The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 117: Completion of special tasks


Kant also affirmed his solemn appearance.

Whether it can borrow the boiled fine white salt to open up the market of the Lion Principality depends on the first transaction between Manid and Baron Dylan. As long as it succeeds, the future will be smooth.

This rocky pass that connects the Lion Principality with the Nalun Desert will become a shield for the sentry oasis.

Kant naturally would not believe that this shield is eternal and reliable.

On the contrary, if he shows signs of decline, this shield will not hesitate to counterattack.

Baron Dylan of Hard Rock Pass can grow from an ordinary cavalry soldier from a foreign country to a baron of the Lion Principality in just twenty years. If he really relies on military exploits and has no brains, it is obviously unrealistic.

But Kant didn't care.

He dared to join forces with Baron Dylan, just like seeking skin from a tiger, so he had his own confidence.

As long as it can help him block most of the stares and malice in the early stage, and allow Kant to survive in the early stage when the Sentinel Oasis is still weak, and eventually grow to have enough self-protection power, the role of this shield will be completed.

And when the time comes, even if Baron Dylan doesn't want to continue to be a shield, the decision is not in his hands.

There are currently no urgent matters pending.

Manid got up, walked out of the governing hall and began to prepare for the work of boiling salt tonight.

Kant completely delegated power.

The skill of boiling salt is not difficult. The Salanders have already taught Manid, and they found a few strong farmers and peasant women. The sugar workshop close to the city wall was temporarily used as a salt workshop.

Farmers and peasant women are busy.

Coarse salt in sacks was piled up by the door.

Nearly 40 bags in size, are built into a half-meter-high wall, occupying less than half of the street.

There are also charcoal, firewood, and grease for lighting the fire, all of which are also ready.

The two stoves in the sugar workshop were also cleaned and stuffed with firewood and charcoal. They were lit with grease, and the dark black smoke was discharged outside along the chimney on the roof. There was no cloud and no wind for thousands of miles. , a stream of black smoke shot straight into the sky, it was quite conspicuous in the Nalun Desert, and could be seen clearly after half a day's journey.

It's like the beacon smoke used for warning, or the signal marking the location of the sentry oasis.

There are gains and losses.

Large-scale salt boiling or sugar refining, because the black smoke produced by using a large amount of charcoal and firewood is thicker and longer, which is equivalent to telling anyone that this is a sentry oasis for sugar and salt production.

At the same time, it will also let malicious people know the specific location of the sentry oasis.

But it doesn't matter.

It is not a difficult problem for anyone who is interested in finding the sentry oasis.

In the Lion Principality, there is still a map from the Jianshi pass to the sentry oasis, otherwise Kant would not have dared to go deep into the Nalun Desert without preparation based on that few people.

And the expeditionary force of the Graymane Kingdom.

Perhaps by catching a few low-level gnolls in the Nalun Desert, they can find these real natives to lead the way.

Although there is no GPS in this world, the experienced guides in the army can still find the right way through the astrology and the sun, as well as many geographical details that ordinary people don't care about.

Kant is one of the beginners, he naturally understands the truth.

Compared with the rewards and benefits obtained by boiling salt, these are small problems that can be ignored.

Boiling salt continues.

If it were not for the limitation of charcoal and firewood, Kant would even increase the scale of boiling salt.

But when the boiled fine white salt enters the Jianshi Pass in the early morning of tomorrow, they will purchase a large amount of grain, charcoal, and iron tools through the relationship of Baron Dylan on the return journey, including the six draft horses that Kant prepared when he came. With 3 carriages, they will return full of these materials, relieve the pressure on the sentry oasis, and form a virtuous circle brought about by trade exchanges.

In the sugar workshop, the speed of boiling salt is also accelerating.

Bags of coarse salt are poured into an iron pot, and then poured into spring water, which quickly dissolves into brine as the temperature rises.

Firewood licks the bottom of the pot.

The brine began to bubble and boil, and a very ugly gray foam appeared in the boiling.

These are the impurities in coarse salt, and various other substances left when the saline-alkali land dries up naturally, are also the main reason why these coarse salts are too bitter to swallow, and even poisonous to cause diarrhea.

The peasant women will take care of that.

Carefully use a spoon to scoop off the froth and skim it off. When the brine is slightly clear, pour it into a wooden barrel.

The charcoal is already lined up inside.

The salt water with extremely high salt content is poured in, leaving only the last bit of bottom, which is full of dusty substances, and it feels a little sticky. It is either the former soil or sand, or heavy metal residues, which cannot be absorbed by the human body. The impurities, after sinking to the bottom, naturally have the same result as the froth, and are poured into another wooden barrel to be poured out later.

Then brush the iron pan clean and continue to repeat the above steps.

In fact, the brine produced by these steps can be eaten after being boiled. Although the taste still has a little bitterness, ordinary people will never care.

Most of the things like salt are consumed by nobles.

Thirdly, in cities, wealthy citizens with decent jobs will still consume it reluctantly and eat it on certain festivals.

As for farmers in the countryside, serfs without personal freedom are not among the salt consumers.

If Kant is willing to sell these slightly bitter but absolutely cheap salt, it will definitely be welcomed by most people, because these salts that even rural commoners can afford will definitely become huge profits sweeping the entire country.

Although the price is low, the quantity is large.

It's like an ancient country's salt industry arbitrarily, monopolizing the price, allowing ordinary people to eat salt and at the same time profiting from quantity.

But Kant would not take such a trade plan.


Why did he turn expensive salt, a luxury that only nobles can eat, and a precious commodity comparable to spices, into a popular condiment that even ordinary people can afford and eat

Although Kant grasped the source of salt production.

But he is not a monopoly of salt production. The distant dwarf kingdom also produces salt.

The Principality of Lions already has businessmen who use this as a means of making a fortune. This is their fundamental interest, and they will not let others intervene. This is why Kant will give most of the profits to Baron Dylan.

Gain time for yourself by attracting the firepower of these formerly vested interests.

And completely destroy the rules of the salt industry.

Let salt become a condiment affordable to rural farmers and serfs, and this will completely detonate conflict.

It is no longer a business competition.

But a complete subversion, even seriousness, will cause a huge reaction in the entire Lion Principality.

Those high-ranking nobles are absolutely not allowed, and humble peasants are entitled to eat the same salt as themselves, even if it looks similar, but actually tastes bitter, it is absolutely not allowed.

This is an extremely hierarchical social system.

This is a hierarchical concept where lineage determines everything.

If Kant really overturned all this, even if it only moved a piece of symbolic foundation.

The consequences are not something he can bear now.

This is his concern.

But Kant naturally didn't want to overthrow all of this, because the high-quality fine white salt, a rare luxury that only appeared in noble banquets, sold at a huge profit and allowed him to quickly accumulate strength.

Even if most of the profits are distributed to Baron Dylan, it can still bring rich returns!

Because he mastered the salt mine.

Just like now.

After the impurities have been filtered by charcoal, the remaining brine is poured into another iron pot.

As the firewood burns and licks the bottom of the pot, the water evaporates rapidly, and the salt solution left behind becomes thicker and thicker, until finally crystallized white salt begins to precipitate and adhere to the bottom of the pot, which is as white as snow. Incomparably wonderful.

The peasant women immediately hung out the salt with wooden shovels and packed it in specially prepared sacks.

However, the amount of finished white salt is much less.

Often a bag of coarse salt is dissolved and filtered, and then white salt is precipitated, and only half of the bag remains in the end.

Nearly half of the losses.

But thanks to the huge price difference, even if more than half of it is lost, the price of the remaining half bag of white salt is enough to cover all the current 40 bags of coarse salt, which is a huge profit hundreds of times!

The appearance of the first finished product inspired these peasant women and farmers.

The speed began to increase, and the movements became more and more skillful.

Looking at their excited and enthusiastic appearances, the next morning, these 40 bags of coarse salt can definitely be boiled successfully, turning into expensive fine white salt that is loved by nobles.

With Manid's supervision, the efficiency cannot be reduced.

Kant was relieved.

Now he has to deal with other important things.

Fatis has led the team back.

Behind the 50 Swadian heavy cavalry, there are hundreds of ashen-faced, blood-stained wolf man captives following them. You can tell from their fearful appearance that they have already experienced the horror of the heavy cavalry.

Without hesitation, Kant let Fatis and the caravan leader Jocelyn quickly arrive at the governing hall.

emegency notice.

As long as Jocelyn finished the inspection and formally purchased the hundreds of wolf man captives, making up the number of 500, then the special mission from the Vikia kingdom would be declared complete.

And those 5 points of honor will also be formally embraced by Kant.

Kant couldn't wait to think about the big gift package he could get in the lottery.

"Lord Kant."

Fatis and Jocelyn walked into the governing hall and saluted Kant respectfully.

"Well, well done."

Kant nodded to Fatis with a smile on his face.

But he turned his head to look at Jocelyn, the caravan leader, and said directly: "Have you checked it out? I think these captives, plus the previous number, should reach 500?"

"Yes, Lord Kant."

Jocelyn nodded and reported: "There are 103 captives this time, equivalent to 3090 dinars." After a pause, he continued: "The total number is 572, which fully meets the requirements."

"That's good." Kant chuckled.

PS: Thanks to "Yogurt So Salty" and "Signal Flag" for the 1,000 starting point coins ~ Thanks to "Ha Meng Zhi Wing" for the 500 starting point coins ~ Thanks to "Overwater Bitter Cold" "lxyfmm" "True evil flow" "Professional 100 starting coins rewarded by "Pig Killer"~

(end of this chapter)