The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 112: An invincible charge


Well-groomed hair, a strong and burly body, piercing eyes, and thick and powerful arms, these are the characteristics of the high-ranking gnolls who formed the Graymane Kingdom on the coast of Mannheim.

This is the characteristic of a civilized man, of a civilized race, who understands shame and etiquette.

And Kant's eyes told him the truth.

The forces of the Gray Mane Kingdom, who were still in nowhere, where they were, and when they would come, have spread their tentacles to the south of the Nalun Desert, and have carefully explored here.

"damn it."

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, bowed his head and cursed softly.

The dozens of brand new tents are enough to represent that the crisis has struck again.

Even without the merchant Assage, according to the map and route map they obtained, they managed to reach this place, and contacted the previously defeated Gnolls, resettled here, and established the prototype of an outpost.

Even thinking about it carefully, Kant was sure that when the real expeditionary force arrived, it would be time to attack the sentry oasis.

"My lord."

The rider beside Salander spoke in a heavy tone, "Do you need to prepare for battle?"

"Need." Kant's eyes were gloomy: "I mean, immediately."

"Understood." The hussars waiting behind nodded silently, packed up their weapons and armors, and continued to wait for the order from Kant, holding their spears and scimitars tightly. They were ready to fight.

The killing will continue, it is a war for survival.

Kant will not allow the Gray Mane Kingdom to occupy the sentry oasis and then attack the Lion Principality.

It is not the responsibility of the noble class of the Lion Principality, the Baron of Nalun Desert.

It's not for the affection of his father, Cameron the Lion.

It's for myself.

Losing the sentry oasis is tantamount to losing the Nalun Desert, losing the Nalun Desert is tantamount to losing the fiefdom, losing the fiefdom is tantamount to losing the title of nobility, and losing the title of nobility means that his life has come to an end.

The gallows will eventually appear before Kant's eyes.

Those aristocratic forces in the Principality of Lions who had been watching him with resentment would put the noose around Kant's neck with their own hands, and then pull down the door, allowing the dead body to sway like a pendulum due to suffocation.

Kant's face returned to calm, but his eyes were filled with incomparable gloom.

This is the consequence of losing the sentry oasis.


With his chest heaving, Kant reached out to pick up the flag wrapped in a special long bag.

Turning his head and looking at the Sarande light cavalry behind him who were ready and excited, he said in a deep voice: "Come on, my cavalry, let our friends know who is the real hero of the Nalun Desert." …Owner!"

The flag made of velvet was pulled out, and the golden lion on the red background immediately began to flutter in the wind.

[Potential to intimidate the enemy], activate!

"All charge!"

Kant shook the reins violently with one hand, roaring and taking the lead to move forward.


And just behind him, 20 Salander riders and 25 elite desert robbers also roared and shook the reins, with their straight spears clamped under their armpits, galloping along with their crotch horses, they quickly passed Kant and formed a conical shape. Keep him in the middle.

Conical formation, the most famous formation of cavalry in the cold weapon era.

Just like the front arrow, also like the long cone.

The 20 Salander riders in full body armor are sharp, and the 25 elite desert bandits holding spears are the main force.

Without the slow movement speed of the infantrymen, the whole cavalry unit would rush down the sand dunes fiercely, piercing the enemy's body with a sharp edge, and completely tearing apart all the enemy's attempts to resist the cavalry who were rushing violently.

Destroy the enemy before they react!

"Boom, boom, boom—"

The sound of rolling thunder can be heard endlessly, especially in this arid desert with little rain.

Those high-ranking gnolls who were accustomed to the warm and humid climate on the coast of Mannheim walked out of their tents and looked up at the sky in surprise, but the expected dense dark clouds, rolling thunder, and torrential rain did not appear.

This stunned them who came to the southern part of the Nalun Desert and were almost driven crazy because of the high temperature and barrenness.

"It's not rainstorm?"

There are high gnolls asking in their language.

But all the answers were the astonishment and doubts of the accompanying companions, as well as the extreme anxiety in the face of the high temperature.

They didn't see the panic and fear on the faces of the lowly wolf men they looked down upon at the shabby tents nearby. Given their high status, they didn't even pay attention to their uncivilized compatriots. panic.

There was a vibration under my feet, and it was getting bigger and bigger.

The rolling thunder is also getting clearer in the ears.

It even made them subconsciously think of the continuous muffled thunder when there was a storm in the Sea of Stars.

It's a pity that when the lizardmen's privateers and the sea anti-smuggling ships of the Elven Council became more and more strict, the Gray Mane Kingdom, which did not have much overseas trade and ports, had basically lost the possibility of going to sea by itself, and could no longer see the sea of stars. , the storm that made countless captains and sailors fearful came from the supreme power of the god Stormlord.


The panicked howls of the lowly gnolls interrupted their contemplation.

These high-ranking gnolls turned their heads suspiciously.

The vibration under their feet became more and more intense, and the sound from their ears became louder and louder, and even made them feel that something was wrong. They turned their heads in amazement to look at the dozens of figures rushing down from the sand dunes, and their dazed eyes instantly shrink up.

They finally realized what this rolling thunder was.

Terran cavalry!

An extremely rare unit on the coast of Mannheim.

The only similar ones may be the moon deer bow cavalry of the elves, but they have never worn heavy armor like human beings. With their horses and guns, they rushed towards them like a flood breaking a dike, thinking about crushing them into pieces. Scum!

"Ooohoo, oohhoo!"

The terrified cries of the low-level gnolls could be heard all around my ears, and some gnolls even turned their heads and fled.

They have lost the confidence to fight on.

This made the stunned high-ranking gnolls who were still there come back to their senses, and all of them gathered with serious faces, holding their two-handed battle axes. They held this heavy weapon tightly, and their confidence was also strengthened in their hearts.

They are not those ignorant, uncivilized low-level wolf people.

Looking at the charging speed of the human cavalry, one knew that they couldn't escape very far with their own two legs.

Can only fight back!

With their burly and strong bodies, the strongest hand-to-hand race on the coast of Mannheim, the invincible high-level wolf man warriors with two-handed battle axes, how could they lose to those weak humans

Even if they were riding on creatures that turned into horses, these strong jackal warriors were ferocious and fearless.

Confrontation head-on, they have never been afraid of anyone!


The human cavalry was getting closer and closer, and the muffled sound of rolling thunder swept through his mind.

The fairly solid sand under their feet has already made the faint vibration stronger and stronger, and even made their feet feel the force of the violent vibration.

This made them suddenly lose their original confidence for some reason.

The hearts of these more than 30 wolf man warriors holding two-handed battle axes and wearing chain mail and linen robes were beating fast.

become parched.

A urge to urinate also condensed in the lower abdomen.

Seeing it getting closer and clearer, and even seeing the human cavalry holding the red flag, these high-ranking wolves only felt ashamed... and became cowardly.

But they don't change anything.

The human cavalry was getting faster and faster, the billowing thunder was getting louder and louder, and the vibration was getting more and more intense.

The sharp spears approaching 3 meters are getting closer and closer.

Eventually the two sides contacted.

The upright spear pierced the Gnoll's chest first, and the seemingly solid chain mail couldn't stop the sharp spearhead at all, and it pierced through easily behind him, and continued to pierce with the almost irresistible inertial force. The chests of the high-ranking gnolls behind them pushed them back unceasingly, but they looked forward desperately, unable to fight back at all.

The spears that passed through them in an instant also took away all their strength, and they couldn't even hold the two-handed battle axes that were invincible on the coast of Mannheim, so they could only let them fall to the ground.

The horse neighed in their ears, and these gnolls could even see the human faces on the horses.

Indifference, indifference, and undisguised disdain in the eyes.

Because they can't fight back at all.

Because their bodies are continuing to retreat.

Because all of them had their chests strung up by spears, pushed and bumped by those human cavalrymen, retreated helplessly, but had no strength to fight back at all.

"Kacha...Kacha Kacha..."

Intensive crisp sounds appeared.

The spears strung together with jackals sent them flying several meters away. Finally, because of the momentary inertia and strength, these refined military spears completely declared that they could not bear the force and broke with a click.

But the riders have long been prepared.

They are all well-trained and elite cavalry.

Abandoning the broken spear without hesitation, he rode his horse into the bunch of jackals and continued to rush towards the open area behind, slowing down, turning the horse's head and reaching out to draw out the Senran scimitar at his waist.

The charge was ready again, but these cavalry tightened their reins and stood still.

Because of their charge...

The high-level gnolls who were still gathered together had all been wiped out.

Miserably fell to the ground.

The broken spears were stuck in their chests, and the sand was already stained red with blood.

No one can stand up.

No one survived either.

The high-ranking wolf man in the lead struggled and turned his head, using his last strength to look at the human cavalrymen carrying scimitars, with extreme fear and disbelief in their eyes.

" the human...cavalry..."

It opened its mouth slowly, but the blood gushing from its throat couldn't make it say a word.

But it has fear in its mind.

This is fundamentally different from the human sailors they encountered in the Sea of Stars, or in the ports on the coast of Mannheim.

Those humans may be a little cunning, but they are not powerful.

There were no such warriors on horseback on the merchant ships. When they were blackmailed by jackal officials, they would only laugh along with them. Even if they encountered jackals and pirates, they would at most just wave their long swords to resist.

Absolutely never encountered such a blatant, almost invincible charge.


The heart, which had been pierced and destroyed by the spearhead, could no longer pump blood, and its brain began to suffocate.

Both eyes have lost their sight, and they can only be bored on the sand.

This is very uncomfortable, but it has nothing to do with it, and a thought suddenly appeared in the last consciousness, that is, the expedition force that the Gray Mane Kingdom exhausted its strength and will set off in a month seems to be in danger .

PS: There are two more updates tonight, if you say make up, you will make up!

(end of this chapter)