The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 106: Dropped Flawed Gems


The cone-headed arrow goes straight to the eye socket.

It was like piercing into soft jelly, fixing the entire arrow on the skull.

The azure blue bodies of the two water element giants began to tremble, and large circles of ripples began to spread in the body. With the sound of splashing water, they exploded in an instant, and scattered like splashing water.

The extremely dry sand is moistened by water, and the shape is quickly sunken and turned from yellow to dark.

And the giant water element has completely disappeared.

Only at the position where the body collapsed, there were a few light blue fine objects left, falling among the sand grains, shining a wonderful blue light with the sunlight, but they were not noticed by Kant and the others on the city gate.

Slightly raised the corners of his mouth, Kant chuckled and said, "It seems very easy."

After solving the seven earth elemental giants, the Ravenston rangers who have mastered the key points of these elemental giants, within a range of less than 30 meters, can shoot without fail, and the bowstring trembles slightly. They are the top masters of archery. The cone-headed arrows have been taken into the eye sockets that shone with subtle light, completely killing these elemental giants and turning them into substances of their own elements.

It's easy and freehand, and it's not difficult at all for level 5 arms like the Ravenston Ranger.

at this moment.

The salary of 77 dinars per person per week was considered worthwhile by Kant.

"It looks like..."

Fatis frowned slightly, and couldn't help guessing: "These elemental giants should be similar in strength to Swadian infantry, perhaps without flesh and blood, and their combat effectiveness can reach the level of Swadian sergeants."

"Sergeant Swadia?" Manid next to him had a strange tone.

"Yes." Fatis nodded, he naturally understood why Manid's tone was like this.

Looking at the mound of soil outside the city wall and the water splashing in the sand, he said in a deep voice: "But their own defense is extremely poor. For top bow and crossbow masters, these elemental giants are actually the same as the most ordinary unarmored civilians." No difference."

"It seems that it is very simple to kill these... things." The caravan leader swallowed slightly, feeling quite emotional.

It is a bit too much to describe it with simple words.

For Ravenston Ranger, it was no different from normal training.

Draw the arrow and draw the bow to shoot, the enemy is killed, all in one go.

As a caravan leader from the Kingdom of Vikia, he turned his head to look at these Ravenston rangers who were adjusting the bowstrings. Their faces and emotions were very calm and relaxed, but there were layers of waves in his heart.

These rangers gave him the feeling, as if they were Vekia marksmen, those one-of-a-kind bow and arrow masters.

But it's different from the light outfit that the Vekia sharpshooter wears leather armor and holds a longbow.

The Ravenston rangers wore chain mail like light infantry, covered with linen robes, and a two-handed sword of fine texture was stuck in the scabbard behind them, and the white composite heavy bow belonged to the step bow. Inserted in the bow bag at the waist, it is obvious that when the enemy is close, these rangers with superb archery skills can also pull out the two-handed sword on the back and turn into a master of foot combat.

Capable of deadly long-range output and melee combat, in the feeling of the caravan leader, those sharpshooters in the Vikia Kingdom seem to be inferior. After all, they still need Vikia sergeants with two-handed battle axes Protect.

"They are master bowmen from the Misty Mountains."

Kant turned his head, noticed the horror of the caravan leader, and explained with a chuckle: "The Misty Mountains are dense virgin forests, and sometimes they also need to face the enemy at close range, so they also need to practice close combat skills."

"What an amazing warrior." The caravan leader nodded, his tone still emotional.

Kant doesn't explain much.

Ravenston Ranger is indeed a master of bows and arrows, no less than the fifth-level arms of Wikia Marksman, but in fact, both sides have their own advantages, such as range and shooting habits are different, and military requirements between countries must also be considered.

Vekia Marksman is good at large-scale arrow rain coverage, and conducts archery training entirely with legion-to-legion tactics.

The Ravenston Ranger, because the Ravenston Kingdom needs to defend against the barbarians in the Misty Mountains, and needs to fight in the primeval jungle, so a small group of troops and precise shooting, as well as the same powerful close combat, have shown their usefulness .

There is no one who is strong or weak on both sides, only who is more suitable for both sides' tactics.

[Ding... After your hard work, the enemy has been killed.]

[Temporary task ①: "Kill all the earth elemental giants" completed]

[Temporary task ②: "Kill all water elemental giants" completed]

[Task Reward ①: Sand Grouse's Nest x 5 Seats]

[Task Reward ②: Desert Bee's Nest x 10 Seats]

[Task Reward (Extra): Rejuvenation (All date palm trees enter the flowering stage)]

[Introduction: You successfully summoned the elemental giant, and that other life form makes you puzzled and shocked. But when you muster up the courage and order to kill them, these seemingly powerful elemental giants are actually vulnerable to your troops.]

A system prompt appears.

On Kant's retina, the temporary mission has also been declared over.

There are 3 cards floating in my mind, which are rewards for this mission.

However, Kant has not yet looked carefully.

There was the sound of hurried hoofbeats.

The desert robbers who had been hiding behind the dunes on standby had already seen with their own eyes that all the elemental giants were easily killed by Ravenston's rangers, so they had no choice but to ride their horses back.

"Woo." They came to the closed city gate and tightened the reins to slow down the speed of the horses.

But a certain desert robber in front of him was stunned.

Subconsciously tightening the reins, the desert horse under his crotch stopped, turned his head to look at a certain sand layer on the edge of the city wall, and said, "There seems to be something there."

"What?" The other desert robbers also turned their heads to look.

As thugs in the desert, their eyes are also good.

In the sunken and water-stained sand layer, light blue fine objects were in the middle of the sunken place. With the sunlight shining on them, the light blue was crystal clear, and the name of a thing appeared in their minds instantly.

"Treasure...gem?" Many desert robbers exclaimed.

On the city wall, the people who hadn't left yet subconsciously cast their eyes on them.

Immediately, the Ranger Ravenston, who had better eyesight, discovered that the water elemental giant was killed, and the body turned into water on the sand layer, and there was a crystal clear blue gem-like thing.

Some desert robbers got off their horses immediately and walked quickly to pick them up.

At the same time, I searched in the bunker next to me, and found a light blue gem-like object.

The city gate opened.

Desert bandits enter the fortress.

The leader dedicated the gems he picked up to Kant: "My lord, these are the gems dropped by those elemental giants. I really didn't expect it. Even though I have lived in the Sarande Desert for so many years, I have never seen such gems. Beautiful assortment."

"Gem?" Kant reached out to take it.

Fatis, Manid, and the leader of the caravan were all on the sidelines.

Manid's expression was fine, while the other two looked at the light blue gemstone in Kant's hand, with a bit of surprise on their faces. Obviously, even they had never seen such an exquisite item before. After all, Kara Gemstones are not produced on the continent of Dia, and the few gemstones are obtained from Nord merchants who can trade in the ocean.

"Is this what the water elemental giant dropped after it was killed?" Kant asked in a concentrated voice.

The desert bandit nodded and said, "Yes, these two gems were obtained from the bunker formed after the water elemental giant was killed. According to my guess, they definitely fell out after the killing."

But Kant frowned slightly, and he turned his head thoughtfully: "Could it be..."

"Among the earth elemental giants, are there similar gems?" The desert bandit immediately took up the conversation.

"Look for it." Kant ordered in a deep voice.

The desert robber nodded immediately: "Yes, my lord." Turning around, he walked out of the city gate quickly.

But this time he came to the seven piles of soil. The piled up soil was less than half a meter high, with a slight fragrance after the rain, and he could even vaguely see small stones inside, and many grass seed.

The desert bandit drew out his scimitar, and started raking directly at the mound.

"Could it be that the key points of these elemental giants are actually these gems?"

Fatis swallowed secretly, looked at the light blue gemstone in Kant's hand, and found a crack that seemed to be knocked off on it with sharp eyes. blue light.

Manid nodded: "Absolutely."

This is easy to guess.

Look at the cracks of these crystal clear gemstones, which are completely formed by being hit hard by sharp objects, which is actually directly related to the arrowhead of the cone-headed arrow.

The speculation was quickly confirmed, and the desert robbers outside quickly returned.

"My lord, there are indeed seven gems."

Holding the hands of the desert bandit, the seven light yellow gems also have flaws that were cracked by heavy blows. Combined with the appearance of the water element giant and the color of the gems, how can everyone not guess that this is the result of the earth element giant. dropped.

It is also crystal clear, and it also has a bit of thickness that seems to come from the earth.

Like the finest topaz.

Of course, despite the splitting blemishes, it does.

And Kant frowned slightly, turned his head to look at the caravan leader, and said with a bit of helplessness in his tone: "Then my dear Zhiwadin caravan leader, do you know if this kind of gem is welcomed by the nobles of the Vikia Kingdom? "

The leader of the caravan looked embarrassed: "My lord, these cracked gems... will not be purchased."

PS: Went out for a wedding today and just got back. But at least three updates, please rest assured, and strive for four updates! But I hope everyone will support me a lot for the sake of my efforts to update, and some recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, rewards and the like are all good!

(end of this chapter)