The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 132: Refugees who arrived before the war


The sun burns high above the sky.

The mighty power of the sun shrouded the Nalun Desert, as if even the air was going to be burned.

It's noon.

But just north of the sentry oasis, among the continuous sand dunes, 10 desert robbers formed a cavalry team, and they were strolling and patrolling on a desert horse with a strong crotch, with a spear in their hands and a leather shield on their left arm. .

Obviously this patrol also made them ready for battle.

"Xi Lv Lv..."

This is the desert horse snorting a little irritably.

The sun in the desert is already strong, and it is noon now, and the temperature is soaring extremely fast.

Knocking lightly on the horse's belly, 10 desert robbers shook the reins, turned the neck of the desert horse under their crotch, and turned around, preparing to return along the route they came from, ending this patrol deep into the desert.

Their patrols are serious and careful.

After confirming that there is no problem in this area, he chooses to leave.

However, they didn't know that at the ruins of the tribe, the expeditionary force from the Gray Mane Kingdom had already sent an advance team, that is, the 300 powerful Gnoll pirates, who had successfully trekked there.

And occupied the wells in the ruins of the tribe, worked together to dig, and successfully dug out more groundwater.

The news never came.

Kant did not set up a sentry post or an inn at the tribal ruins.

However, the system has already given a warning, but the "Drehem" fortress is already ready, and all troops are on standby to meet the enemy troops that may appear at any time.

The desert bandits rode back to the sentry oasis.

The governing hall with a height of 10 meters and the arrow towers at the four corners are the first to come into view.

Then there is the city wall with a height of 7 meters reinforced by the attic.

Senran's defense has been well-arranged. Soldiers are standing on the entire city fortification. Whether it is the arrow tower, the attic, or the top of the governing hall, the crossbowmen are vigilantly scanning the area they are responsible for.

There will not be any troops that can approach the sentry oasis quietly.

The eyesight of the crossbowman is very good.

The city gate opened slowly.

Ten Swadian light infantry came out with spears.

Not far away, the desert bandits who had gone out to scout and patrol had all returned. Under the supervision of these light infantry, they led their desert horses and walked into the fortress.

The "Drehem" fortress has entered a state of high martial law.

The management is extremely strict.

This is a good habit brought on the continent of Calradia.

Martial law for forts or towns is common in tumultuous wars.

Not only do you need to line up to enter the fortress on foot, you can't rush in like you used to, and any soldiers or civilians who want to go out have to apply to their superiors in advance.

This is to prevent spies from leaking internal information.

Although it is impossible for spies to exist in the current "Drehem", this habit is still maintained.

It's always good to be strict.

The smell of cooking begins to fill the air, and lunch is ready.

Strong and strong peasant women carried rattan baskets on their backs and transported all the lunches they had made to the city wall. These crossbowmen in charge of security would eat in batches and rest in batches to ensure that the security level would not be lowered.

The same is true for the infantry and cavalry in the tents that have been pulled up under the city wall.

Inside the executive hall.

Kant sat in his chair, eating the food on the table in front of him.

Manid and Fatis sat on opposite sides of the long table, also eating.

The lunch sent by the kitchen is more hearty. The main food is toast and fried lamb chops, while the side dishes are fried eggs and stewed pulpy porridge with minced meat, and honey-wrapped bread cubes for dessert.

The three people's lunch was sprinkled with increasingly rare spices, and the taste was very delicious.

But Kant's face was calm.

Although he was skillfully eating lamb chops with a knife and fork, he asked, "Have you found anything unusual recently?"

"No." Fatis replied.

"Everything is fine," Manid replied.

Kant's eyes were slightly anxious: "This is really not good news."

Discovering the enemy means that he has mastered the enemy's dynamics.

And the fact that the enemy has not been found all the time also means that the enemy is still out of his grasp and in an unknown state, which makes Kant restless, and even the delicious lunch, he can't feel the taste of it at all.

Fatis frowned: "My lord, why don't I lead a team to conduct an in-depth investigation."

"It's too dangerous." Kant vetoed his proposal.

Swallowing the lamb chops he was chewing, Kant said in a deep voice: "Perhaps it will take some time for our enemies to lead the troops to the sentry oasis. After all, it will take two days to ride horses from the natural salt mine to here. "

"On foot, it is estimated that it will take 3 days." Manid added.

Kant nodded: "That's it."

There was silence in the hall.

Kant raised his head again and said, "But we have to make preparations."

Manid and Fatis looked up at him.

"If I remember correctly." Kant said with narrowed eyes, "My citizens should have finished all the work in the morning, transferring all the things in the agricultural and pastoral areas."

"Yes." Manid nodded.

What Kant was talking about was Achnatherum splendens, which can be used as green fodder, as well as chicken coops, beehives and other things.

But he still reminded: "Lord Kant, the 5 acres of date palm trees on our north side have not been cut down. If the enemy really comes, it will be difficult for us to cut down these trees in a short time."

"Not enough time…"

Kant put the mutton chops in his mouth, looked at Fatis next to him, and said calmly, "Then burn them all."

"Understood." Fatis nodded.

They will not leave anything behind, to help the enemy have the possibility of attacking the city.

Although the troops in the fortress are well-equipped and well-trained veterans, Kant is not sure in his heart whether he can occupy a close distance against the strong and strong wolf man with chain mail and two-handed battle axes. Advantages in hand-to-hand combat.

The battle for the city wall can only start after the enemy has paid the loss.

If you come up, you will fight for the city wall.

It means that the soldiers stationed in this fortress are too lax, and even surrender such obvious weaknesses and vital points to those jackals, which is absolutely unacceptable to Kant.

"In that case." Kant ordered, "Let all the civilians cut down all the date palm trees in the afternoon."

"Understood." Manid nodded.

But with a bit of reluctance on his face, he hesitated and said: "These date palm trees have bloomed, and the bees can still collect honey, and at most one month, the date palms can be produced."

"Cut it off." Kant shook his head and repeated.

This is impossible.

In order to be safe, they have to lose something.

Just like the date palms on this 5-acre land, if the harvest is successful, 240 baskets of dates will be obtained.

If the purchase price of these dates by the Rivadin caravan is used, the total value of these 240 baskets of dates is 12,000 dinars, which is more than the current balance of Kant’s village mine, which can be called a huge sum of money!

Most importantly, when mixed with honey, Kant was able to boil a large amount of date palm sugar.

This kind of product that can bring sweetness and satisfy the tongue is also a luxury that those nobles in the Lion Principality who can only rely on fruits and honey to obtain sweetness on weekdays are keen on and pursue luxury!

Even turning dates into candied fruit can be sold at a very high profit!

In the kingdom of lions lacking condiments.

The value of salt, sugar, and spices often represents huge sums of money.

Kant smiled lightly. Although there was still regret in his eyes, he said calmly: "We will get more date palm trees in the future. This is just a trade-off for the sake of war."

"Yes." Fatis and Manid nodded.

Lunch is over quickly.

Manid left first, and he needed to arrange for the farmers to cut down the date palms and try to complete the work before dark.

Fatis also took his leave after reporting the city defense arrangements.

Both of them are very busy.

Perhaps the lord Kant is the most leisurely. Most of his daily work is to inspect various points of the fortress, or to listen to the reports of the two, make the final decision, and decide some arrangements by himself.

It's like cutting down a date palm forest.

As a lord, you don't need to devote yourself to everything, but you must grasp the overall situation.

This is Kant's creed.

With the swing of the logging axe, stretches of date palm trees were felled.

After simple repairs in the agricultural area, all the strongest trunks were carried into the fortress, carefully placed against the wall, and tents were built with linen to prevent direct sunlight from damaging these straight wood.

After all, the trunk of the date palm tree is the best wood.

Whether it is to make beams or planks, as well as gun shafts, arrow shafts and other things, the texture is more than enough, and those branches and leaves are also collected, and they are used as fuel reserves at the sugar workshop.

Date palms are available material throughout.

Today passes quickly.

Civilians and soldiers alike fell asleep after a busy day.

However, on the city walls and arrow towers, the sentry archers have been well arranged to ensure that they will not be attacked by the enemy at night.

Caution is a must.

But at dawn the next day, loud noises sounded.

The entire sentry oasis quickly turned into a state of combat readiness.

Even Kant was awakened by the sound of the guard knocking on the door, quickly put on his clothes, and asked, "What's the matter, what happened, has the enemy started to attack?"

"No, Lord Kant."

The guard's tone was serious, and he said seriously outside the door: "There are refugees coming."

"Refugees?" Kant frowned.

After getting dressed, I didn't have time to wash up, and walked out of the room quickly.

However, they did not go downstairs to the governing hall. Instead, they walked up the stairs to the top floor. The 20 Ravenston rangers were holding their bows and looking towards the east. When they saw Kant, they quickly saluted and said hello.

"Well, what's going on." Kant came to the concave and convex wall.

Just behind the sand dunes to the east, nearly 300 refugees are gathering there in fear.

There are 40 desert bandits around, holding spears and riding horses running back and forth, staring at these refugees very closely, it seems that they are ferocious desert vultures, staring at these poor little quails.

Kant couldn't help frowning: "Really a refugee?"

PS: I found that I haven’t thanked you for your rewards for many days. Recently, you have given a lot of rewards. I will restore the plot rhythm first, and I will thank you after the plot rhythm is smooth. By the way, after adjusting the detailed outline, it really doesn't feel so awkward to write.

(end of this chapter)