The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 58


Mount Koch is not too close to the royal city of Hurghada.

Xia Zoe took Judit and others along with Samuel.

In the end, Xia Zoe asked Valk to tie the person to him after he stepped into Koch Mountain.

The time happened to be in the evening, and the fiery clouds in the sky spread over the entire mountain, and the forest seemed to be covered with a thin veil, ethereal and gorgeous.

Xia Zoe sat casually on a boulder by the stream.

One of his legs stretched forward and the other was bent, his right hand wearing leather gloves resting on his knees, revealing a white wrist, which attracted the attention of others under the overlapping dark colors.

But at this moment, no one will look at it, and no one dares to look at it.

When poor Samuel was worrying about what to eat for dinner, he was taken away by two servants dressed as soldiers who suddenly appeared and brought to Xia Zoe.

Samuel was extremely depressed.

His skills are also very good, otherwise he would not dare to venture into the mountains by himself.

But he didn't expect that after two rounds, he was beaten to the ground, and then his hands were tied. At this time, he was kneeling in front of this obviously aristocratic young master...

Samuel couldn't help being a little nervous, not knowing where he had offended the other party.

Xia Zoe said lightly: "Samuel Fern."

Samuel looked up in surprise.

How could this noble young master know his name? !

Xia Zoe: "Don't remember, we met on the ship, the Dream."

He reminded.

Samuel's face showed a thoughtful look, and then suddenly looked at him: "You, you are..."

Although Samuel's mind was all on Duke Bill and the Dream, he only glanced at other people or objects.

But I still think of the little boy who passed him by on the deck, but...

Samuel glanced at Xia Zoe, and then at Judit, who was standing behind him who was obviously a subordinate, and immediately understood that the appearance they made on the Dream was just a relationship disguised for outsiders.

In fact, the leader has always been the young boy sitting in the center.

But Samuel doesn't understand that he is an honest man who just wants to go to sea. How did he provoke this noble young master

So he humbly asked for advice.

Xia Zuoyi thought to himself that he was really interesting. After being tied up, he didn't look flustered. He was calmly trying to find a way to get out.

He said, "Why did you come to Koch Mountain, we are why."

Samuel: "You're here for Duke Bill too?!"

Xia Zoe: "That's right."

"Now let's talk about the reason why you came to Koch Mountain, we can have a good talk, Valk, let him loose first."

Valk nodded and said yes, ordering the soldiers to loosen the rope for Samuel.

Samuel rubbed his slightly red wrist and grinned. After weighing the pros and cons, he knew that he was not qualified to bargain now.

He simply said: "You are definitely not from Helga, but even if you are Helga, you must not know as well as I know."

"what do you know?"

"Koch Mountain is a special place for Duke Bill," Samuel said.

Xia Zoe was a little surprised.

Because neither in the notes Rodney said nor in the information they heard was any mention of Koch Mountain.

Not to mention knowing what makes Koch Mountain so special to Duke Bill.

It was like he was playing a guessing game.

Although I got the answer directly, there are still hidden clues in the middle that I don't understand.

Xia Zuoyi couldn't help thinking to himself - is it because of the particularity of Koch Mountain that Duke Bill buried the treasure here

Samuel said: "Duke Bill never married or had children in his entire life."

"People say he gave everything for the sea, but in fact he had a very loving lover who met on Koch Mountain."

Xia Zuoyi: "how did you know?"

Neither Kochshan nor Duke Bill ever had a love affair with anyone mentioning it, nor did the news he sent to find out.

Clearly this is a hidden "Easter Egg", a story that Duke Bill deliberately hid.

Samuel: "I've been following Duke Bill for so long, and it's a normal trend to find clues that others have missed."

"And Duke Bill is an extremely smart person, and he blatantly left some directional traces under the eyes of countless people."

"Ordinary people can't find it, only I found it."

Walker couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Are you praising yourself for being a very smart person while turning the corner?"

Samuel grinned and said, "I am."

"And I've never doubted that I'm the only one who can do what Duke Beal did, and I'll do better than him!"

Xia Zuoyi: "Go to sea to explore the new continent?"

"That's right!"

Samuel's eyes were shining brightly that couldn't be ignored.

"But you've already failed once."

"That was just a test of mine."

Samuel said indifferently: "If you don't succeed once, you can come a second time, a third time...until you meet my death."

Samuel Fern's face was the look that only blooms when talking about dreams.

Xia Zuoyi couldn't help but beat him and said, "If you die in Koch Mountain, how will you realize your dream?"

"If I kill you now, will you be very unwilling?"

Samuel: "I am powerless to resist you."

"It is really easy for you to kill me. Although I will not be reconciled that my dream has not been realized, I will still open my heart and go to the arms of the God of Creation. May the God of Creation bless me!"

He sat on the ground casually, watching Xia Zuoyi suddenly grabbed the messy hair and smiled: "And I always think you won't kill me."

"Can't I answer the question honestly?"

"I just want to explore Duke Bill's past. I don't know what you want or have any plans, but it will never interfere with you! I won't say anything after that..."

"Why don't you spare my life..."

Xia Zoe did not make a clear statement.

He said, "How did you find the clue left by Duke Bill?"

Samuel changed his posture and sat down: "I guess, I follow Duke Bill's thinking, to say what is important in his life, it must be the Dream."

"He gave up so much to build this ship, including the girl he was in love with."

"You can't take women with you when you go to sea."

"Because at sea, a woman means disaster. Duke Bill will not give up his dream of going to sea, so he reluctantly let go of his beloved lover."

"But he must regret this relationship, otherwise he will not be unmarried for life."

Samuel murmured: "Oh, if you want me to say that there is no conflict between marrying a wife and having children and going to sea, it's a pity that I haven't met the woman I want to marry now..."

Xia Zoe: "I don't care about this."

"… yes, yes, I went on."

Samuel tugged at the placket as if he couldn't be idle: "I wonder if you have ever entered the cabin of the Dream?"


"If you've ever been in there, you'll see text and patterns carved on the board of the boat or on the table, many, many, and Duke Bill likes to burn any information on his stuff."

Xia Zoe couldn't help looking at Judit and Valk.

The two nodded.

Judit said: "Indeed, but it's just everyday text without any important news..."

Samuel shook his finger: "That's why I said Duke Bill was a very smart and very bold man."

"Since he loved his Dream the most, how could he not take another look at it and stroke its graceful hull before leaving Hurghada."

"So I boldly guess that Duke Bill must have secretly returned to the ship after that."

"Also, he left some traces in prominent places on the boat, and it is these traces that guide me to pursue his former love and decipher the clues that he actually hid in the end!"

"That clue is Koch Mountain!"

Samuel: "I'm a boat builder."

"I am very familiar with the structure of the hull, and I also know how the hull or the things on the ship will change after going through the waves. I can see the difference in the traces in the cabin."

It's just that Duke Bill is a recording madman.

He left so many traces that Samuel was only now sifting through the important information.


Xia Zoe let Samuel move forward according to his own ideas.

They found an abandoned cabin in the deep forest.

This used to be a resting place for hunters in the forest, but it was obviously useless now, but Samuel walked in and found hidden special symbols under the floor and in the corners.

Xia Zuoyi recognized that this was the symbol marked on the treasure map.

He asked, "Do you know what that means?"

Samuel: "Yes, these are the symbols that Duke Bill will mark after identifying his direction at sea, representing east, southeast, southwest..."

"He's got burnt under the table in the cabin."

Xia Zoe: "..."

No wonder this man would rather spend fifty silver coins to get on board frequently.

Samuel was a little excited: "We just follow the directions indicated, and we don't know what we will find in the end."

He suddenly said to Xia Zoey, "you must know, right?"

Xia Zuoyi raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

He didn't deliberately do anything to hide from Samuel: "Yes, I know, and I can tell you now."

"No, no, don't say it!"

Samuel waved his hands in panic: "Please let me enjoy the joy of decryption."

Xia Zoe made a gesture of invitation.

Samuel breathed a sigh of relief and led the way.

They eventually followed the directions to a cliff edge.

Xia Zoe glanced at the detailed map produced by the system, and the end point marked on it was in a hidden cave under the cliff.

Judit saw Xia Zuoyi's eagerness to try, and couldn't help but say, "Do you want to go down in person?"

Xia Zoe nodded: "Don't worry about me, Judit."

"You wait up there with someone, and Valk will take me down."

"Okay, please pay attention to safety."

Although Judit is worried, he will not stop him against Xia Zuoyi's wishes. The young eagle will always grow up. Before that, it is the best choice for him to let the lord try and fly.

Of course, the premise of letting go is that the front is safe enough.

Xia Zoe slowly reached the bottom of the cliff with the help of Valk.

After careful search, they found the cave hidden in the lush grass, but there was nothing inside.

"How could it be..." Samuel scratched his head in confusion.

Xia Zuoyi inadvertently slammed the dagger into a part of the mountain wall, making an empty sound.

Valk looked over at once: "There is a problem with the mountain wall."

There is indeed a problem.

Because the mountain wall was hollowed out by Duke Bill, and inside it hides the treasure he brought back from the continent he had been exploring...

Xia Zoe saw ancient lithographs depicting abstract figures wearing eagle feather crests, distinctive written descriptions, and pieces of palm-sized gold...

He found a well-sealed old parchment in an unremarkable box.

098 appeared on the system interface: [Host, this is the sea route map, is it included in the system?]


[The system is recording... Fixing bugs, please wait... After the patching is completed, the sea route is updated, and hosts are welcome to explore at any time.]

After 098's voice fell, the system interface instantly refreshed and changed - the fog around the Western Continent dissipated, revealing the blue sea surface. There were many unmarked places on the vast sea surface, which were not blocked by vague mosaics before exploration. .

Xia Zoe: "..."

Could it be that my future journey will be the sea of stars? !

He couldn't help but turn his eyes to Samuel.

At this moment, Samuel turned a blind eye to the golden gems all over the ground, and was extremely obsessed with touching the manuscript left by Duke Bill.

He noticed Xia Zuoyi's meaningful eyes, and he couldn't help but turn pale, do you want to be killed

Does he really want to run into the arms of the creator god? !

Samuel was in despair.

After all, he really didn't expect Duke Bill to stay here to be a coveted treasure, and he knew such a big secret...

This noble young master must not let him go no matter what.

The flames of ecstasy at the discovery of the manuscript were instantly extinguished.

Xia Zoe: "Go."

"Please forgive me for a... eh? Go, where?" Samuel couldn't help being stunned.