The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 123: The long river of time is flowing


"System, give the detailed data of the clock tower."

Kant's thinking moved slightly.

On the retina, detailed data from the system pops up immediately.

[Ding... system prompt]

[Bell Tower: a military building. A stone building with a small bronze bell at the top, which can be used for daily timekeeping or alarms. Building Features: Emergency mobilization. When the war comes, ringing the bronze bell can recruit all civilians to arm themselves to protect their homes. During the defense of the city, all civilians will be temporarily promoted to recruits. It costs 1000 dinars to build and takes 10 days.]

The data is clear.

Kant raised his eyebrows slightly, the effect of this building is more than special.

Simply the only one!

So far Kant has only seen a building with characteristics.

[Emergency Mobilization]: When the war comes, ring the bronze bell to recruit all civilians to protect their homes. During the defense period, all civilians will be temporarily promoted to recruits.

"It seems a bit familiar."

Kant licked the corner of his mouth.

This architectural feature can almost be called a magical skill in defending the city.

When there are a large number of civilians in the fortress, if you ring the bronze bell to officially activate this architectural feature, Kant will instantly have 500 more Swadian recruits who have received basic military training and have a certain combat foundation.

Although unable to compete with powerful enemies.

But it can delay occupation and resist the enemy's attack in a short time.

"Build the clock tower."

Kant's mind makes decisions instantly.

[Ding... system prompt]

[Building the clock tower costs 1,000 dinars and takes 10 days to start construction.]

The system responds.

"10 days." Kant's mouth curled up slightly: "Simple."

This time-consuming, he can still afford to wait.

Although the Gnoll expeditionary force could appear at any time, Kant still remembered that Assage, who was pulled out and killed by him before, said that it would take at least 30 days to cross the Nalun Desert.

This is still an ordinary transport caravan.

If it is an army that intends to invade on a large scale, the preparation time will definitely be longer.

Crossing the desert to carry out military strikes against other countries has never appeared on the earth.

Deserts often represent forbidden lands, which belong to the natural moat. If it weren't for the gnoll's talent to endure high and low temperatures, Kant would not care about the Gray Mane Kingdom on the coast of Mannheim now.

It is very difficult for ordinary human troops to pass through the mountains.

Not to mention the desert.

Kant also didn't believe that those high-ranking gnolls dared to give up all their supplies and come here like a shipwreck.

Without logistics, it is tantamount to defeat.

It is not so easy to support war with war.

Even the Mongols, who once set off a wave of terror on the earth and traversed the Eurasian continent, supported the war with war during the unprecedented Western Expedition, and had to guarantee a certain level of logistical supplies for the troops.

"Wait." Kant was slightly taken aback.

Thinking of using war to support war, as well as logistical supplies, he seemed to think of something even more.

Slightly frowning, Kant murmured: "War supports war..."

In an instant he seemed to understand.

The Jackals will definitely support their battles with battles. With the help of the rest of the sentry oasis, when the human kingdoms don't know the advanced Jackals troops, they will use the fastest speed to break through the rocky pass and successfully gain a foothold in the North County of the Principality of the Lion.

A steady stream of follow-up troops will arrive, slowly encroaching on the North County of the Lion Principality.

At that time, there will be a lot of food, enough drinking water, and the fortifications of the strong stone pass. These expeditionary forces will be able to form a group of their own. They can almost harass and invade North County, and they can retreat to defend the sentry oasis.

If it fails, if you hold the sentry oasis, you still have a chance to start all over again.

"Could it be so?"

Kant raised his eyebrows slightly, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly.

Although it is speculation.

But it was this kind of speculation that he really speculated on the strategic plan of the Gray Mane Kingdom.

Combined with Asage's description.

The Gray Mane Kingdom, which suffered from foreign invasion, obviously regarded this place as a breakthrough point to take off.

Having plundered a lot of human wealth, the Gnolls on the coast of Mannheim will definitely recover again and compete with the developing lizardmen and elves, instead of slowly declining and becoming fish on the chopping board of the two tribes.

Of course, Kant would not have thought of it either.

The troops of the Graymane Kingdom came here not just to plunder.

And conquest.

These jackals with advanced intelligence completely want to conquer the human kingdom and become their colony.

For the human kingdoms to become conquered colonies, their constant blood-sucking is what is most needed.

It's just that the Graymane Kingdom can't imagine it.

The Sentinel Oasis has welcomed its lord.

And it has been built into a fortress that can make the blood of the wolf man flow through!

... ... ...

A construction team of nearly 400 people arrived in Su Nuo.

The leader is the chubby construction leader who is said to have made his fortune in construction.

When Kant saw him again, he found that his chubby appearance was a little more handsome. He didn't look like the honest and capable construction leader before, but like a landlord who contracted a manor.

"Dear Lord Kant."

When the construction team leader saw Kant, he immediately saluted respectfully: "Your faithful servant sends you greetings!"

"Pay attention to the title." Kant shook his head, his personality remained the same.

Looking at the more than 400 construction workers he brought and hundreds of carriages loaded with wood and stone, Kant also nodded slightly: "The next step will be a big project."

"That's right, Lord Kant."

The team leader quickly apologized: "But don't worry, there won't be any problems with the quality."

"This is the best." Kant nodded.

While the guy likes to flatter, the quality of the built home is really good.

Without continuing to chat with him, Kant gave a few casual instructions and returned to the governing hall.

The planning of 43 houses has been laid out. There are foundations painted with lime powder on the ground, including the entire south side, forming a total of four streets, basically occupying all the open spaces set aside in advance.

When these buildings are completed, there will not be much open space in the fortress.

The tranquility of the sentry oasis is gone.

Noisy occupied the entire fortress.

Everyone is busy.

Especially those 400 construction workers, coming and going in the southern residential area, yelling at each other and coordinating with each other to carry wood and stone, the entire residential area has become a construction site, and these hardworking workers are also exhausting themselves With painstaking efforts, he worked hard to build the 43 houses and build brand new towers.

This was built for Mr. Kant, and they paid sincerely.

It's just that to Fatis, these construction workers...

It's probably too much.

If they didn't know that they were all construction workers from Suno, Fatis would definitely arrange troops to garrison nearby. After all, if so many people rebelled, the entire "Drehem" fortress would definitely be in chaos.

Although the combat effectiveness of these construction workers is not as good as that of the militia.

But these numbers are still troublesome.

Beating, smashing, looting and burning, although those mobs can't fight the enemy on the battlefield, they are very good at destroying.

Even if troops are finally mobilized to suppress it, Lord Kant will be disturbed.

In Fatis' view, it was already a mistake.

In fact, even the crossbowmen stationed on the city wall were also startled by so many construction workers below, especially after being reminded by Fatis, they focused part of their attention on them.

In the attics of the city walls, Swadian crossbowmen would watch the workers coldly.

The Vikia archer at the top of the arrow tower did not hide at all that he had bent his bow and set his arrow, and would shoot if there was any abnormality, which scared the construction workers below.

They are from Vikia Snowfield, and their personalities are as cold as heavy snow.

For this reason, the construction team leader could only ask Kant for help.

These crossbowmen, with such cold eyes, are like looking at dead people. These honest construction workers really can't work hard.

Kant could only issue orders to lift the internal high vigilance.

After all, these construction workers are all from the system, and their loyalty can be guaranteed.

time flies.

The foundations of the building have already been laid.

The weekend passed.

Monday comes.

Compared with last week, the size of the troops has increased a little Kant, and directly paid more than 6,000 dinars in military expenditures.

However, with the Gnoll appendix sold before, the remaining dinars are worth over ten thousand.

This further deepened Kant's idea of setting up a slave hunting team.

The slave trade was really huge profits.

But with the arrival of Monday, the caravan leader Jocelyn also said goodbye to Kant and returned to Zhiwading.

The new caravan won't arrive until next month.

The slave trade could only be temporarily halted.

After all, there was no acquirer. Even if Kant let those desert bandits capture hundreds of gnolls, it would be a waste of food in the end, and there might even be problems because of custody.

When the caravan arrives next month, it doesn't matter if we catch some more prisoners then.

The days passed.

43 houses, repaired from the foundation to the walls.

The construction workers are dedicated to their duties, and the progress of the project has been improved very quickly.

By Friday, all the houses were finally completed.

50 standard Swadian houses are built side by side, with uniform style and materials, filling the originally empty south, truly forming the current residential area, forming four brand new streets.

And on the edge of the residential area.

In the area near the governing hall, the construction progress of the 5-meter-high bell tower is coming to an end.

It can be expected that after 2 days, the clock tower, which bears the function of telling the time in peacetime and recruiting peasants as recruits in wartime, is also about to be completed.

Time flies and so does construction.

It is in the station in the south of the Nalun Desert.

The 10 recruits who stayed behind are entertaining Manid and the others who came back from the Stone Pass.

PS: This is the third update, well, there is no fourth update... Don’t look forward to it, I plan to go to the Internet cafe to code tomorrow, this terrible weather is unbearable at home! Continue to be cheeky and ask for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets. If you have anything to say about the current novel's plot, rhythm, you can express your opinions in the book review area. I will accept them one by one. Although I may not reply, I will definitely read it.

(end of this chapter)