The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 101: The value that is really needed


Assage's body was picked up by farmers outside like a rag bag to be burned.

There has never been peace between races.

Kant would never let go of this high-level wolf man who knew his existence, especially when Assage showed the wisdom and brains of a human being, it was only a matter of time before his death was doomed.

Because Kant needed it to tell about the situation on the coast of Mannheim.

When you understand the details, its real value is gone.

Naturally, Kant didn't care whether the situation in the Greymane Kingdom and the coast of Mannheim described by it was true or not. He only needed to know that there was indeed such a place on the opposite side of the Nalun Desert.

It reminded him of Middle Eastern deserts.

Merchants from the Middle East traveled across the desert to the eastern Mediterranean coast and resold their wares to European merchants.

This is an extremely lucrative trade.

In particular, Kant has a salt mine that can produce a large amount of high-quality refined white salt, which can still allow this trade to continue, because the race on the coast of Mannheim is not limited to the Gray Mane Kingdom of the Gnoll.

There is also the lizardman kingdom, which is prosperous in sea trade, and belongs to the elf council of the colony.

Offended the Gnoll, and these two.

Kant, who came from the southern part of the Nalun Desert, is a businessman from afar and a trustworthy friend. He is definitely not close at hand, and will annex other racial forces at any time.

The principle of long distance and close attack prevails in any world.

What's more, separated by the natural moat of Nalun Desert, no one would start a war foolishly.

After all, humans are not extremely patient Gnolls.

This is why Manid is optimistic. As a Nord who came across the sea to Calradia, he understands this truth, because the desert is not a place that can be reached by wind and waves.

As long as Sentinel Oasis maintains a friendly trade relationship with the races on the coast of Mannheim, even the Kingdom of Graymane can do business.

In the face of interests, hatred is just a means of politicians.

Of course, just before that, the expeditionary force of the Greymane Kingdom would definitely be defeated in the Nalun Desert. If they occupied the sentry oasis, it would be an absolute failure for Kant and the others.

Kant needs to come up with a victory to prove his ability in front of the forces on the coast of Mannheim.

Cowards cannot protect their own interests.

In the governing hall, Kant talked with Manid and Fatis very carefully. Now that he has decided to take this road, he should plan as soon as possible, especially when facing the gnolls of the Gray Mane Kingdom, who may attack at any time Situation, but also as soon as possible to prepare.

While the three of them were talking, the sound of horseshoes came from outside the wooden door.

The rider of Salander pushed the door open and came in, saluted respectfully and then reported: "My lord, we are back from inspection."

"Well, very good." Kant nodded.

5 Sarande riders lead a cavalry team composed of 40 desert bandits. Even 46 Swadian heavy cavalry must be cautious when they encounter them. After all, these light cavalry with short javelins cannot fight in close quarters. Fighting and running, harassing like flies, this is very simple for the bandits from the Sarande desert.

"We also captured a group of Gnolls." The Sarande rider continued to report.

"How much?" Kant asked.

"About 120 of them. They are more difficult to catch. We killed more than 300 gnolls before these guys were scared and surrendered." The Sarande rider shrugged his shoulders, and said in a regretful tone: "Otherwise, we would have captured more."

But Kant was slightly stunned, and asked back: "120 captured?"

"That's right." The Sarande rider nodded affirmatively.

Kant couldn't help but praise: "Well done."

He had expected that these thugs with scimitars would have no problem slaughtering the scattered small groups of gnolls, but he really didn't expect that they could capture 120 gnolls.

Calculated at 30 dinars each, it can bring Kant 3600 dinars in revenue.

"The captive trade really makes money."

Kant couldn't help but feel emotional, and at the same time ordered the Salander rider: "Take it to the training ground and take care of it."

"Understood." The Sarande rider took the order and left.

However, Kant also had some regrets, and said to Manid and Fatis next to him: "I suddenly regretted killing that high-ranking wolf man Asage. I really don't know how many dinars he can sell."

"We will know when those expeditionary forces arrive." Manid comforted with a smile.

The Nalun Desert will exhaust the last strength of the Gnoll expeditionary force. Kant and the others who are stuck in the fortress can completely watch these Gnolls sit and wait to die, and when they are weakest, launch a fatal blow and win the victory.

This is Kant's strategic plan.

"Go out and have a look."

Kant stood up and walked outside.

Manid and Fatis also stood up and followed behind.

It is indeed good news that so many gnolls have been captured. When Zhiwadin's caravan arrives, Kant will be able to replenish more than half of the dinar savings that Kant has already consumed.

Get out of the governing hall.

Kant was walking along the street, and the 5-meter-high city wall blocked his sight in the distance.

The continuous sand sea that could be appreciated at any time is now blocked by the city wall and cannot be appreciated at any time.

This may also be a pity.

But Kant shook his head with a smile, and shook off the thoughts in his mind. If there were no such walls, he would probably be forced to withdraw from the sentry oasis when the Gnoll expeditionary force arrived, and he would also have to lure wolves into the house and drive those greedy lions from the Principality of Lions into the house. Only by attracting the nobles can they barely defeat the expeditionary army of wolf man who came for plunder and aggression.

This is a guarantee of safety!

Walking to the training ground in the military area on the east side, in the open field, hundreds of Wolf men were squatting there with their hands and feet tied with hemp rope.

Hordes of desert bandits are waiting beside the horses.

There were also a few wild desert robbers riding horses, carrying scimitars and circling around the group of jackal captives.

The appearance of showing off his might, and telling bad jokes, with dirty jokes, immediately caused the companions of the desert robbers to laugh, but made the gnoll captives look even more pitiful.

"Why do you think I'm the villain in a play?"

Kant shrugged helplessly.

Fatis didn't answer, but Manid nodded affirmatively: "Look at these cuties, they are really pitiful. I don't think we should abuse them. After all, they are all walking dinars."

"I like that statement." Kant nodded with a smile.

Walking quickly, those desert robbers also found Kant.

One by one hurriedly and solemnly waited for orders, and at the same time, they all respectfully greeted Kant, showing extreme respect.

"You guys are doing a good job."

Seeing the respectful expressions of these desert robbers, Kant nodded secretly and asked at the same time, "Are there any casualties during the process?"

"No, my lord, they are as weak as chickens." A desert robber replied.

Immediately everyone let out a low laugh.

However, since Kant is here, they all appear to be very polite. Although they are thugs, they are also thugs adapted by Zhaoan. The bad image they have left before does not want to appear in front of their lord.

Kant didn't care about their restrained appearance either.

As long as there are no casualties.

The light cavalry composed of these desert bandits is currently one of his trump cards, and a few people will be killed at random, which is not a good deal.

"Keep an eye on them." Kant ordered these desert robbers.

Turning his head to Manid behind him, he said, "You arrange these captives. It is estimated that Zhiwading's caravan is coming soon. When the time comes, sell these captives directly to them and buy more food and tools."

"Understood." Manid nodded. He is a businessman by profession, and he handles these things very easily.

Kant said to Fatis again: "You should also go to work, arrange the sentry and patrol team to ensure the safety of the sentry oasis."

"Of order." Fatis responded.

After basically making arrangements, Kant nodded and walked to other places. He planned to inspect his territory.

After all, after the upgrade, he had to take a good look at it.

Arriving at the east gate, Kant walked on the city wall as if scattered.

It is also observing its own territory.

In the entire sentry oasis, there is still a lot of vacant land, which is reserved for future construction and planning in advance.

Since the funds are not sufficient, it can only be used as an open-air warehouse for storing sundries.

200 farmers are busy.

But for the current fortress, the number of civilians is still very small, and many jobs cannot be carried out for the time being.

For example, harvesting Achnatherum splendens occupied many civilians.

In addition, feeding the livestock with fodder, processing the fodder, and leveling the land all require a lot of manpower.

"There is still a shortage of people."

Kant sighed heavily.

The special effect of houses can attract civilians, but this special effect is only activated when there is a shortage of people, and the houses are vacant. Now that several houses are full of people, this special effect will not appear at all.

If you want to increase the population, except for temporary system characters, you can only build more houses.

Kant had expected this.

The area of the entire "Drehem" fortress is roughly half a hectare.

This is only the area inside the city wall.

And this is enough for the current territory construction to cover most of the buildings.

When all the buildings are completed, perhaps the city wall will not be as empty as it is now, and it will become crowded.

This will also lead to the next upgrade of "Drehem", which will become a real castle at that time. The buildings inside these city walls will become internal buildings, which are the core area for the continued expansion of the castle.

"Well, the caravan is coming."

Kant noticed something out of the corner of his eye, and turned his head to look, it was a caravan.

The familiar caravan leader rode in front, followed by 6 caravan guards on horseback, and 12 sentries escorted 5 carriages on foot, the same configuration as when they first arrived, from Zhiwadin's caravan.

PS: Thanks to "zrcjs" for the 2,000 starting coins~Thanks to "Flying Yumang" for the 1,000 starting coins~Thanks to "铃伟古话", "Drunken Dream of Kitty", "Passing Fat Cat" and "fiipon" "Book Friends 20170110230413826" "Vultures in the Smoke" "Flowers Can't Bloom" personally rewarded 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Old Bookworm who is not a little white" "Chocolate Gold Coin" "Little White Dragon No. 2" "Let's see 100 starting point coins rewarded by "Wan Di", "Diao Da Innocence", "Legendary Deep Brother", "Blood Eye 0", "Melancholy and Indifferent Overlapping" and "God o"~

(end of this chapter)