The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 133: The Medal Brought by the Mission


That's right.

Kant determined that the timid crowd behind the sand dunes to the east were refugees.

Standard Swadian attire.

It is exactly the same as the refugees who came to the sentry oasis before.

Although the civilians in this world are dressed similarly to those on the Calradia continent, in fact, as long as you notice carefully, you can know that the details are completely different, with their own national style.

This made him couldn't help frowning slightly: "Why are you making such a big fuss."

The 40 desert robbers have gone out.

Many people pulled out the scimitars around their waists, as if they were in a close-range hand-to-hand combat state.

Even if Kant was on the top floor of the governing hall, he could still feel the gloomy reflection from the scimitar commonly used by the Salanders after the scabbard had been pulled out.

But at this moment, a dialog box suddenly appeared on the retina.

[Ding...Temporary task release]

[Temporary mission: Refugees before the war]

[Mission reward: 1000 reputation, 1 honor]

[Introduction: In war, any refugee who takes refuge will be a burden. You are currently in a situation where these innocent, poor refugees want to join you. Did you choose to accept them?]

The dialog is a temporary task.

Kant frowned slightly.

He guessed why there were refugees. After all, most of the 50 houses were still vacant.

According to the passive characteristics of the houses, so many vacant houses will definitely attract a lot of homeless refugees, which will increase the civilian population of the "Drehem" fortress.

Just like now, about 300 refugees are squatting on the ground pitifully.

Without Kant's order, they simply cannot become civilians here.


Whether Kant is sure to complete this temporary task needs to be done.

The system was right.

During the war, these refugees are all burdens, because there are no chores to do, and no daily tasks to arrange. Even if there is a tower that can recruit all these peasants into recruits and put them into the frontal battlefield, it is estimated that they will kill the enemy's troops. It was completely used as cannon fodder for death.

Even if these refugees become civilians, they can only waste food in vain.

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly.

Just when he had made up his mind and wanted to communicate with the system, footsteps came from the stairs behind him.

Fatis walked up quickly, and reported solemnly on his face: "Master Kant, a group of Swadian refugees came from outside the fortress. The number is 310. They have heard of your benevolent reputation and want to become the leader under your rule. People, choose to resist the enemy's attack with you and contribute your meager strength."

"Yeah." Kant nodded slightly: "I saw it."

The thought of his communication system paused.

My mind turned slightly.

Kant turned his head to look at Fatis behind him, shook his fingers slightly, and asked in a seemingly flat voice: "Fatis, do you think it is necessary to accept these refugees? After all, we are facing an unknown and powerful enemy."

"I think it is necessary." Fatis replied solemnly.

"Tell me what you think." Kant said.

Although Fatis is compassionate, he is not pedantic.

If the "Drehem" fortress really couldn't afford these refugees, he would definitely not agree to take them in.

Slightly pondered.

Fatis organized the language well and reported: "Master Kant, these refugees will become our reserve soldiers. In the continuous war, they can serve as fresh blood to replenish the blood of the war-damaged troops, which can well avoid Due to long-term combat, our troops are in a passive situation where they cannot even be supplemented after being depleted.”

"Reserves and war potential." Kant narrowed his eyes slightly: "That's very good."

"Master Kant, this is my idea."

Fatis nodded, and at the same time looked at the refugees on the sand dunes, who were cowering under the scimitars of those desert robbers, and looked very fearful, and said softly: "And we currently have enough food."

Kant did not answer, thinking quietly.

After a while, he asked Fatis, "How long will our food last?"

"3 months." Fatis replied.

"3 months?" Kant frowned slightly: "This time is still a little short."

Although in the game, the war will only last for 4 days and 5 days.

But in the real world, wars can last for years.

As for the "Drehem" fortress, which hangs in the sphere of influence of the Principality of Lions and is not even an enclave, it is simply an isolated city without reinforcements. Once the enemy surrounds it, it may take several months.

Even if Kant occupies the only water source.

But he didn't know if there was something special in this world with extraordinary power.

Just like [Page of Clear Spring], you can get clear drinking water.

Kant clearly understood.

The world he is currently in is not the science-oriented world on Earth in his previous life.

It's a fantasy world with swords and magic!

Once the city is besieged for too long, perhaps Kant's troops will be short of food. Routs and rebellions are possible.

Kant naturally would not take such a risk.

Although he sometimes gambles, he doesn't like to turn himself into a bargaining chip.

Standing on the top floor, Kant turned his head to look at the refugees behind the eastern sand dunes.

At the same time, he looked at the area of the city wall which was only half a hectare below him, and said slowly: "I understand what you mean. Compared with the shortage of food, we are actually more short of people."

"Yes." Fatis nodded.

"That's it." Kant made a decision in his mind, and told him: "Let these refugees go to the lake to take a bath, change into clean clothes, and prepare food for them at the same time. I will accept them."

"You are wise." Fatis stroked his chest respectfully, and then immediately arranged.

At the same time, a dialog box pops up.

[Ding...Temporary task completed]

[Temporary mission: Refugees before the war]

[Mission reward: 1000 reputation, 1 honor]

[Introduction: These homeless refugees thank you for your kindness. As your subjects, they are willing to sacrifice their lives for this place, even if the enemy has raised their butcher knives and rushed into the fortress, they will also use all their strength to resist. When you choose to accept them as citizens, then this is their home.]

1000 reputation and 1 point of honor will be credited instantly.

Kant looked calm.

At the sand dune below, Fatis is arranging for these refugees to go to the lake on the west side.

When they heard the news of being accepted by the lord, they cheered gratefully, feeling excited that they had met a benevolent lord. This was their luck.

But Kant was not kind enough to take them in.

Accepting them also does not mean luck.

Facing the expeditionary force of the Greymane Kingdom, Kant's "Drehem" fortress stands in the sentry oasis, destined to be the main battlefield for bloody battles. Since these refugees chose to join Kant as civilians, they also cannot leave.

It is also necessary to step up to the city wall and line up for defense at a critical moment, accompanied by the emergency bell.

War is always cruel.

It seems that there are a lot of civilians, but the civilians who can survive do not know how many will be left.

Although blood and fire will give birth to elite soldiers.

But in this process, they will first become corpses, paving the way for this road of blood and fire.

All the 40 desert robbers dispersed, and only 10 people acted as supervisors. Under the arrangement of Fatis, they took these refugees to wash at the small lake in the pastoral area on the west side, making their dirty appearance clean. stand up.

At the same time, I found the cleanest clothes in the fleeing package and wore them on my body.

These refugees became Swadian farmers again.

With a happy smile on his face.

In the war-torn continent of Calradia, there are not many lords who gather refugees and refugees. In the long-lasting war, these lords first consider the safety of their castles and towns, and that is enough, because these two things are They can compete for hegemony on the mainland and maintain the capital of their own authority.

As for the village and those country bumpkins, it is at best a dispensable addition. As long as you gain the upper hand in the battle and achieve the long-lost peace, there will always be desperate farmers who go to the front row.

That's why Kant's kindness is so precious.

Like most of the previous arrivals of refugees, these 310 refugees are all men, without any women, children or the elderly, they are all able-bodied labor force.

But according to the urine nature of the system, it doesn't matter if there are women.

Kant thought about the 50 peasant women he currently had.

Thick arms, powerful thighs, thick waists like buckets, and the strength covered allow these peasant women to carry logs and walk hundreds of meters without any effort. Carrying a bag of coarse salt in each hand is just loading a car. They are as strong as men.

A woman who rides and chops is no different from a man.

"Be alert."

Kant gave these Ravenston rangers an order, and then walked down to the top floor of the governing hall.

After obtaining 1 point of honor, the system mall was opened for him again.

"Start the lottery draw."

Kant's thinking communication system.

On the retina, there is a treasure chest containing colorful light, which opens with the coin of 1 point of honor.

[Ding... You got the "props package"]

[You open the props package and find that it is the "Lion Knight Order Medal"]

[Lion Knight Order Medal: This is the honor symbol of the Lion Knight Order of the Kingdom of Saarion. Features: When the cavalry general wears this medal, the charging distance of the cavalry unit will be shortened by 30%, and the charge stage will be accelerated. Remarks: This medal seems to hide other secrets, but the conditions have not been met.]

This is a reward for nothing, so Kant didn't take it to heart.

But when he opens the treasure chest at any time.

The props that appeared made Kant look slightly stunned: "Kingdom of Sarion..."

PS: For the reward on 7.14, thanks to "Ma Gouzi" for the 4,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Book friend 20170706230948516" for the 2,000 starting point coins~Thanks to "Book friend 20170706230948516" "Hamengzhiyi" "Bookworm" and "Words of Objection" tipped 500 starting coins~Thanks to "jk90jk" and "Nanshanpan" for rewarding 200 starting coins~Thanks to "You are angry for a beauty" personally rewarding 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)