The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 60


Xia Zoe's stay in Guyana was not short.

What's more, he went to Hurghada to search for the treasure left by Duke Bill, which took a lot of time.

When Xia Zuoyi returned to the familiar territory again, it was approaching the beginning of spring, the snow melted, and the city showed a new look.

Between Weissus and Fort Comoy there is Mount Parr.

In the past, entering Wessas was by detouring the mountain road on the south side of Mount Parr, which was time-consuming and laborious, and it was not safe to travel alone.

Since the mountain on the northwest side of Pal Mountain was closed to traffic and became Xia Zoe's private domain, after the area of Pal Lake became his residence…

Shazoe built another road between Weissus and Fort Comoy.

The road was built at the foot of the Pal Mountains.

The original location of the boot camp has been demolished and moved away, and now it has been rebuilt into a checkpoint for entry and exit inspections and payment of fees in Wisas. Specially stationed soldiers will verify and guard them and collect tolls.

The road between the two cities is wide and smooth, and the round-trip time is almost cut by more than half.

Even if the fee is charged, it is only a few copper coins.

What's more, the commoners and slaves don't usually go out at all, and the main targets are businessmen who come to the city to do business, or some lords and manor owners from other cities and kingdoms.

these three years.

The "different" development method of the Desinia territory has indeed attracted the attention of many other small domestic people.

Some looked on with disdain, some scorned...

They watched Xia Zoe Desinia slash and rebuild the two cities of Weissus and Fort Komoy, and then slowly developed and changed the other thirteen cities. After the money was earned by the Thorns Chamber of Commerce, a lot of money The flower of the pen goes out…

Many people laughed at him and mocked his decision.

It's not that you're doing useless work.

Rather, they felt that Xia Zoe Desinia had absolutely no need to do these things.

Isn't it bad to keep money for pleasure

As a lord, it is a matter of course for him to squeeze and exploit the people in the territory. Why should he build a city? Why bother with the lives of commoners and slaves

Not only that.

Xia Zuoyi even reduced taxes in the territory, which was equivalent to pushing out some of the considerable money.

They laugh at Desinia for being a child after all, which is so stupid it can't be more stupid.

However, to be able to support the construction of the city, the output in terms of money must be a considerable number.

In this case, some people inevitably set their sights on the Thorns Chamber of Commerce and attracted the attention of the Chamber of Commerce.

But they are bound to be disappointed.

Because the Thorns Chamber of Commerce and the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce have always cooperated, and Shazoe Desinia and the newly appointed leader of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, Boris Abel, often exchange letters.

They are both collaborators and friends, and have a close relationship.

Some people did not dare to offend the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce and then stopped.

Some people are not afraid, and under the banner of defeating the Thorns Chamber of Commerce, they want to form an alliance with the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce - they only need to divide up a little money, and the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce can take the opportunity to annex the Thorns Chamber of Commerce.

Businessmen are greedy by nature, and money is everything.

They do not believe that the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce can endure the growth of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce day by day, and is likely to directly threaten the status of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce in the future.

Sure enough, someone in the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce was tempted.

They secretly set traps and snares, but they didn't expect the "prey" to show its ferocious fangs, bite off the ropes on its body, and jump out of the trap to rush towards them.

They were supposed to be hunters and they instantly became new prey and embarked on the road to death.

However, the two chambers of commerce took this opportunity to eliminate the cancer and betrayers in the chamber of commerce, and they took the business to a higher level, making people jealous.

After this incident, many people also began to understand - how did this little brat, Desinia, sit on the seat of the big lord by virtue of luck.

He is an aggressive and intelligent wolf cub himself, no, it should be said that he is a wolf.

Although he is still young, he is not to be underestimated.

Most importantly - Shazoe Desinia is a very, very talented alchemist.

He was not well known in the beginning.

But it was at that time that Xia Zuoyi developed a relationship with Boris, who is now the leader of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, with the botanical medicine he developed.

At that time, botanical medicines for treating cough and fever began to be sold in the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, and soon spread in the Anas Empire and other places, and were greatly welcomed.

And because the price is fair, commoners and slaves can afford to save a lot of money.

Therefore, both nobles, commoners, and slaves are flocking to the potions. It is conceivable that the small pots of plant potions sold can bring much profit to the Chamber of Commerce.

People thought that such a quick-acting and miraculous potion was the result of the research of a famous master alchemist.

Some people will naturally inquire about the situation with the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, and they really want to make acquaintances with them, and have many sets of friendships.

However, the results they found out surprised them and couldn't believe it.

But they had to believe it.

Not only because the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce had no need to deceive them, but most importantly - the packaging or jars that sold the potions were printed with a pattern representing the Desinia family crest.

—A bright rose surrounded by thorns.

The facts are right in front of you, and you can't help but believe them.

Not to mention that after that, the Chamber of Thorns not only launched botanical medicines, but also soon launched botanical ointments with the same effect.

This ointment is used for external application of wounds, the effect will be more obvious, and the condition will be better faster.

Selling botanicals and ointments for coughs and fever is just the first step in the Thorns Chamber of Commerce's plan.

It didn't take long for Xiazoe Designia to show people his excellent pharmaceutical talent, diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, etc., special ointment for the treatment of trauma...

The "brand" belonging to Desinia has been promoted through the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, once these newly developed medicinal ointments are sold, they have won the trust of countless nobles and the frenzied desire to buy.

The most worthless thing in this era is human life.

Even nobles cannot decide their own life or death.

After all, if they have a headache or brain heat one day, they will ask a doctor to take a look, and they will be treated by methods such as craniotomy, bloodletting, and fumigation.

Their end is absolutely miserable, but this "miserable" treatment method is considered a particularly normal thing by them.

It can be seen that the poison of the extremely desolate and backward medical skills on the Western Continent has spread to every corner and everyone's mind.

But everything has quietly changed.

Now an unprecedented treatment developed by Xiazoe Desinha is slowly spreading, simply boil and drink it, or apply the ointment to the injured area...

Not only the effect is magical and the recovery is fast, more importantly, there is no danger in the slightest.

Who doesn't care about their own lives

Such an unusual medicinal ointment was really enthusiastically sought after in the initial stage, and the warm atmosphere has gradually subsided until now.

Xia Zoe has a firm reputation as an alchemist.

His fame is not only due to the honor of the high lord, but also because of his unparalleled talent in alchemy.

I heard that many alchemists came here.

To this end, Desinia built a tower in Vessas that belonged to the alchemists exclusively to study the use of alchemy.

Not to mention the unimaginable changes brought about by the emergence of botanical medicines and ointments.

The emergence of a new type of paper, water-textured paper, also attracted a wave of upsurge, and gradually developed from the territory of Desinia to other small countries and even empires, and was deeply loved by nobles.

A one-year plan to rebuild the city shows no sign of it.

Two years are enough for the two reconstructed cities to show their new appearance and style. Words such as clean and tidy are no longer enough to describe the changes in Weissus and Comoy Fort.

over a year ago.

A nobleman from the Saint Airo Empire came to Xia Zoe's territory not far away because he wanted to treat a kind of pain in him.

He hoped that the gifted alchemist could take a look for him, and when he stepped into Fort Comoy and Weissus, he couldn't help but sigh.

— "These two cities are definitely the cleanest places on the Western Continent! Weissus is the first, Fort Comoy is the second, and nothing compares!"

What the aristocrat meant in his words was that even the prosperous royal city of the Saint Air Empire could not compare to Weissus and Fort Komoy.

After he returned to the empire, he sighed again to many people.

This nobleman has a lot of background.

He is a marquis in the Saint Air Empire, and many people agree with what he said. Even if some people don't believe it, they also agree with him on the surface.

Such a move has given the remote rural place of Wessus a little fame in the empire.

Xia Zuoyi, who only learned later, said: Thank you for the publicity, but I have too little knowledge.

After all, he hasn't completely rebuilt Vessus and Fort Comoy.

In this way, he has already won the heart of this noble... It really made him not know what to say.

Xia Zoe is now returning to the territory with Samuel.

When passing through Fort Komoy, Samuel was astonished with his mouth wide open, like a bumpkin who entered the city for the first time.

He felt that his eyes were not enough, and he wished to grow two more pairs to take a good look.

It should have been all the way through the city, but Samuel shyly asked if he could stay for a while and let him walk around.

Xia Zoe nodded in agreement.

Now that he has arrived here, he is in no hurry to go home.

"When-" came the sound.

This is the sound of the chimes driven by heavy hammers in the city.

There is a tall and magnificent self-ringing bell in Fort Comoy.

It is five storeys high and built by the craftsmen's guild with great effort. It is built with layers of red bricks, and inside is a spiral staircase...

The top of the self-ringing clock is a huge dial decorated with countless iron wires wrapped in roses and thorns.

Today, this self-ringing bell has become a landmark of Fort Comoy.

Samuel was standing in the open space in front of him with fascination and admiration.