The Lord is Addicted in Infrastructure

Chapter 92


Before Samuel officially took people to sea, Xia Zuoyi also made a lot of preparations.

Together they found Duke Bill's treasure.

- Samuel obtained Duke Bill's manuscript, but Xia Zoe left the sea route map alone, and was not known by anyone.

In order to go to sea to explore the new continent this time, Xia Zuoyi put a sheepskin notebook with an old-fashioned effect in the box with the sea route map.

-In the notes, pictures of crops such as cotton, potatoes, and corn are drawn, and there are more detailed introductions and explanations next to them.

Xia Zoe handed all the sea route map and sheepskin notes to Samuel, stating that this was what he found in Duke Bill's treasure.

And ordered him to search for the plants in it according to the records in Duke Bill's notebook.

Of course, crops or spices that are not recorded in the sheepskin notes should also be collected carefully.

Xia Zoe's request to Samuel is that gold, silver and precious stones can be placed after this sheepskin notebook, because the crops recorded in it are the most important.

Samuel was a treasure trove of the sea route map and sheepskin notes drawn by Duke Bill, and he solemnly complied with Xia Zoe's request.

Going to sea to explore the new continent is not an easy task, the process is long and dangerous.

Although there is a sea route map as a guide, the sea is unpredictable, a storm at sea can make the ship deviate from the course, and it will not be so easy to get back on the right track.

Therefore, almost all the people who followed Samuel out to sea had the determination to die that there might be no return.

Xia Zuoyi was also a little worried about this matter, and 098 reminded him at this time.

[The host can let the dumplings follow along to explore the new world]

[Tangyuan is very smart, because the chip has navigation ability, as long as the sea route map is input from the system into the chip, the glutinous rice ball can follow the route to find the new continent where Duke Bill arrived... ]

[Not only that, glutinous rice balls are born to search for the existence of land.]

That is to say, Tang Yuan can not only find the continent that Duke Bill had been to, but also lead Samuel to find the continent that has never been discovered before.

Xia Zoey couldn’t help but be pleasantly surprised by this.

If Tang Yuan can lead Samuel and Chengfeng to find the new continent, things will indeed go a lot smoother, and to a certain extent, the safety of Samuel and his party can be guaranteed.

But he also knows the love and dependence of the dumplings on him, and he will discuss this matter with the dumplings first.

If Tang Yuan is reluctant to leave, he will not force it.

When Xia Zuoyi conveyed his thoughts along the system, Tangyuan responded immediately—the new group it joined wanted to leave the Cogit Sea to go around, and then return to the Cogit Sea in the spring of next year.

Tang Yuan didn't want to leave Xia Zuoyi, but it was also the time when he was excited to have the company of his peers.

Xia Zuoyi just happened to pass on the idea, otherwise the dumplings would rather leave the group and stay alone as a whale.

This time it's good, I'm on a business trip.

Although the dumplings had a lot of reluctance, they happily agreed.


An emotion was passed down the system to Xia Zuoyi—Tangyuan was very well-behaved and sensible.

Xia Zuoyi immediately thought of the killer whale's cute appearance in a circle.

During Samuel's subsequent sea trials, Xia Zoe went to the seaport many times - every time he boarded the ship and went out to sea, he "ran into" a large school of black and white fish.

They watched this group of big and smart creatures swimming around the boat, jumping out of the sea from time to time, and shooting one or two big fish on the deck, which was really exciting and surprising.

So that every time after returning to the harbor, the scene of the whales surrounded by the boatmen spread to the city through exaggerated narration, so that many people began to know the existence of this group of black and white big fish.

Xia Zuoyi took this opportunity to name the big black and white fish the killer whale, and named the largest of the killer whales, Tangyuan.

He even issued an order in the territory for this - no one shall kill whales.

Those who violate the order will be expelled from the territory, or imprisoned in prison in the worst case. They will not be released for less than ten years. If the nobles commit crimes, they will have their titles removed...

People in Desinia's territory felt that this order was very normal. After all, one of the killer whales saved the Lord's life.

Samuel gradually liked what this group of killer whales liked very much.

Xia Zuoyi didn't go to the harbor, and Samuel often went out to sea to meet by chance, but he never met him, which made him depressed.

This also highlights that Lord Desinia is really favored by the God of Creation and has a unique animal relationship.

The fleets exploring the New World left this day.

Xia Zoe led Fernandi, Valk and others to the harbour to say goodbye - when Samuel waved away with the people, a group of killer whales suddenly ushered in in the distance...

Under everyone's astonished gaze, the killer whales followed Chengfeng and slowly moved away.

Such a scene immediately caused a lot of talk.

Xia Zuoyi conveyed his emotions in the system to bid farewell to the dumplings. He was not sure when Samuel and his party would come back, maybe half a year, maybe a year.

Next, he will put all his attention on the all-round infrastructure.

Xia Zoe Designia is the same age as the heroine.

This also allows Xia Zuoyi to be fully prepared when the heroine grows up and the plot begins.

The beginning of the plot in the novel is - after the epidemic has swept the western continent, the corpses are all over the place, the eyes are full of corpses, the crows stop wantonly on the streets to eat the carrion, and even the sky is gray...

It hasn't rained for a long time, people hid in their houses in fear, locked the doors, dared not take a step, and could only kneel helplessly on the ground and pray to the God of Creation to hurry up this horrible disease brought by the devil. past…

And the heroine appeared at this time.

Her presence adds a touch of brilliance to the gray tones at the beginning, and then gradually illuminates the entire novel...

And what exactly caused the epidemic in the entire Western Continent has been killing people, but it is not mentioned in the novel.

We don't know when the outbreak happened...

At the beginning, the epidemic has almost passed, and many, many people have died. The streets and wilderness in the city are full of corrupt corpses. Beasts, crows, etc. can blatantly come over to eat.

At this time, the Western Continent was shrouded in a haze—it was the God of Creation who was bringing down divine punishment, the devil brought fear and sin, and the Holy See could do nothing about it...

The appearance of the female protagonist, Samuel Phoebe, is a redemption for the entire San Air Empire and even the Western Continent.

Xia Zuoyi said to this after reading it: "... "

He didn't expect a Mary Sue novel to have any plot logic.

Now the deviation value of the plot has been pulled by him to almost 50%. I hope that no one will be affected by the aura of Mary Sue at the beginning of the plot, resulting in many brain damage.

And the most important thing before the plot starts is to find the possible source of the epidemic and find an opportunity to kill it.

If the outbreak of the epidemic is force majeure, then he must be fully prepared, medicine, defense, etc. must be developed, especially in terms of hygiene.

Xia Zoe sent a letter to Segalot, Orville, and Archibald respectively, explaining the importance of paying attention to hygiene.

Especially learn from him - might as well also issue an order forbidding people to urinate and urinate in public places like the street...

In less than a day, the Youth League brought a reply - the three members of the Pope expressed their great approval.

And not long after, Xia Zoe did hear that both the Akiyayoli Territory and the Anas Kingdom issued this decree at the same time.

The St. Airo Empire was issued a few days later, presumably the Pope wanted to discuss it with the king.

From now on, Xia Zoe will focus on the Thorns Chamber of Commerce and building cities.

Now that it has been allied with the Akiyayoli Territory and the Anas Kingdom, you can slowly try to use the covenant to influence the two places, develop together, and gradually make changes in the two places.

Just like the issuance of health regulations, it is only the first step.

The territory of Akyayoli and the territory of Desinia are actually not the same.

Because there are many noble vassals with fiefs in the territory of Akiyajoli.

They are attached to the existence of the Grand Duke, not like the Territory of Desinia that has slowly developed into an exam-selected mayor or official, etc.

How Orville manages the territory of Akiyayoli is his business, and Xia Zoe will not interfere.

It's just that after the three of the Pope went back this time, they began to pass letters to him through the Youth League from time to time. Orville sometimes asked some questions in the letter, and Xia Zuoyi gave suggestions for him to consider.

The situation that has been turbulent since the split of the Anas Empire - and after the alliance of two independent territories and one kingdom, has gradually stabilized.

Just like the coming winter, every corner is slowly revealing silence.

After the weather became colder, Xia Zuoyi asked the clothing store to sell new autumn and winter long skirts, such as cloaks with fluffy collars, long coats and shawls...

At the same time, a new set of cosmetics that Queen Laurie used at her birthday dinner was added to the Chamber of Thorns, and the sales were very good...

The dissemination of the previous stories of the gods played some role in cultural enlightenment.

The sales of water-textured paper are also increasing steadily, and the paper mill has developed a new white paper that does not have any texture, and is lighter and more flexible...

"Tale of the Gods 3" wrote that although the giants were lured to the abyss by the devil, they became bloodthirsty and began to slaughter other races...

But soon with the help of the gods, the remaining five races began to form an alliance to fight against the giant race that was baptized by the abyss and greatly increased in strength.

The story ends with the giants being wiped out, but the devil still exists.

The alliance formed by the remaining five races suffered heavy losses, especially the mortals, who did not have any special abilities and finally retired to live in a very backward place.

The rest of the races also returned to their respective territories to recuperate.

But what the gods and the five races don't know is that on the battlefield that was finally eroded by demonic energy, the corpses that could not be moved were dragged into the abyss by demons one by one under the cover of the dark fog, waiting for rebirth to become a monster before they were reborn. In the room.

The final page of Tale of the Gods 3 ends with countless pairs of hands composed of black mist wrapped around the corpses of various races.

The reader stopped abruptly when he saw that he was excited and scratching his lungs.

It's like the irresponsible author Kavin, after he got stuck and waited for the following content, he suddenly found that the author stopped writing temporarily because of something.

They didn't dare to rush.

Because the steward of the Thorns Chamber of Commerce has clearly stated that these three books of the gods are all written by the Lord himself. If you want to read it, you have to wait until the Lord is free.

After the steward replied with a smile, he sighed in his heart. He was also one of the ones he wanted to see.

At this time, Xia Zuoyi did not plan to write the storybook of the gods according to the previous model. After the culture had a good start, he planned to further develop it - to run a newspaper.

Newspapers are conducive to the dissemination of news, and can also serialize stories or articles on them...

If you want to see the stories of the gods, you can.

First of all, read and understand by yourself, otherwise, you will trouble others to read it to you. If things go on like this, it is not to mention how far people's overall culture will be improved, but at least the most basic literacy needs to be popularized in the territory.

Xia Zuoyi put his arms around Xue Tuan's big head and thought that maybe having a newspaper would be more helpful for him to know in advance where something was wrong and prevent the epidemic.