The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 67


"Meiweisi, the goddess of wisdom, is the wisest deity."

"She is beautiful, just, and benevolent... She wears a wreath woven by Berranka, which was given by the Father, and wears a long skirt woven by moonlight, which is a gift from the moon god Karis, and is walking through the road. On the way to the temple where the God of Creation rests..."

"Mevis wants to obtain a gem of light for the elf king Walshiri to defeat the devil emerging from the abyss."

In the churches of Wessas, there are countless believers praying devoutly in front of the statue of the God of Creation on the day of God's speech every month.

However, there has never been a day when it was so overcrowded as it is today.

The church was crowded.

The outside of the church was also dark.

Among them, the most naughty children tried their best to squeeze into the house, squatting on the legs of adults, in the aisle, lying on the window without a seat...

They took the front position as much as possible, just to hear what Bishop Grove had to say.

There was silence in the huge church as Bishop Grove spoke.

Until Grove closed the book in his hand, raised his head and smiled: "The story ends here for the time being, and the follow-up has not yet come out."

"It will probably take until the Thorns Merchant Guild sells "Story of the Gods 2" again before we can find out whether Goddess Meiweisi has successfully obtained the Gem of Light from the God of Creation for the Elf King Walshiri."

Grove couldn't help thinking, in fact, he also particularly wanted to know the follow-up development.

But there is no way... Who told the lord that the follow-up story has not been written yet...

I want to urge more.

After Grove's voice fell, eager discussions gradually sounded in the church.

"I really want to know the story behind it!"

"I also bought a copy of "The Story of the Gods" and read a few pages, but I really can't read... "

"I also bought this book. Fortunately, my son is studying in school. When he comes back from school, let him teach me." A man dressed as a civilian said.

"I don't know what a long skirt woven by moonlight will look like? It must be beautiful... just as dazzling and charming as the most gentle goddess Karis..."

"The God of Creation is above! It would be great if I could see it with my own eyes!" said a woman still wearing an apron standing outside the church.

There were also several women standing next to her, who nodded in agreement and eagerness.

Someone said: "If you want me to say, the Elf King Volhiri should go to the God of War Ludwig if he wants to defeat the devil from the abyss."

"Ludwig, the god of war, is the embodiment of war. He is the most powerful god. He can definitely defeat the devil without looking for the gem of light..."

"But the relationship between the God of War and the Elf King is not good. He once laughed at the Elf King for being beautiful like a woman."

"Ludwig, the God of War, is too arrogant and arrogant, and the Goddess of Wisdom Meiweisi has a friendly relationship with the Elf King, and the Goddess of Wisdom is deeply favored by the God of Creation, so she must be able to come to the Bright Gem!"

"If the elf king wants the gem of light, why not go to the god of light Griffith? The god of light only needs to condense one with divine power."

"But Griffith, the god of light, never interferes in the affairs of other races."

"The God of Light is high above, he doesn't like to show his face, and he rarely interacts with other gods... Only the call of the God of Creation can make the God of Light appear from the clouds... Oh, by comparison, I still like the warm and friendly earth goddess Ni the most. Cora."

"No, I like Hillary Riley, the god of love the most."

"She is the most beautiful goddess, and is in love with Leander, the god of the sea, although they separated later, although the goddess of love is too affectionate..."

Grove watched the people file their way out of the church as he listened to the eager discussions.

Wait until the church gradually returns to its former quiet state.

He said to the pastor beside him, "You will be responsible for the gift of bouquets on the day of preaching. I will go to Paarshan to report today's results to the lord."

"Yes, Bishop." The priest nodded.

Grove left the church and headed to Parr Hill.

After several checkpoints, he arrived at the castle on the shore of Lake Pal, and was led into the study by the waiting maid...

After Grove finished his statement, Xia Zoe handed him a picture scroll with a satisfied expression.

"This is… "

Grove took it up suspiciously.

After seeing the picture drawn on the scroll clearly, Grove couldn't help but widen his eyes with a look of amazement on his face.

The scroll depicts a picture of the gods flying to heaven in the clouds.

—In the golden kingdom of heaven, the God of Creation was sitting on a crystal chair full of flowers and gems in a white robe.

He is the supreme, insurmountable deity.

A pair of golden indifferent eyes without the slightest emotion stared at the bottom quietly, the long black hair draped over the robe and meandered down the shoulders, and finally fell to the left wrist...

And in the left hand of the God of Creation is holding a red divine flower Belranka.

Under the kingdom of heaven, the clouds are full of colors.

A man with long blond hair held a scepter in front of him and looked at the God of Creation with reverence in his eyes. Behind him was a goddess wearing a star-studded dress with a vine wrapped around her wrist...

Groff recognized them one by one.

—The man with long blond hair is Griffith, the god of light.

The goddess behind him is the moon god Karis, then the Wisdom goddess Meiweisi wearing a Bellanka wreath on her head, the sea god Leander who is surrounded by sea water, and the earth goddess Nicola who holds a bird in her arms...

The painting is very vivid.

The gods have different postures, but they all look reverently at the heaven where the creator god is located. There are countless beautiful divine birds dancing around the colorful clouds, and the divine flower Bell Lanca is blooming on the clouds near the heaven...

The picture scroll is filled with sounds of peace and a celebratory atmosphere.

Seeing that Grove finally regained his senses, Xia Zoe said, "This is a picture about the birthday of God, what do you think?"

Grove exclaimed: "It's really good!"

"Lord, are you planning to..."

Soon will be the birthday of the gods, the day when the creator god was born and created all things in the world.

Xia Zuoyi said: "I plan to find someone to carve this scroll on the wall outside the church, and then print this scroll as a book and put it on the Thorns Merchant Guild for sale..."

Grove couldn't help interrupting: "Lord, if this picture scroll was carved on the wall outside the church, wouldn't it be a bit..."

After all, this is just a story made up by the God of Creation.

Although it is novel and interesting, it is very attractive, but the story is not true... Will it arouse the dissatisfaction of the Holy See

Xia Zoe's answer was to slap the Pope's decree on the table.

"You just need to obey the order and do it, don't worry about the rest, I'm here."

Grove nodded silently.

Xia Zuoyi: "Besides, it's just a story. What if it's true?"

He picked up the brown sugar that was licking his paws on the table, put it in his arms and leaned back on the chair.

Brown Sugar must have been hugged like this many times, and it adapts well. She just shook her small round ears slightly and stepped on a comfortable position to continue licking her hair.

Grove's eyes couldn't help falling on the little black panther.

This is a gift from the Pope to the Lord.

He also thought that the Pope had lived in the castle for a long time... Presumably the relationship between the Pope and the lord should be good...

Not knowing what to make up for, Grove immediately put his mind at ease and went to do what Xia Zoe handed to him.

On God's Birthday, the shelter surrounding the church was finally removed.

Since the day of God's Talk, the walls outside the church have been blocked by a circle of black curtains, and there is a tinkling beating sound inside every day, which makes people who often come to the church to pray very curious.

Today, Bishop Grove led the priests to stand outside the church. Several soldiers grabbed the edge of the black curtain and pulled it open together under Grove's command—

"Shh" sound.

The black curtain fell to the ground with a heavy sound.

People's eyes are always glued to the new wall, their eyes are wide, their mouths are open, and they look like they are in a trance.

Even Grove, who had been prepared for a long time, couldn't help being stunned, and stood there without speaking for a while.

The pictures on the scroll are amazing, but the frescoes carved on the walls show an unparalleled sense of impact, lifelike and both physical and spiritual.

This is also all thanks to the craftsmen that Xia Zuoyi focused on selecting.

He repeatedly instructed to carve it out according to the drawings on the scroll, no matter the subtle expressions on the faces of the gods, the demeanor, the movements, the folds of the clothes, etc., they must be carved with utmost precision.

Not only that, he also asked the craftsmen to achieve a "realistic" effect of carving.

Especially the God of Creation sitting on the crystal chair, the look of contempt with golden eyes looking down, the pious expressions of the gods, etc.

The craftsmen were simply tortured by "Party A", their heads were bald and their brains hurt.

However, when all this is displayed, the visual experience is indescribable, as if it is immersive, and people seem to witness the scene of the gods celebrating the creation of the world.

Especially being watched by the eyes of the God of Creation - those high eyes seem to really be overlooking the creatures he created from the distant heaven.

"The God of Creation is above!"

Some people couldn't help kneeling on the ground and praying to the God of Creation, like a signal, and then, many people knelt down.

"The God of Creation is above..."

Grove couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, put his right hand on the back of his left and pressed it against his chest, bowed his head reverently, and said prayers in his mouth.

At this moment, he really believed that the gods were real...

Xia Zoe sat in the carriage quietly watching everything that happened outside the church.

After a while, he lowered the curtain and said softly, "Judit, let's go."

"Yes, lord." Judit replied in a low voice.

Immediately, the carriage gradually moved away.

The effect of the frescoes in the church is undoubtedly sensational. People in Wisas rushed to hear the sound, and the door of the church was in an endless stream every day.

Even people from Fort Comoy and other cities want to go up to see the frescoes celebrating the gods.

Over time, this mural became famous.

Churches in other cities began to submit documents to the mayor of the city where they were located, hoping to also have a celebration of the gods.

The mayor submits again.

Therefore, Xia Zoe logically ordered the artisans who carved the murals to go to other churches to complete their demands.

In this case, the printed books of the gods' celebration pictures began to be sold in the Thorns Chamber of Commerce.

The guys in the chamber of commerce have been ordered to publicize - holding this picture book to enter the church to pray is more sincere, the God of Creation will definitely bless you, and the gods will also listen to your prayers!

What are you waiting for, buy it!

Therefore, after "The Story of the Gods", this picture booklet also sold like crazy.

After listening to Gibran reading the financial statement of the Chamber of Commerce in the study, Xia Zuoyi smiled with satisfaction, his beautiful eyebrows and eyes curved into the shape of a crescent moon.

Gibran said: "Lord, our next arrangement is..."

Xia Zuoyi put his hands on the pads on his chin: "How is the research on the dyeing process sent by Boris?"

"It has been thoroughly researched." Yadai said.

As a native of Trak, Yadai is now Xia Zuoyi's alchemy assistant. He is mainly responsible for some key research matters, and the dyeing process is one of them.

Xia Zuoyi: "Since that's the case, let's start making the first costume for the goddess - the moonlight woven dress of Meiweisi, the goddess of wisdom."

"Yes, Lord!" Gibran and the others said energetically.