The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 100: Secrets of the Graymane Kingdom


Kant's voice was calm.

There is still a faint smile on his face, and his immature appearance is like a human teenager.

In fact, it does appear to be so.

But as a high-level wolf man with wisdom, Assage looked at the 16-year-old human nobleman in front of him, and his heart couldn't help beating a little faster. This was palpitations from fear.

It sensed that the real combat effectiveness of this human teenager was extremely poor, even inferior to that of a young wolf man.

Can be swept aside.

The guards in heavy iron armor were waiting, their right hands resting on the long sword hilt at their waists.

Although compared with the previous mace, this kind of long sword may not be able to lift the head, but the cold light across the neck in an instant can completely make the head fall freely, and then touch the ground intimately.

"Yes, respected human noble young master."

Assage lowered his head slightly, in his current form, he had no choice.

It describes everything it knows.

The coast of Mannheim, located in the extreme north of the Nalun Desert, is the coastal area of the Sea of Stars.

Because it is close to the vast sea of stars, the coast of Mannheim has abundant rainfall and abundant water resources. Therefore, the coastal areas are densely covered with vegetation, which can easily resist the erosion of the desert and allow countless species to thrive here.

This fertile coastal land is home to the gnolls.

For thousands of years, these Gnolls absorbed foreign knowledge and formed their own culture.

In order to distinguish those compatriots in the desert, they called themselves the High Gnoll.

In fact it is.

The jackals who have acquired wisdom, been enlightened, and developed their own civilization are indeed different from those jackals in the Nalun Desert who drank blood and fluffed their hair, and whose animal nature was greater than human nature.

The same origin but different clans, the same kind but different clans.

The Gray Mane Kingdom established on the west side of the coast of Mannheim is the best proof.

The high-level gnolls who gained wisdom and became civilized soon occupied the coast of Mannheim with the lizardmen who also became civilized, and each established their own racial kingdoms, dividing their spheres of influence.

It's just that the lizard people are good at water, which is more suitable for life in coastal areas.

It even suppressed the Gray Mane Kingdom for a time.

If it wasn't for the fact that in recent years, a large number of elves landed on the coast of Mannheim, and formed a republic like the Elf Council in the barren eastern region, which indirectly relieved the pressure of the Lizardman Kingdom on the Gray Mane Kingdom, it is estimated that the High Jackal Man has lost the hegemony of the coast of Mannheim, and can only flee to the inland desert.

That's why, as an explorer and merchant, Assage ventured across the devil's land of the desert to come here.

The high-level wolves of the Gray Mane Kingdom also have their own strategic plans.

Of course they know that the Lizardmen who are better at sea battles and the elves with a higher level of civilization are equal to two more terrifying enemies. The Gray Mane Kingdom cannot pose a real threat to them, and they can only rely on their own thousands of years of accumulation and their own strength. The current volume is to maintain the current stalemate but declining situation.

The coast of Mannheim thus remains peaceful, but in a stalemate before the outbreak of war.

However, as the lizard people opened up sea business lines and connected with overseas trade, their economic development and strength improved extremely fast.

Although the Elf Council has the smallest number of people, it is still relatively safe.

However, due to its colonial nature, it can deploy troops at the base camp of the elves in the open sea at any time, and its strength is also growing extremely fast. It is estimated that it will completely grow into a giant in a few years.

The Elf Council on the coast of Mannheim was originally a colony of the native elves.

Only the Graymane Kingdom stands still.

In order to give full play to their advantages in land warfare and their heat-resistant and cold-resistant racial talents, they took the risk of organizing various teams to go deep into the Nalun Desert. According to the descriptions of those low-level gnolls 10 years ago, they planned to find an inland human country.

In fact, along the route of the low-level wolf man crossing the desert, he arrived here very smoothly.

Not only did he actually find the news of the human kingdom, but as a businessman, Assage also found a natural salt mine. As the news spread back, it even stimulated the Gray Mane Kingdom and planned to mobilize a large number of troops to open up new territories.

It's just that Assage's fate was tragic.

It took the lead in breaking through the Nalun Desert and explored a safe route, but was captured by Kant.

All the honor and money that should have been lost, Assage didn't even know if he would survive.

There are human merchant activities on the coast of Mannheim.

From the perspective of the high-ranking gnolls, although human superhumans are relatively powerful, ordinary people are extremely weak. Adults can't even beat the thin young gnolls. This is why they dare to carry out their aggressive plans.

On the frontal battlefield, even the lizardmen and elves dare not fight head-on against the heavily armored Gnoll warriors.

Not to mention mediocre and weak human beings.

... ... ...

Assage closed his mouth slowly, talking for a long time, making his mouth dry.

That's all it knows.

"Well, very good." Kant nodded, still smiling.

But Assage glanced at the corners of the raised mouth, feeling a little flustered in his heart. This kind of aristocratic smile can't represent Kant's mood at all, it can be regarded as a muscle pulling exercise.

This made it even more flustered.

Swallowing, it suppressed the fear in its heart and said, "I hope you can give me a chance to prove my worth."

"Huh?" Kant was still thinking.

After all, Assage said a lot of information, which is equivalent to bringing him information about the new world.

But when he heard this sentence, Kant smiled and asked directly: "What value can you bring to me?"


Assage swallowed, as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and said eagerly: "I am different from those low-level gnolls in the desert. I can rely on you to help you find information about the Gray Mane Kingdom. Middleman, I can buy you whatever you lack, and the business on the coast of Mannheim is very developed, and there is no shortage of anything at all."

"That's right."

Kant frowned slightly, showing great interest.

There was joy in Assage's eyes.

But he was cheering in his heart. As a businessman, he certainly knew how to deceive the other party, especially the young master of such a young human noble. He might have great power, but his ability to judge was obviously not good enough.

As long as he can leave here, Assage swears, the troops of the Graymane Kingdom will crush this place!

This is the place where it took away its wealth and future, and after imprisoning it for so many days, the hatred in my heart is hard to wash away.

The obedience he showed was not for this moment.

There was resentment in the depths of Assage's eyes, and the smile on his face became more sincere, because what he was thinking about now was how to torture these damned humans, and let them know the horror of the high-level wolf man!

"Well, in that case."

Kant smiled and turned his head to look at the left and right sides.

It was Fatis and Manid, his current army general and caravan leader, and also his current general and think tank. They shrugged their shoulders slightly and asked, "What do you think?"

"Not bad." Fatis frowned and nodded.

"Very good." Manid smiled, looking particularly optimistic.

Kant raised his eyebrows, nodded and said, "That's good."

Both of them gave him positive replies. Although they were worried, they at least agreed.

"Thank you very much."

Assage no longer had the fear he had before, and seemed particularly excited.

It thinks itself safe.

Kant didn't explain anything, but tapped on the table lightly, and said in a calm tone: "The coast of Mannheim, the Kingdom of Gray Mane, the high-level wolf man, a complete civilized civilization."

Assage looked at him puzzled.

Kant nodded and smiled, "Very good."

"Of course, of course."

Assage was still laughing, but he was cursing this damned human boy in his heart.

When he knelt in front of it in the future, Assage would also lock Kant in the basement, let him taste this taste, and then throw it into the pot to cook. He did not shy away from eating meat of other races.

"Pull it out and dispose of it."

Kant looked at the smile on its face, shook his head and smiled, and gave a casual order.

"Obey." The Swadian infantrymen who had been prepared for a long time stepped forward, grabbed Assage who was still puzzled, and walked towards the door of the hall as if dragging him.

"Etc., etc."

Assage's eyes were full of panic at this time: "My lord, respected human lord, what's the matter, what's the matter?"

It is not clear now, why Kant, who was chatting and laughing just now, and talked very well, let the guards pull it out, and judging by the casual appearance, it looks like he wants to kill it!

But Kant didn't answer it.

It was answered by a thick, well-crafted scalloped shield.

The Swadian infantryman raised the shield in his left hand fiercely, and with the standard shield attack technique in wartime, he slammed it heavily on Assage's cheek. The sudden force shook his head, making him dizzy. Blood spattered from his mouth and nose, and he couldn't speak anything.

Then he was dragged by the chain and left the hall and walked out the door.


The soft sound of swinging the sword and chopping penetrated through the wooden door.

The Swadian infantry re-entered, their linen robes and scabbards stained red with blood.

"Solved." He reported.

"Well, well done." Kant nodded, his face still calm.

Just turning his head to look at Fatis and Manid, he said in a deep voice: "Since we are sure to contend against the Gray Mane Kingdom, then we must act as soon as possible. Another stab in the back by those nobles of the Lion Principality will make us irreparable."

"My lord, this is very simple."

Manid chuckled: "They won't know the news of Graymane Kingdom."

"I will do everything I can to keep the Graymane Kingdom's expeditionary force in the desert." Fatis added solemnly.

"Okay." Kant nodded, clenched his fists slightly and said, "Since the Lion Principality is currently like an iron plate, we can't infiltrate it, but we can develop towards the coast of Mannheim. After all, this place is not just the territory of high-level gnolls."

PS: Thank you for the 1,000 starting point coins personally rewarded by "Ancient Irony", "Forever Runaway", "Lonely Fishing Hanjiangxuel"~Thank you for "You are angry at a beauty", "Drunk and crazy songs", "Love can't let go" and "Book Friends 20100630040053234" "Wuxuan only me" personally rewarded 500 starting coins~Thanks to "You Shangmeng", "Wang Daorong", "Book Madworm ggg", "God Emperor Nanluo", "Book Friends 20170704184241669", "Flowers can't bloom ""lxyfmm","Ashton 325""Crazy Ah Mian""Uncle Confused" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)