The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 114: The tragic end of defeat


The gray mane kingdom's expeditionary force is like the sword of Damocles, hanging over Kant's head. It will appear at any time, putting him in the most dangerous situation. If he makes a wrong step, he will be in an abyss beyond redemption.

Time is not on Kant's side, because he does not have the initiative and can only accept it passively.

This is undoubtedly the cause of Kant's greatest anxiety.

He hadn't grown to reach its peak. For the enemy, Kant's sentry oasis, "Drehem", which had changed from a village to a fortress, was still weak, even if it had the power to counterattack, it was still not a concern.

This represents contempt, confidence in one's own tyrannical strength, and contempt for Kant's arrogance.

For Kant, this may be the flaw revealed by the enemy.

Get back to Sentinel Oasis as soon as possible, and do your best to be as prepared as possible.

Including the experience gained from this attack, as well as the rough salt brought back, can become Kant's strength in the shortest possible time, providing crucial help for his next defense.

After the scattered battles on the road, and the fighting at the ruins of the tribe.

The original five Sarande riders are close to completion, and they can be upgraded to Kant's only 5th-level troop at any time. This kind of heavy cavalry is no less than the Swadian knight in the original version of cavalry and hacking, and is the strongest in the desert. King, Mamluks!

Kant's only level 5 heavy cavalry.

Unlike the Level 5 Ravenston Ranger, as an archer, it only plays an auxiliary role in the war.

These strongest heavy cavalry in the desert, but they are truly charged and invincible. They can tear apart the enemy's troops, symbolizing the absolute trump card troops!

Although there are only 5 people, it is equivalent to the sharpest edge of the long sword.

Because they have formed the most critical and most terrifying point.

These 5 Mamluks led Kant's current 50 Swadian heavy cavalry, as well as the 15 Sarande riders, 25 elite desert bandits, and perhaps desert bandits who could recruit 20 people every week in the future.

This is to break the surface with a point.

The number of cavalry with no more than a hundred men is enough to crush a thousand-man army from the front, and directly cut it into two pieces.

What's more, there are other people's experience, and it is estimated that it will reach the apex.

Before the gray mane kingdom's expeditionary force arrives, Kant will let the cavalry formed by these Sarandes sweep the desert.

Intercept and kill a small group of wandering gnolls.

It is also to allow them to gain a lot of experience as soon as possible, and finally get an upgrade.

Sarande riders and elite desert robbers are light cavalry. Don't worry about the shortcomings of Swadian heavy cavalry, although they are level 4 troops, they can't go deep into the desert to fight alone. As long as they bring enough food and water, they can attack everywhere.

So what Kant lacked was time.

"It's a pity." He frowned tightly, and sighed softly in his heart: "The initiative is not in my hands."

Just thinking about it.

Behind him, the rider of Salander quickly came over to report: "My lord, everything has been collected."

"Well, this speed is good." Kant nodded in praise.

On the saline-alkali land not far away, farmers used tools to collect coarse salt that could be taken anywhere, packed all of them in sacks, tied them up carefully, and placed them on the backs of the 10 dromedary camels that came with them. The sacks are full of coarse salt, and each side is stacked firmly. It looks heavy, but it is common for these camels who are used to carrying loads.

The Arab merchants back then relied on these dromedary camels, known as the ships of the desert, to form a large number of camel caravans, crossing the vast desert and the harsh desert, reselling goods from the East and the West, and making huge profits.

"Notify the surrounding desert bandits."

Kant spoke, and ordered the Sarande riders next to him: "We are going to return."

"Understood." The Sarande rider nodded and rode away immediately.

The elite desert robbers have already dispersed, and formed a team of 5 people to repeatedly investigate around, or chase and kill those small groups of gnolls who are still thinking of luck in the vicinity. Battle exploits.

Of course, for them, these military exploits are the experience Kant understood.

No one is content with the status quo.

They are all real people with their own ideas.

To become a powerful and respected top-level unit is a lifelong pursuit for them, and of course they are willing to work hard.

What's more, they all saw the goal.

In this miraculous place, under the leadership of Lord Kant, there are already seniors who will become Mamluks.

This is the goal that any Salander soldier longs for.

"Xi Law—"

The desert horse under its crotch snorted, and the scattered elite desert bandits gradually retracted.

But their speed is not fast.

Because not far from them, the jackals with bowed heads were walking side by side. They were covered with old and shabby animal skins and linen, and the mace that should have been held in their hands was not Disappear.

It seems that these low-level gnolls have been captured, and they even dropped their weapons and chose to surrender.

Go back to the salt mine.

Kant looked at the captives composed of these low-level gnolls, which were close to more than 300 people, and his face was also slightly stunned.

Turning his head to look at the elite desert bandits, he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing, and asked, "This really puzzles me, why did you bring back so many captives after you went out to investigate, and these gnolls still surrender obediently?"

"As a matter of fact, my lord, as you can see."

These elite desert robbers shrugged and said helplessly, "They really surrendered."

The Sarande riders stood guard beside them. Although their spears had been broken due to the charge, they held the bright and sharp scimitars tightly in their hands. Dare to ride a horse and rush in to hack and kill.

Not to mention them, even Kant found it a little unbelievable.

These uncivilized, ferocious and savage low-level gnolls actually chose to surrender to them.

As if Kant and his sentry oasis surrendered to the expeditionary force of the Gray Mane Kingdom and the high-ranking gnolls from the coast of Mannheim, it is theoretically impossible to happen.

They are not the same race, and they are even hostile races fighting for the supremacy of the desert and fighting for survival.

There is not much difference between surrender and death, and the final consequence is still a word...


This is the difference between early death and late death, and even struggling and resisting can win a little chance of survival.

But just surrender like this, how could Kant let them go

Kant snorted softly, and stretched out his hand to command these elite desert bandits: "Since they have chosen to surrender, they should take them all back. The mine owners of the Snowfield Iron Mine in the Vikia Kingdom have never been short of dinars!"


For Kant it does not exist.

Which race, which force is on the rise, can be merciful and let their enemies go

It's like a certain ancient country has developed from ancient times to the present, and it has almost occupied more than half of Asia, and all historical enemies have been wiped out. Are these sites all recharged


Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

Kant prefers to cut grass and roots!

"As you order, my lord."

The elite desert robbers responded, but their actions were not polite.

He directly pulled out the scabbard at his waist, and slammed it on the back of the head or cheeks of these lowly wolf men, so that the group of wolf men who had lost their morale and wildness and only knew how to obey were silent and obedient.

Some people brought hemp ropes and tied their hands and feet one by one.

Although there were indeed more than 300 jackals in number, it looked no different from more than 300 Shiba dogs.

Kant looked at the group of jackals coldly.

The heart is extremely complicated, the loser is so miserable, only the winner can be domineering, if you don't want to become such a wimpy look, apart from winning those difficult victories, you have to make yourself stronger.

"Let's go." Kant got on his horse, turned his horse's head and left.

"Set off."

The elite desert bandits were also yelling, using the scabbards in their hands to slam the cheeks of the slower-moving gnolls.

Some people used too much force, and their flesh and blood were all bloody, and even a few teeth were knocked out.

But so what.

The gnolls who have chosen to surrender and become captives have no blood at all and the ferocity they once had. Although they are wilder than human, under the threat of death, reason is always greater than barbarism.

Since they surrendered, they didn't want to die.

Start walking back.

The speed of the return journey was not fast because of the drag of the camel caravan and the Jackal captives.

They still eat on time, set off at dawn, rest at noon, travel at night, and sleep late at night. Their work and rest schedules are very regular.

In the ruins of the tribe that was once again destroyed by Kant, there were no wolf men left.

After losing the well, the value of existence has been lost here.

In the vast sandy sea, there may be oases with other water sources, but they are extremely rare. It is extremely difficult for these low-level wolf men to find them, and even if they find them, they cannot bear too many wolf men to survive.

The Nalun Desert is known as a desert of civilization and a forbidden race. It does not exist in the poems sung by poets, but in the lessons of blood and tears.

The days of these low-level gnolls, even if they are gifted with patience, are becoming more and more difficult.

Of course, Kant is not worth caring about.

It would be better if all these jackals died in the desert, so that he would not have to sweep back and forth in the future.

Two days and two nights passed.

The troops led by Kant himself finally returned to the sentry oasis.

Loaded with a large amount of coarse salt, and lack of water and food, more than 300 wolves who were already hobbled were captured.

PS: Thanks to "ㄚMissing Words, 1 Thread, 1 Thread Soaking My Heart" for the 3,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Xuanhu 258", "AC Everything is empty and everything is allowed", "TIMN" and "The Legendary Cabbage" for personally playing The reward of 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Gu Xyue", "Zi Pie Su", "Flying Eagle" and "jk90jk" for the 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)