The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 130: A turbulent crisis


On Retina, a system dialog pops up.

[Ding...Temporary task release]

[Temporary task: The dark tide is coming]

[Task Reward: 10000 Dinars]

[Introduction: When you are choosing to develop, an undercurrent is about to emerge. In the face of this new challenge, will you and your territory resist the attack of the dark tide like a reef? Be careful, be careful, be careful!]

Squinting slightly.

Kant scanned the ambiguous introduction.

"Dark tide?" He whispered softly.

Even in the system introduction, three "cautions" were used in succession to mark the importance of this temporary mission, making Kant's heart feel as if being clenched by an invisible force, and he couldn't help squinting his eyes slightly: "Is it... serious?"

Yes, seriously.

Kant knew in his heart, otherwise the system would never have given such a prompt.

A little pondering.

Kant looked to the north, thoughtful: "Is that?"

In the north of the Nalun Desert, in the direction of the coast of Mannheim, the location of the Greymane Kingdom has also been known for a long time. Those high-level gnolls will form an expeditionary force to start the expedition to the sentry oasis.

At this time, the system abruptly gave a temporary task.

The purpose is to remind Kant...

Here they come!

If it weren't for the expeditionary force of the Gray Mane Kingdom, those high-level gnolls with their own civilization, Kant would never have believed that the system would have given such a solemn reminder, and released such a warning-like temporary mission, and at the same time the mission reward was directly raised to 10,000 dinars are such a high amount.

Just in the third week of this month, the enemy finally appeared in front of Kant.

step forward.

Kant quickly returned to the governing hall, waved to the guard at the door and said, "Go and find Knight Fatis and inform him that there is an emergency waiting to be dealt with."

"Understood!" The guard saluted and quickly turned to leave.

Sit in your own chair.

Soon, Fatis opened the door and walked in quickly, with a solemn expression on his face: "Master Kant, are you looking for me?"

"Yes." Kant nodded.

With the same solemn face, he stretched out his hand and said to Fatis: "Sit down and say, it seems that we are really going to face a new test, I think we should make all the preparations."

"Greymane Kingdom?" Fatis narrowed his eyes and guessed the truth of the matter.

"That's right."

Kant nodded, tapped his fingers on the table, with a very serious expression: "That's them."

Fatis frowned.

The heart beats faster.

But there was no panic or fear on their faces. They had deduced the possibility that the Graymane Kingdom Expeditionary Force was about to attack more than once. After taking a deep breath, Fatis said in a deep voice, "I'll go prepare."

"No need for now." Kant shook his head and frowned, "They haven't come here yet."

"Is there still time?" Fatis asked with a frown.

"That's right," Kant replied.

A vague expression has been given in the system introduction.

The dark tide is coming.

The word "is about to" of course means that it hasn't happened yet, so combined with this sentence, Kant can easily guess the system's prompt, that is, it will take some time before this danger arrives here.

Maybe for a long time.

Maybe in an instant.

Fatis looked cautious, and said slowly: "We must not let our guard down."

"Yes, you can't relax your vigilance." Kant nodded, and ordered in a deep voice: "After the meeting is over, you will arrange the standby order for all soldiers, cancel all vacations, and raise the alert level to the highest."

"Understood." Fatis nodded.

But Kant did not finish, and continued to arrange after a pause: "Let all the desert robbers disperse to conduct investigations. The range is 3 kilometers from the sentry oasis, and the investigation direction is mainly in the north."

"Yes." Fatis continued to nod.

These are all arrangements for the time of war, and Kant has to make the decision himself.

It is also a plan to realize the plan.

"Fatis, you go and arrange it."

Kant waved to Fatis, looked at his own Swadian nobleman, and said solemnly: "Tell our soldiers that the crisis is just around the corner, so be vigilant."

"I see." Fatis nodded and strode away.

He can handle it very well.

Kant believed in Fatis' ability, but he still felt a little bit of palpitation before the battle.

Not fear.

It's just a little fluctuation in my heart about the coming of war.

The development of the "Drehem" fortress has reached a certain critical point. Although there are still many buildings that have not been built, it has little impact on the current situation.

Soldiers who can go into battle resist the enemy's fortifications.

Everything you need is there.

What is really missing, perhaps, is the experience gained by the enemy in real combat with the enemy.

"The storm is coming." Kant took a deep breath.

For the arrival of the Greymane Kingdom Expeditionary Force, he has already been mentally prepared. After all, the noble wolf man Asage who was captured at the beginning, and the high-level wolf man warrior who was discovered and wiped out last week have all proved that the Mannheim coast The tentacles began to extend here more and more, probing as if touching.

And the time for the final attack is also not far away.

... ... ...

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

A slightly hasty bell rang.

Inside and outside the sentry oasis, the clear sound of the bronze bell being struck quickly echoed.

agricultural area.

The peasants and peasant women who were still busy at first turned their heads to look in the direction of the fortress in astonishment when they heard the bell, their eyes were still a bit dazed, obviously they didn't understand what happened.

But in an instant, the meaning of the bell had appeared in their minds.

Cold sweat instantly appeared on their heads, and they dropped the work in their hands and ran towards the gate of the fortress.

The running speed is very fast.

Not only them.

There are also Swadian light infantry who were originally patrolling agricultural and pastoral areas.

These third-level arms are the main force of the patrol team. Basically, the current guard oasis surroundings rely on their patrols to maintain stability and ensure the safety of civilians.

But now, they were running, carrying the shuttle armor on their bodies with a "crash".

Running panting, even the formation could not be maintained.

They all rushed into the fortress through the two city gates. At the same time, they also saw comrades holding longbows and crossbows standing guard behind the attic shooting windows of the city wall. They were looking at the distance with piercing eyes, obviously serious.

Their hearts jumped slightly.

War will be brought.

All the farmers and peasant women gathered in front of the bell tower, waiting in silence.

On the street next to it, there are all the troops currently owned by the sentry oasis, including Mamluks, Swadian heavy cavalry, Swadian infantry, desert robbers, including Manid who is still inspecting the sugar workshop, etc. all here.

This is the bell for emergency assembly.

Only when some kind of emergency order is issued, it will be sounded in such a hurry.

It is completely different from the calm bells that tell the time on weekdays.

Just like the urging of the lord.

In the bell tower, Knight Fatis came out with a serious face, and swept across the troops that were all on standby except for the crossbowmen. He had pulled out the sharp knight sword from the scabbard at his waist.

"Master Kant's subjects and soldiers."

Fatis took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "The war is about to begin."

This is an emergency collection.

It is only natural that this knight who is good at military affairs should declare the state of war.

Kant entrusted it to him.

Fatis did not hesitate, this is his field of expertise.

Order after order was issued.

All the soldiers have been mobilized, and the entire fortress has entered the highest level of alert mode. Any disturbance will attract everyone's attention, and everything is based on war.

Civilians also received orders.

Move all valuable things into the fortress, and all livestock are listed separately in the city wall.

Including the 5 mu of Achnatherum splendens beach on the west side of the small lake, farmers and peasant women are also required to harvest it in the shortest possible time and store it as green fodder.

As for the date palms which have blossomed, they will bear fruit in less than a month.

We can only hope that the wolf man will come slowly.

Although the current "Drehem" fortress has built a stone city wall, it cannot completely cover the entire area. In fact, even if it is built as a luxurious castle, the city wall will not be built alone for a date palm grove. In the past, this was not cost-effective and impractical.

The best way is to cut down the surrounding trees and burn them.

The purpose is to prevent the enemy from building siege engines.

For Kant, if those Gnoll expeditionary forces were really coming, he would order without hesitation to cut down all the date palm trees without leaving a single one.

He didn't have extravagant hopes, those high-level gnolls didn't have siege skills.

Both have established the Graymane Kingdom.

have their own civilization.

How could it be possible that these high-level gnolls did not have the technology to make siege equipment

Besides, they're here.

The purpose is to attack the human kingdom and plunder the wealth of mankind. How could there be no siege equipment, or even craftsmen who know how to make siege weapons

So much fine wood.

Even if it is impossible to build siege equipment, using the felled tree trunks as stairs is enough to climb the 7-meter-high attic of the city wall, allowing those jackals to appear inside the fortress and become a stepping stone for them to conquer the sentry oasis!

The desert bandits rode out of the city gate.

A group of three, with the direction of the north, spread out to start investigation.

The cloud of war hangs over the Nalun Desert.

And at the natural salt mine, 300 wolf-man pirates who escaped from the devil's land and trekked here are weakly looking at the tents torn on the ground around them, and the bones that are still everywhere, full of tooth marks. .

According to the plan.

At this salt mine, there should be a team of high-ranking gnolls responsible for responding to them.

They looked at those bones fiercely.

His face was extremely ferocious.

The bone with tooth marks was obviously caused by gnawing, and looking at the bone, it was known that it was the leg bone of the wolf man, and the tooth marks on it were also caused by the fangs of the wolf man.

They are very angry.

The low-level Gnoll tribe in the Nalun Desert is indeed an ignorant and barbaric tribe.

In the minds of these Gnoll pirates, there was already a judgment.

(end of this chapter)