending the throne."

Bruno was not as handsome as Wright, and his face was thinner.

The expression on his face was light, his eyes passed the Pope without a trace, and looked directly at the bishop: "The death of the servant is not necessarily to prove that there is no connection between him and Wright."

"It is also possible that they committed suicide out of fear of crime, covering up the fact that the two of them violated common sense."

After Bruno finished speaking, he looked at Wright again, and the corners of his mouth twitched slowly: "I remember that this lowly servant used to be by Big Brother's side all the time, with a close attitude."

"It's not like a servant, it's like... but he disappeared after the news that you liked a man, was it hidden by the big brother?"

Bruno glanced at the corpse on the ground indifferently. He managed to find the person, but now he is dead.

Wright sneered back: "I can't have a servant stay by the master's side forever."

"If he did something wrong, he was naturally punished and sent to other places by me. Why, has your magnanimity been so merciful that you allow lowly servants to act rude to you?"

Bruno's face sank.

He determined that the man who had just become a corpse and Wright were a close couple.

Even if he's not a lover, Wright spends his days hanging out with pariahs and behaves erratically.

With this alone, Wright can't compete with him.

Bruno calculated Wright that once the news broke, Wright would never have a chance to ascend to the throne.

But for some reason, things didn't go the way he wanted.

I don't know where the error occurred, so that the rumors have always been just rumors, and have not become reality.

Bruno's assassination plan against Wright is also disrupted.

Wright only lost a few knights, but he himself was unscathed.

after this.

Bruno clearly felt that Wright began to deal with him quietly, until they confronted each other in the church, and the most crucial "evidence" died...

The bishop couldn't help but look at Bruno, his eyes flashing.

He said: "We have investigated Prince Wright before, and it has been proved from many sources that although Prince Wright has a close relationship with his servant, he is indeed a man with normal needs... not a person who goes against common sense."

"Prince Bruno, the servant you brought is dead. The evidence you mentioned is not enough, so..."

Bishop Gaina couldn't help but feel bitter in his heart.

He has been bought by Bruno Green before and needs to be on his side when it matters.

But what I didn't expect was that the Pope actually traveled to Gaina, and obviously had a lot of interest in the two princes competing for the throne.

What was even more unexpected was that Prince Wright arrived at the church in time for the news that he didn't know where he got it. During the confrontation between the two sides, the servant used the weapon he grabbed and committed suicide before everyone could react in time.

Now there is no conclusive evidence for both parties, and it is not good for him to arbitrarily take sides in front of the Pope.

When Bruno heard this, his chest heaved and his eyes flickered.

He's not happy that it ends like this...

Segalot just happened to move slightly at this moment.

He opened his eyes, and his golden eyes swept over Bruno casually, and he didn't stop for a long time, but Bruno's heart was full of anger, and his heart couldn't help beating faster, and he subconsciously wanted to lower his head.

He seemed to be seen through by the Pope.

Obviously... just a young man much younger than him...

The bishop even stretched his body when Segalot changed his posture, and said, "Since Prince Wright is innocent, it is normal for him to inherit the throne."

"So, the church will hold a coronation ceremony for Prince Wright in three days..."

The bishop bowed forward and whispered in Segalot's ear: "Your Majesty, would you like to..."

Segalot: "I'll leave Guena tomorrow."

The bishop said respectfully, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Bruno couldn't help clenching his palms below.

The Pope came at an untimely time, and his departure made him even more angry... The Pope's arrival can be said to have helped Wright to a certain extent.

Even if Segalot did not intervene in all matters of the royal family.

But as long as he's here as Pope, the bishop can't do anything to favor him, otherwise...

In the end, Bruno was extremely unwilling to return to the territory with the people.

In the Church of Gaina.

Segalot stood alone in front of the window of the room, turning a small and delicate bird whistle between his fingers, his eyebrows were quiet, and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

The man in black robe pushed in the door and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, everything has been prepared, you can leave early tomorrow morning, you want to go..."

Segalot: "Go to Garda, no, it should be called the Territory of Desinia now."

He said, a smile filled his golden eyes, as if he remembered someone or something interesting.

The man in black robe was obviously puzzled: "But, Your Majesty, didn't you just leave from..."

Why are you going now...

Segalot turned around and said indifferently, "Have I been to Desinia Territory?"

The black-robed man couldn't help but feel a sigh in his heart, and immediately lowered his head and said, "No, of course you didn't, Your Majesty, there is no need to doubt your decision."

Segalot: "Go down."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The man in black robe quietly retreated again.

Segalot raised the bird whistle in front of his eyes and said inaudibly, "...Go back and see you again, Little Rose, you really didn't disappoint me."

Three days later, Guyana was succeeded by Prince Wright, and the news was sent back to the Territory of Desinia.

Xia Zoe quickly heard about it.

at the same time.

A document from the Holy Church of the Saint Airo Empire was handed over to Xia Zoe.

What is written on the document is that the Holy See hopes to re-establish the church and temple of the God of Creation in Wissas.

To say it is hope is actually a request that cannot be refused.

After all, the Holy See is powerful, and as long as they speak, it is impossible for any country, including territory, to directly refuse.

Xia Zoe couldn't help but think of the date when the church and shrine of Kaesri were destroyed... He thought again about the time when the documents of the Holy Church were delivered...

Xia Zoe murmured, "Judit, did he guess from the beginning that I would win...?"

This document should have been prepared since he left Kaais. The time when the document was sent was almost the same as the time when the Saint Air Empire departed and arrived at the territory...