The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 105: The elemental giant that was slain


Everyone is ready.

20 Ravenston rangers walked up the city wall, holding heavy white bows, drawing a tapered arrow from the quiver and putting it on the string.

After 30 Swadian infantrymen and 41 Swadian light infantrymen also entered the city gate, they stared at the thick wooden gate with piercing eyes. As long as they were ordered, they could rush out of the city gate to fight.

And those 20 desert robbers had already moved behind the sand dunes.

As long as there is an order from the city gate, whether it is to charge with horses and spears, or to harass with short javelins, they are all good at it.

What's more, in the open space beside the city gate, 46 Swadian heavy cavalry are waiting quietly. If any situation that other troops can't handle happens, this group of troops with men and horses, which can be called land tanks, will appear on the battlefield superior.

It crushes any enemy like a flood!

"very good."

Kant admired secretly, this is a reliable elite teacher.

His mind wanted to communicate with the system, but the system took the initiative to contact him.

[Ding...Temporary task release]

[Temporary task ①: Kill all the earth elemental giants]

[Temporary task ②: Kill all water elemental giants]

[Task Reward ①: Sand Grouse's Nest x 5 Seats]

[Task Reward ②: Desert Bee's Nest x 10 Seats]

[Task Reward (Extra): Rejuvenation (All date palm trees enter the flowering stage)]

[Introduction: You are going to use these strange objects, but there is a force in the dark telling you that the elemental giants summoned after use are not under your command. But thankfully, you can kill them and let them know what you can count on.]

System dialogs pop up on Retina.

This is a temporary task from the system, but Kant glanced over his eyes and frowned slightly.

Two temporary tasks.

Three mission rewards.

This is a temporary task that Kant has never touched before.

"However, that's fine."

Slowly exhaling a sullen breath, Kant's eyes were solemn.

Now that the system has given a temporary task, it's just for him to do it.

It's just fighting.

Even in the introduction, the system has faintly revealed that these elemental giants can be killed by his troops, which makes Kant even more confident.

"That starts with you."

Kant exhaled slightly, thinking and communicating with the system.

He held the [Page of Fertile Soil] in his hand, and with the connection between the system and his thinking, some kind of deep understanding also appeared in his heart. Although he still didn't understand the reason behind it, Kant spoke softly as if he was born with it. : "Summon an earth elemental giant."

The mysterious connection came instantly, and through the strange object in his hand, this mysterious and mysterious power burst out suddenly!


It seemed that the space was trembling, and a slight sound appeared in the ears.

On the city wall, the 20 Ravenston rangers who had already been prepared, these masters who honed their superb bow and arrow skills in the Misty Mountain, suddenly pulled the heavy bow in their hands into a full moon, and the cone-headed arrow , has also been aimed at the sand ahead.

Their eyes were extremely dignified, even in the depths of their pupils, there was a bit of astonishment.

Not only them.

Even the Swadian heavy infantry on the city gate, the leader of the caravan, and even Fatis and Manid were also stunned.

Including already mentally prepared Kant.

Because in the area close to 30 meters outside the city wall, in the sand that Kant originally saw, waves like water ripples appeared on the surface of the sand grains, and began to climb and condense in a very short period of time.

But three to five seconds.

Seven humanoid objects with a height of nearly 2.5 meters and made of mud all over their bodies really appeared in front of them.

In a place like a skull, two dim lights flickered.

Just like eyes, when they saw Kant and the others on the city wall, a dull roar appeared, and they even took steps, raised their big hands that were completely made of mud, and walked heavily towards this side.

The body seems to be heavy.

With every step, he fell into the sand layer, but he walked indifferently, approaching the city wall at a relatively fast speed.

The seven earth elemental giants looked like fearless berserkers!

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly. The earth elemental giant that was once recorded in the books was indeed so ugly, just like the worst clay sculpture, but because it was an elemental body, its strength could be as huge as two adults.

They have no fear of life and death.

Because these earth elemental giants are magical species born from the earth elemental plane, between creatures and matter.

Death is just a return to them.

But relying on their own brute force, they have no flesh and blood and no vital advantages, which is enough to cause headaches for any enemy. On the battlefield, these earth elemental giants are equivalent to powerful and tireless infantry who have been killing until they fall .

It is said that mages of certain schools have researched and constructed golems based on these elemental giants, which are very powerful.

Of course, this is only what Kant saw in books, and the author also heard it.

Now the most critical question facing Kant is how to deal with these seven earth elemental giants who are aggressive and obviously entering a hostile state, and what method should be used to stop them.

There is a burly body moving forward beside him.

Ten Swadian infantrymen held shields shoulder to shoulder, and the hand and half swords carefully crafted by blacksmiths had already been pulled out of their sheaths.

They have no fear of danger.

Fatis also recovered from the initial shock, pulled out his knight sword, and said in a solemn voice: "Master, these monsters are definitely not in a friendly state, do you have an attack command?"

Kant nodded without the slightest hesitation: "Shoot."


When Fatis heard Kant's order, he immediately turned his head to convey it to the Ravenston rangers who had already prepared on the city wall.

When the earth elemental giant appeared, it had already stretched its heavy bow into a full moon. Before the words of the command could be blurted out, these Ravenston rangers, masters of bow and arrow skills, had already let go of their fingers.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh—"

The cone-headed arrow was flying at extreme speed, and the arrow easily tore through the air, traveling through space in an instant.

The bow and arrow skills trained by hunting the barbarians in the Misty Mountains made these rangers the top masters of Ravenston's bow skills. Based on their excellent eyesight, high accuracy, and extremely ruthless shooting, they have already locked their targets in the The position of the face of the giant earth element.

To be precise, it was those two clusters that shone with a faint yellow light, similar to the eyes.


Fragmented mud clods splashed.

The slender and sharp arrow pierced directly into the "eye" of the earth elemental giant that shone with dim light, and the tail of the arrow hummed, but the arrow pierced deeply, and it seemed to have pierced something Something made the seven earth elemental giants stop moving in an instant while they were still moving aggressively, and stood frozen on the spot.

The distance of less than 10 meters is tantamount to nothing for these level 5 Ravenston rangers.

But at the top of the city gate, the Swadian infantrymen held heavy fan shields, and they still didn't dare to move easily. Looking at the earth elemental giant not far away, they could even see the body made of mud, With a little bit of greenery.

That seems to be the grass seed that germinated and grew on these earth elemental giants.

But then.

The bodies of the seven earth elemental giants began to tremble slightly, and the cone-headed arrows pierced deeply into the eye sockets at the blurred faces on the heads.

The dim light dissipated in the arrow shaft at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The bodies of all the earth elemental giants trembled more violently.

Almost instantly, a large amount of soil began to collapse, and the entire earth elemental giant, with a height of 2.5 meters and a generous body, had turned into a pile of dirt and appeared on the sand outside the city wall.

"It's over?" Manid's voice was a bit suspicious.

The leader of the caravan boldly took a few steps forward, came to the edge of the city gate, looked at the seven piles of soil not far away, swallowed and said: "Really all of them were...killed? "

He couldn't describe it in words, what words should be used to accurately describe the humanoid object made of a pile of soil was killed.

"Yes, they were indeed killed." Kant nodded.

The earth elemental giant should be regarded as an alternative life form, and death exists after all.

However, after observing the battle carefully, he turned his head and said to Fatis: "It seems that the key point of these earth elemental giants is not the body, but the shining eyes, which are equal to the human heart and head."

"That's true, my lord." Fatis nodded, and he also noticed this detail.

"Next, it's the water elemental giant."

Kant's face was calm, and he was not proud of killing the 7 earth elemental giants.

Putting down the [Page of Fertile Soil] in his hand, Kant took out the [Page of Clear Spring] with his backhand, his thinking connected to the system, and the mysterious power reappeared in his mind, just like he had practiced countless times before, and said softly: "Summon water Elemental giant."


The voice fell, and a slight sound that seemed to tremble in space appeared in the ears again.

It is still within Kant's sight.

The grains of sand instantly became darker because they were contaminated with water.

And in the middle of the sand, clear water is rapidly emerging, and it quickly takes shape in a very short period of time, turning into a humanoid creature with a height of more than 2 meters. The whole body is as clear as water, with a faint blue color, and the head A different kind of dark blue light bloomed at the two eyes, which seemed to be the center of the entire water element giant.

These two water elementals had no legs, and they were still composed of water elements from the waist down. They were equally aggressive and rushed towards Kant and the others at a slow speed, as if they had a deep hatred.

Only this time, the two of them didn't go too far.

The Ravenston Ranger, who was already ready, let go of the fingers that were tense on the bowstring. Following the shrill sound, he put away the heavy bow in his hand, and looked at the front indifferently, a pile of water splashed everywhere. , scattered in the sand layer like splashing water and disappeared.

Only light blue fine objects are left, and under the sunlight, there is a wonderful blue light shining among the sand grains.

PS: Thanks to "Twelve Years" for the 1,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Ma Gouzi" for the 500 starting point coins~ Thanks to "Xiaoyao Tianxia Wuyou", "Hamengzhiyi", "Book Friends 160616134346695" and "Objection" Words", "A snail in the book city", "Hehehehe me", "You are angry for a beauty", "Book friend 20170320194843229", "Daozhen Weiwu", "Hameng's Wings", "jk90jk" 100 starting coins for personal reward~Thank you" The 200 starting point coins rewarded by "Bannian"~

(end of this chapter)