The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 63


Xia Zuoyi dawdled and didn't want to get up from the bed.

But he had to be picked up and dressed by the conscientious butler, and his expression was depressed.

It was nothing to see Boris coming over suddenly.

After all, they have been pen pals for many years, and they are also partners of the Chamber of Commerce, and they are still familiar with each other.

Boris didn't tell him about coming to the territory, presumably he wanted to surprise him.

But what about the messengers of the Anas Empire

Didn't they just go to Hurghada? !

Furthermore, the Anas Empire has nothing to do with half a copper coin in the Territory of Desinia... Uninvited, and I don't know why...

Xia Zuoyi couldn't help thinking of the Pope who lived in his castle again, and couldn't help but feel that his head was big, and his brows were all twisted to one place.


Just as he sighed, the two teams of people who had arrived outside the castle at about the same time and were waiting were also looking at each other, creating a strange atmosphere.

A tall man in a white cloak stood at the forefront of the Anas Empire messenger convoy.

He was wearing a robe of the same color embroidered with silver thread patterns, his face covered under the cloak was silver-haired and gray-eyed, handsome in appearance, and cold in temperament.

At the front of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce team also stood a tall man with blond hair and green eyes, a handsome face and a deep profile.

He was wearing a black coat, but it was unbuttoned, revealing a straight gray-green vest inside, with bulging muscles on his chest, and a very good figure.

The two stood opposite each other, silent.

However, the glances in each other's eyes showed that they knew each other.

Not only that, although they knew each other, they obviously didn't have a good relationship.

One has a cold face, the other frowns.

The two of them, one is the grand duke of the Anas Empire, Orville Achiayoli.

One is Boris Abel, the leader of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, the largest chamber of commerce in the Anas Empire.

Both are from the Anas Empire.

One is noble and powerful, and the other controls the wealth of the empire and controls the lifeline of the economy.

The intertwining of power and money, it is strange to say that the two do not know each other.

And it is because they know each other.

They never imagined that they would meet each other at the same time in front of the castle of Lord Desinia...

Orville Aqiyoli originally concealed his identity and followed in the messenger group, and all matters were settled by the messenger.

This is the case in Hurghada.

—Orville is free from profane duties and at ease.

But at this moment...

Orville looked coldly at Boris.

There must be no way to hide his identity any longer.

Therefore, when Xia Zoe came out, the messenger to receive unexpectedly became the Grand Duke of Anas Empire.

And the Archduke of Archiayoli was actually the man with whom he shared the fate of watching beluga whales on the Dream.

As soon as the two met, they were stunned in the same place.

Immediately, Orville said to Xia Zoe with a slightly relaxed expression: "I didn't expect that Lord Desinia was actually you."

Xia Zuoyi had a complicated expression: "... I wonder why the Grand Duke came to my territory?"

And I want to hide my identity...

If Boris hadn't happened to recognize people here, he might have been deceived.

Orville immediately shut up, and even his expression changed back to the appearance of no ups and downs.

He stared at Xia Zuoyi fixedly, his light gray eyes seemed to be misty, making it difficult to see the flashing emotions inside.

The person standing behind Orville is called Robert, the confidant of the Grand Duke of Orville and the messenger of this plenipotentiary.

Just as he was about to step forward to take over from the Duke and say something nice to the little lord of Desinia, he heard the stern words of the Duke.

"Something happened."

Xia Zoe: "..."

Robert: "..."

Boris snorted with his arms crossed.

Xia Zuoyi cleared his throat and said, "Since there is something to do, please come to the study with me."

They entered the castle together, but before entering the study, they met Segalot in the corridor.

Orville frowned slightly.

Boris does the same.

"Your Majesty the Pope?!"

After seeing the face of the person coming and his special eyes, Robert opened his eyes in disbelief and blurted out.

My God, the God of Creation is above! Why is His Majesty Augsger here? !

Has he not woken up yet? !

This place is indeed the castle of Lord Desinia, right? ! !

Robert desperately wanted to rub his eyes.

He seriously doubted himself dazzled!

However, His Majesty the Pope really stood in front of him.

The Pope even wore a more casual outfit, with long curly hair tied back with a red ribbon.

He wore a white shirt with a slightly open collar on the upper part of his body, with a little collarbone exposed at the opening, and the slightly thin shirt set off his leaner figure that was not inferior to the Golden Knights.

The lower body is wearing black trousers and black boots, and the legs are straight and slender.

Segalot stopped in front of Xia Zoe and others.

His somewhat unnoticeable surprise at the arrival of the Grand Duke Archiayoli and the leader of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce flashed across his eyes, so fast that no one noticed, and his expression was as indifferent as ever.

But Segalot lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his lips after Xia Zoe said hello.

Xia Zuoyi thought that the three people in front of them were big bosses who could not be easily ignored. Since they met in the corridor, they had to introduce each other.

After his introduction, the three of them "greeted" in their own way.

But then, it should have been Xia Zoe talking with the Grand Duke of Orville about the reason why he came to the territory, but for some unknown reason, it turned out that Segalot and Boris also came to the study together.

The temperature inside the castle is suitable.

After not being at the seaside, I also got rid of the cold and damp feeling.

Irrelevant people were excluded from the study. Only four people, including Xia Zuoyi, sat at the table, each occupying a table, and the atmosphere had been silent for a long time.

Segalot leaned back on the chair, clasped his hands flat on his stomach, and breathed quietly.

Orville took off the white cloak he was wearing, and his silvery hair fell just a little bit from his shoulders.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and put one hand on the table casually.

As for Boris.

He held his arms and looked impatient, his green eyes that seemed to be deep in the bottom of the lake narrowed slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Xia Zuoyi's eyes turned around, and he sighed in his heart. If only 098 was still in the system interface, he could still talk to 098.

But on the way back to the territory, 098 went out to travel with a small burden.

"Aren't you talking?"

After a while, Xia Zuoyi simply said, "Any questions to ask?"

Segalot turned his head: "Did Brown Sugar slept with you yesterday?"

Xia Zuoyi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yeah, it's still small, so it's hard to put it next to the egg yolks."

Besides, it's better to stick more of his scent to reduce rejection.

Segalot stopped talking when he got the answer, as if he just wanted to ask about the brown sugar.

Boris's thoughts fluctuated a little, frowning.

When did little Zoe know the Pope? And the relationship seems to be a bit good...

He couldn't help asking, "Is Brown Sugar your new cutie again?"

They communicate frequently.

Boris naturally knew what large beasts Xia Zoey kept at home—two tigers, costocyanine, and lions.

and their names.

Xia Zuoyi likes to call these beasts cute, and he often shares some interesting stories in his letters.

Therefore, Boris understood from the words just now - brown sugar is not easy to put next to the egg yolks - it is estimated that it is the cub of some beast.

Xia Zuoyi also nodded and replied, "Brown Sugar is a very cute little black panther, and it was a gift from the Pope to me."

Black Panther didn't surprise Boris very much.

But the person who sent the black panther made Boris couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and the lake-green eyes became dark and deep in an instant.

Orville looked at Segalot at this time, and his cold voice flowed like a cold spring: "As far as I know, the species of black panther is extremely rare on the Western Continent, only in the Kadi tribe in the extreme west. Only in…”

"Presumably the black panther of the lord of Desinia was dedicated to the Pope to seek refuge from the Kadi tribe."

Segalot was noncommittal.

Orville: "With His Majesty the Pope here, His Majesty the King of the Saint Air Empire doesn't look down on such a small tribe, even if it is occupied, it is useless..."

"However, the church and temple of the God of Creation can successfully settle in the Kadi tribe..."

Segalot's golden eyes swayed with a smile, but it didn't reach the bottom of his eyes: "The glory of the God of Creation is everywhere in the world."

Yes, everyone knows, and Kady is no exception.

Otherwise it is an alternative.

But Cardi is also remote, poor, backward, and even uneducated, living in the jungle like a savage.

It doesn't matter whether the churches and shrines of the God of Creation are inhabited or not.

- The important thing is that the Kadi tribe advocates nature and believes in black panthers.

What Segalot needs is a voice that has never been found in the Holy See.

Yet the Kadi tribe was still young.

Whether it grows or dies, Segalot chooses to sit on the sidelines, just like the nature that Kady admires.

The topic stopped there, and the atmosphere began to cool down again.

Xia Zuoyi lowered his head and pulled his fingers under the table. He was too lazy to speak, so tired.

At this moment, a loud eagle chirp suddenly came from outside the window.

In order to let Qingtuan fly into the house or stand on the window sill without any effort, Xia Zuoyi must have a large and spacious window in the room he frequents, and it is rarely closed during the day.

Now, Qingtuan's long wings have converged, and they landed on the window edge almost instantly. The sharp bird claws probably often grabbed there, leaving a few obvious potholes.

At this moment, Qingtuan was tilting his head slightly, and his blue-gold eyes looked curiously at the two new strangers in the room.

Orville's light gray eyes gradually became serious.

Boris couldn't help but sigh: "It looks really charming."

"You're right in your letter, it's definitely the overlord of the sky."

Xia Zuoyi didn't break his fingers anymore, and suddenly thought of a good way to not have to sit in the study.

He said, "I will take you to hunt in the forest."

"Now is the time when everything is recovering. It's already very lively inside. It just so happens that I'm going to take the briquettes and snowballs out to let them out. Why..."

Orville stood up before Xia Zoe finished speaking: "Well."