The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 75


May in the Territory of Desinia is not destined to be an ordinary time.

Since the opening of the Desinia Candy Shop, the air in Visas seems to have a sweet smell in the air every day.

The taste is irresistible and irresistible.

On the first day, such a sweet and intoxicating taste blew across the city like a gust of wind, and then swept the entire Desinia territory.

Compared to the story of the gods and the appearance of clothing stores - like a slow-flowing spring water moisturizing the barren soil and sand.

The appearance of the candy shop is like a waterfall that bursts down on the boulder exposed on the water surface, splashing a big splash that cannot be ignored.

Just how rare and precious sugar was can be seen from the fact that it circulated almost exclusively between the two empires.

This is something that even minor nobles rarely have.

However, now it can be seen in Wisas every day - watching the man standing by the window of the store making candy, the nose smells the sweet smell...

But because the price of sugar is so expensive, it is simply craving for people who can't afford it.

Desinia Candy Store currently only sells two types of sugar - white sugar and lemon sugar.

The clean and beautiful sugar granules are packed in colored glass jars of different sizes and displayed on the shelves in a row.

Next to the store door, half of the wall is made into a large window, which is opened from the inside to the outside, and is supported and bound with wooden sticks and ropes.

Inside the window is a spacious countertop, where three guys show the steps of making lemon candy, boil the syrup, extract the lemon juice, mix the two, knead and stretch... Finally, knead it into a round long strip and cut it with a spatula .

The crisp sound of "Ding Ding Ding" continued to sound, which was the sound of pale yellow candies rolling into the wooden box.

The bottom layer of the wooden box is also covered with a layer of white sugar, and the moment the candy rolls down, it is stained with pure white sugar grains, making people who are addicted to watching outside the window swallow their saliva hard.

These candies are beautiful and attractive, attracting people to come and buy them all the time.

However, when they caught a glimpse of the small wooden sign with a clear price written on the wall outside the window, they couldn't help but stop in frustration and look embarrassed - the price of lemon candy is too expensive.

There are specially-sized scales on the countertops for making candy, about the length of a knuckle, for specifying and measuring.

A small candy is worth a gold coin.

One candy and one gold are perfectly reflected in this small candy shop.

The value of sugar is precious, and naturally it will attract a lot of malicious eyes.

If it just hangs the sign of an ordinary chamber of commerce, I believe it will be looted and looted in one night.

However, this candy shop belongs to the Thorns Chamber of Commerce and belongs to the Lord.

This is also why Xia Zoey has Desina's surname on the signboard, which is both a sign and a deterrent.

Not only that, during the opening hours of the store from noon to before the sun goes down every day, Barna will deliberately bring soldiers patrolling the city to guard nearby.

At night, there will be soldiers who live around the store or upstairs, and one night they really caught three thugs who were daring to steal sugar.

The next day, Barna announced the incident on the warning board in the city, and together with the portraits of the three gangsters, punished them and expelled them from Wessas forever.

Fort Komoy and Weissus have always been two cities, and naturally they will not accept these three gangsters into the city.

They lost their status as residents of Wissas and were resisted by Fort Comoy, so they had to go to other cities.

After that, many people in the city who were greedy and wanted to make crooked ideas secretly restrained their own thoughts.

After all, losing the identity of the resident of Wissas is a very serious loss, because there is no city in the territory of Desinia that can compare with the life and policy strength of Wissas and Fort Komoy.

Moreover, the daily quantity of white sugar and lemon candy sold by candy shops is too small, and the sales are so good that they are usually sold out before the sun goes down.

At night it was nothing but an empty shop.

Even sneaking in would be in vain.

Most of the white sugar and lemon candy in the store were swept up by the nobles in the territory, and they circulated extremely quickly among the nobles... Finally, more than half a month later, the continuous appearance of white sugar and lemon candy took the lead in the Desinia territory. Into the Anas Empire.

Anas Empire.

Boris sat in a chair and folded his arms, looking at the three things in front of him.

Behind him stood Vincent, the chief steward of the Nagabi Chamber of Commerce, with a complicated expression on his face, unexpected and unbelievable... so much that he didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, Vincent gasped sharply and said in a low voice, "Leader... Would you like to take a look first..."


Qingtuan stood on the open window and stomped impatiently.

Haidongqing, who was huge in size, worked hard to carry things on his back tonight, and returned to the castle immediately after waiting for the letter to reach his paws. As a result, the two watched in a daze for a long time without saying a word.

Hurry up and don't linger! in a hurry!

Qingtuan flapped its wings angrily and tweeted twice.

Boris finally recovered, raised his hand and rubbed the frown.

He got up and took out the food and water that had always been prepared since the Qingtuan communicated with Little Zooey for him, and walked to the window and placed it in front of the huge Haidongqing: "Good boy, hard work."

This beautiful big bird has a long name - Qingtuan Uranus Batian.

If outsiders call it Qingtuan, they will never pay attention, and will even frighten them aggressively, staring at a pair of blue-gold eyes and pecking at them.

Boris turned around and went back to the table after watching the Qingtuan bow his head to drink water.

There are three things on the table - "Tale of the Gods 3", a can of white sugar, and a box of lemon candy.

There is also a piece of paper with handwriting on the wooden box containing the lemon candy, from Xia Zoe.

Boris sighed involuntarily from his throat, and said inaudibly, "Little Zoe... You really... make me surprise you every moment."

But this time... He wasn't sure whether it was more "surprised" or more "happy".

Vincent nodded involuntarily behind him, feeling the same.

Boris carefully read Xia Zoe's handwritten note, and then sat on the chair to reply.

When the letter was written, Qingtuan was also full of food and drink, and reservedly stretched out a paw to let Boris tie the letter, and then fluttered and flew away, disappearing in a blink of an eye.

Boris went back to the table and opened the wooden box.

The light yellow candies were packed to the brim.

He picked up one and stuffed it into his mouth, and the sweet and sour taste instantly filled his entire mouth, making people stretch their brows unconsciously.

With sugar in his mouth, Boris pushed the wooden box in front of Vincent: "You can taste one too."

Vincent solemnly rubbed his palm on the side of his trousers, carefully squeezed out a piece and put it in his mouth, and suddenly couldn't help but say "uh": "Leader, it's very delicious!"

At this time, Boris was opening the jar with sugar.

He looked at the clean and white fine candy granules inside, and dipped a little with his fingers to taste it. The sweetness instantly melted into his mouth, wrapped in lemon candy, and the taste was even more pronounced.

Boris leaned back on the chair, and another sigh came: "White sugar is so expensive that the major nobles are scrambling for it."

"In addition to the appearance of lemon candy, they can swarm like wolves smelling fishy. Why is little Zooey so courageous..."

He couldn't help but pull out another lemon candy from the wooden box and put it in the palm of his hand to take a closer look.

It is not unusual for white sugar to appear.

However, once such a precious thing appears in batches, coupled with a delicious candy that has never been seen or tasted...

He can predict the scene that these two things will enter the Anas Empire from the Desinia territory soon afterward, and what kind of turbulence will inevitably be set off among the nobles...

Just as he can clearly see the huge benefits that come with it, the nobles who are addicted to pleasure, including the king of the Anas Empire, will be tempted by this, and then want to plunder.

The remote sugar cane production areas were controlled by two empires at the same time.

But neither the St. Airo Empire nor the Anas Empire can completely own it, and only relying on a little sugar cane that is not easy to grow is like a chicken rib for the two empires.

Now there are new ways to produce white sugar—like a piece of sweet honey that is placed on the end of a tree branch to be picked.

And most importantly, they will take it for granted that it is the right decision to have it in their hands.

Boris had a good idea.

A box of valuable candy was given as a gift to a marquis of the Anas Empire - this man named Tosi Cavendish, the illegitimate son of the king.

This is a well-known fact in the Anas Empire.

Cavendish is the king's surname.

The reason why Marquis Tosi can be named Cavendish is precisely because the king is blatantly telling everyone his identity.

The king acted recklessly, otherwise he would not have many mistresses in the presence of a queen, and he made no secret of the fact that there were many illegitimate children on the bright side.

Tosi Cavendish is undoubtedly the most favored one.

After he asked about the origin of lemon candy, he had a greedy idea about the raw materials and methods of making white sugar. Even if the owner was the lord of Desinia, he did not let him give up the idea of taking it as his own.

However, Tosi Cavendish sent people to inquire, but there was no useful news.

The production of white sugar and lemon sugar is all done in the castle.

The castle is located on the banks of Lake Paar deep in the Paar Mountains.

Whether it is at the foot of the mountain or in the middle of the mountain, there are strictly trained soldiers stationed in several checkpoints, and idlers are not allowed to step in.

People entering or leaving the mountain need extra detailed investigation, and it is even more difficult for strangers to approach the castle.

Tosi Cavendish was naturally unwilling to hear any relevant news. He entered the palace and did not come out until near evening.

But a day later.

The king of the Anas Empire personally sent an invitation letter to the Desinia territory, inviting Xia Zoe to come to the empire to attend the queen's birthday dinner.

The king will throw a very grand banquet for the queen.

In addition to inviting Xia Zoe, he also invited all the great nobles, the king of Hurghada, the Holy See...

The Anas Empire has never held a birthday party for the queen with such a big fanfare before, and the purpose of this time is self-evident.

Boris handed the letter to Qingtuan to bring back, frowning and watching the huge costocyanine disappear under the night, the wrong eye can no longer capture the flashing white spot.

Desinia Castle.

Xia Zuoyi stretched out his hand and took off the letter on Qingtuan's paw. After reading it, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows: "I didn't expect that the person who took the first shot would be the king of the Anas Empire, but it saved me some trouble..."

"Judit, Fernandi, Valk, get ready for tomorrow... Let Samuel pull the fleet to port."

"Yes, lord." The three said behind them.