The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 122: Caravan heading to the pass


That round of desert, the sentry oasis.

The sky is dim, and the traces of night have not completely faded.

It was just dawn.

The banquet last night did not lower their vigilance, and the soldiers still maintained sufficient vigilance.

These outstanding soldiers from the three countries of Swadia, Sarande, and Wikia, even after drinking, did not forget their duties. Instead, they were worried about the enemy's sneak attack, and they did not sleep deeply.

Dawn was just coming.

On the arrow tower, the Vikia archers on duty at night were replaced.

On the wall that strengthened the attic, behind the shooting window, Swadian crossbowmen with crossbows were on guard.

Although 50 Vegia archers and 50 Swadian crossbowmen were scattered on the 4 walls, the number of people was not many at all, but it was only half an hectare inside the wall of the "Drehem" fortress. Troops can be deployed for support at any time.

Although the fortress is small, it is also convenient to defend.

Outside the executive hall.

Kant came out full of energy, and he was no longer tired like when he just woke up.

Walking out of the door, Kant walked quickly to the right, and at the same time asked in a deep voice, "Are you all ready?"

"Okay." Manid was following behind him.

The two came to the sugar workshop.

The coarse salt that was piled up in bags on the street had disappeared by this time.

Instead, there were brand new sacks stacked on wooden racks beside the city wall. In order to ensure the surface of these sacks was clean, two layers of linen were even placed on the wooden racks.

These new sacks are filled with fine white salt boiled last night.

It was all processed and added last night before finally rushing to work.

"Lord Kant, Lord Manid."

At the gate of the sugar workshop, the farmers and peasant women who had been busy all night and hadn't slept hurriedly saluted.

Looking at the dark circles on their eyes, you can tell that they have really worked hard for this, Kant also nodded in understanding and said: "You don't need to be too polite, you have been busy all night, take a good rest today."

"Thank you for your kindness." The peasants and peasant women left gratefully after saluting.

"Rest." Kant nodded with a smile.

These leaders all paid for his son, and the kindness he showed was justified.

They will not be needed for the next job.

Manid opened his mouth to report: "Master Kant, if there is no other situation, I want to pack up my things immediately and lead the team to set off before noon. In this way, according to the time, I can return with a full load of supplies before next Sunday."

"Okay, let's do it like this." Kant nodded.

From the sentry oasis to the stone pass, even if you know the correct shortest route, it will take 4 days.

This is still a team composed of cavalry and carriages.

If it is a simple infantry, it will take longer. It is estimated that Kant will have to trek for seven days in the barren environment of the cruel Nalun Desert like when Kant first came to the sentry oasis.

Time waits for no one, and Kant doesn't have much time to waste.

Soon, the peasants came with a cart pulled by two horses, which were the same horses and carts that came here with Kant.

Farmers work together.

The 20 bags of fine white salt stacked on wooden shelves are all loaded on the carriage.

Just outside the street, the other two carriages were also loaded with things, but they were supplies for crossing the Nalun Desert.

For example, fresh water and food for daily consumption.

This is a guarantee for days.

10 Sarande riders and 20 elite desert robbers are also ready.

After all, when Kant went to the Stone Pass last time, he encountered some bad memories. In order to prevent Manid from encountering those situations again this time, the necessary guards are absolutely indispensable.

Along with them, there were 10 Swadian recruits.

Holding a hunting crossbow and wearing iron-inlaid leather armor.

Carrying a wooden shield and a 2-meter heavy spear, and a fighting pick and quiver hanging from his waist.

The outermost is covered with a linen robe.

These are the 10 peasants from the last time Kant led the team to the salt mine. They can be upgraded after defeating a few gnolls, and they can be upgraded directly to the Swadian militia. They just lead the team to the post station and will be responsible for the reception of this post station and security work.

Soon, the three carriages were all loaded with supplies.

Soldiers are also ready.

"Pay attention to the rocky pass."

Outside the city gate, Kant looked serious and told Manid: "I think you understand."

"Understood." Manid nodded.

"Take care." Fatis also came to see him off.


Manid waved to the two, got on his horse, and started to lead the team.

6 strong horses pulled 3 carriages, and soon disappeared behind the vast sand dunes.

This is Manid going to Stone Pass on behalf of Kant to trade with the local lord, Baron Dylan.

As long as this salt trade is successful, the sentry oasis in the future will gain an ally who can withstand most storms, and at the same time, an agent for a long time, a model of win-win cooperation.

Kant stood in front of the city gate.

His face was very serious, looking at the sea of sand in front of him, he said in a deep voice, "It's up to Manid."

"He won't disappoint." Fatis comforted.

"Yes." Kant nodded.

Manid, who came from a family of merchants in the Kingdom of Nord, was originally a business genius.

But what Kant was anxious and worried about was not commercial issues, but because of his own identity, whether there would be greater crowding out and counterattacks against the historical issues left over from Jianshi Pass.

After all, the two waves of people he met when he left last time still weighed on his heart.

This is already a sign.

After being exiled to the Nalun Desert, Kant's figure continued to set foot in the Lion Principality, which many people did not want to see.

Then there was robbery.

Baron Dylan's vassal knights led a group of armed militiamen to rob him. This was a joke, so Kant led the cavalry to kill these overwhelmed guys.

Perhaps the robbery was really an accident, a coveting of his men's armor.

But the story of the beautiful woman I met first, and the hero saving the beauty, is definitely not that simple.

Now that you think about it carefully, you can see that this is a conspiracy.

A plot directed against him.

Kant frowned slightly, turned his head and said to Fatis: "Arrange the troops, we are now at a critical moment before transformation, tell our soldiers not to relax, I don't want to see that at such a critical moment, someone will Drop the chain."

"Please don't worry, Mr. Kant." Fatis looked solemn.

"That's it." Kant nodded.

This is the calm before the storm, the darkness before the dawn.

The expeditionary force of the Graymane Kingdom.

As long as the sentry oasis can survive, then it can get excellent rewards.

For example, the more top-level arms, the safer territory, and the hegemony of the Nalun Desert will all be firmly held by Kant, relying on this barren land to grow up until he builds a real, daunting castle.

Standing tall in this sentry oasis.

Return to the Consulate.

Kant began to plan and arrange for the future.

For example, in the current "Drehem" fortress, there is a serious shortage of houses.

The attic of the city wall has been added, allowing soldiers to sleep in it instead of sleeping in bunkers and tents.

But there are still very few civilian buildings.

The most typical is the Swadia house, and now there are only 7.

"System, build buildings."

Kant frowned slightly, sat in his seat, and gave instructions about the building.

The system pops up a dialog box instantly.

It densely lists the buildings that Kant can build at present.

But he didn't hesitate, and said directly: "Build 43 houses."

[Ding... system prompt]

[100 dinars per house, 4300 dinars for 43 houses.]

[Yes/No choose to build?]

The system gives a prompt.

"put up!"

Kant's answer is naturally affirmative.

Although the cost is huge, reaching a terrifying 4,300 dinars, which is one-third of Kant’s current savings, but in fact, when 43 houses are built, it will be known that the cost of so many dinars is quite worth it .

7 days of construction time of the house.

Building at the same time means that Kant will get 43 houses after 7 days.

Including the 7 houses built before, there are 50 houses.

According to the fact that each house can accommodate 10 people to rest, 50 houses can fully meet the living needs of 500 people.

This also means that Kant can continue to get 500 civilians.

Because the properties of the houses still show this point, when the number of houses is greater than the number of civilians currently living, refugees will be attracted to settle in the village, and in a short period of time, the number of civilians in the fortress will be saturated.

This is also one of the reasons why Kant purchased an extremely large amount of grain.

The more people there are, the more people will eat.

But definitely not a waste of food.

Having so many civilians is not a burden, because Kant can recruit soldiers among these civilians at any time.

Level 1 arms, Swadian recruits, are derived from civilians.

And when the enemy's offensive became stronger and stronger, and the attack became more and more crazy, causing battle damage to Kant's existing troops, these new recruits who gained experience after days of fighting and could be upgraded to higher arms showed their strength. their value.

As long as there are civilians.

Then Kant's sentry oasis has a steady stream of reserve troops.

Even if the entire elite army is wiped out, Kant still has a chance to start over.

As a defender of the city.

Kant wanted to gain a lot of experience during the enemy's siege. It really couldn't be easier. Even as long as these recruits or even farmers are responsible for carrying some supplies, after the battle is over, the huge amount of experience is enough for them to upgrade.

"And, there's this."

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the other buildings on the building interface.

He suddenly discovered a very special building in the building list of the fortress.

bell tower.

PS: It's so hot... It's so hot... It's so hot... Today's update is a bit late, it's really too hot, and I can't concentrate at all, so I just finished the third watch, I'll come back to a chapter later, I'll go first Take a shower, uh, to be exact, I've taken 6 showers, oh my god! This damn ghost weather!

(end of this chapter)