The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 135: A heavily guarded fortress


Sunday, the last day of the week.

Reining in, all of them rode their horses to the top of the dunes, looking at the horizon.

This team of desert bandits patrolling and investigating did not expect that during their routine patrol in the early morning, they actually discovered that the enemy's troops were advancing, and judging by the dark clouds on the horizon, it was obvious that they had already gone a long way. distance.

Judging by the walking speed, you will definitely reach the sentry oasis within 2 hours.

The enemy's troops have arrived within the detection range of the desert bandits.

"Don't be dazed."

The leading squad leader opened his mouth and spat hard to the side.

Although he was already mentally prepared for the enemy's arrival, he was surprised to find the opponent so suddenly. He couldn't help but clenched the spear in his hand, turned his head and scolded: "Damn it, we should go!"

"Let's go." The desert robbers nodded one after another.

It's not about fearing the enemy and avoiding war.

But as scouting cavalry, they want to quickly notify the sentry oasis of this information.

Turning the horse's head, they returned quickly.

There is no need to send a signal to inform other teams, because when the desert bandits in other areas find the troops heading south on the horizon, they have already sensed the enemy's arrival.

These desert bandits have an extremely keen sense of smell.

In other words, those stupid robbers all died in the Sultanate of Salander under the encirclement and suppression of the regular army.

Horseback riding on top of the dunes.

Return to the sentry oasis as quickly as possible.

And on the arrow tower, the Vikia archers in charge of guarding soon found that they all returned.

This is an unusual situation.

According to past practice, these desert robbers will patrol until noon before returning.

And now this hurried appearance only represents one thing.

The enemy is coming!

The Swadian crossbowmen on the city wall also sensed something was wrong, and they all gathered together, standing behind the window with their crossbows in their hands, looking vigilantly at the already empty agricultural area to the north, and the farther north. at the dunes.

"Emergency, open the city gate!"

The Swadian light infantrymen had serious faces, and waved their hands to push open the heavy city gate.

It's not that they don't know how to work around.

The desert robbers at the front rushed directly into the fortress with a serious face. Seeing him galloping so fast on the street in front of them, they all stepped aside and came to the gate of the governing hall.

"Stop! No entry here!"

The two Swadian infantrymen who served as guards raised their sword scabbards at their waists and issued a warning: "Cavalry, tell me why you are here!"

The Praetorium represents the center of the fortress.

Belonging is the heart position, not to mention that Lord Kant is still living in it, so it is not easy to enter.

As guards, their first consideration is safety.

"I request to see Mr. Kant!"

The desert robber who was the first to discover the enemy got off his horse and said in a hurried tone: "During the investigation, we found that the enemy's troops are approaching the sentry oasis, and the estimated time of arrival will not exceed 2 hours!"

"Wait a minute." The infantryman frowned instantly.

He had already sensed the seriousness of the situation, but for safety's sake, he turned around and opened the door to report in person.

But it didn't take too long, and he walked out in less than 2 minutes, locked the door and said quickly to the desert robber: "Master Kant summoned you to come in, come in with me."

"Yes." The desert robber followed immediately.

In the hall, torches were lit.

Kant was sitting in his place.

When he got the report, his face was serious, he stared at the desert robber brought in by the guards, and asked directly: "Have you investigated the size, number and composition of the enemy?"

Straightforward, Kant gets right to the point.

No need for nonsense now.

"The investigation is clear." The desert bandit nodded immediately.

"Be more specific," Kant said.

"Yes, Lord Kant."

The desert bandits organized language and quickly reported what they saw: "The wolf man's troops are marching towards us in the desert in the north. According to visual inspection, the number is about 1500-2000, all of them are infantry. If The reckoning is good, and in less than two hours, we will be able to see them on the city wall."

"That's about 2000 enemies?" Kant's heart beat faster.

"Yes." The desert bandit nodded, he was right.

These thugs who depended on looting for a living had eyes no less than those of Vikia's archers.

"I see."

Kant tapped his fingers on the table, waved to the desert bandit and said, "Return to the team."

"Understood." The desert robber saluted and planned to leave.

"Wait." But Kant spoke again, and said to him: "Inform Fatis and Manid, come to the top floor of the Consul Hall immediately after the defense is arranged, and I will wait for them there."

"Of course." The desert bandit nodded and left.

The Swadian infantry who served as guards also left, and continued to stand guard outside the door.

All the soldiers in the sentry oasis were mobilized.

The Vekia archers occupy 4 arrow towers, waiting in line on the top floor and inside the tower, holding a longbow and watching outside the city wall vigilantly, any enemy who appears will be shot by them.

Including the Swadian crossbowman holding a crossbow in the attic of the city wall.

There are two types of long-range arms, which are responsible for the arrow tower and the city wall respectively.

Curve or rapid fire with the longbow.

Crossbow direct fire and precision shooting.

With the firepower of the 20 Ravenston rangers at the top of the governing hall, who can provide support at any time, it is absolutely no problem to garrison the city wall for a short period of time and resist the approach of the enemy.

What's more, even those peasants climbed to the top of the attic, holding long-handled sickles to help defend.

Although their combat effectiveness is poor, they can't stand the stones next to them.

The 10-meter-high top was thrown down fiercely, no less than the shooting of a ballista. No matter how strong the wolf man's physique was, he would probably be hit with his brains cracked and his head bleeding.

Everyone will do their best for their homeland.

"Everyone is on standby, and if you find the enemy, notify me immediately."

After checking the secure defense, Fatis calmed down a little, and said to the captains who followed him: "I'm going to see Mr. Kant, and I'll leave it to you."

"Understood." The captains nodded.

They are all commanders at the grassroots and middle levels.

Leave the city walls.

Fatis met Manid who had just finished arranging the farmers and women, and also walked towards the governing hall.

The two nodded solemnly, without much communication.

Enter the executive hall.

Quickly came to the opposite side of the long table, and solemnly saluted: "Master Kant."


Kant nodded, and said to the two: "Sit down, the situation is urgent, there are not so many etiquettes."

"Yes." Both of them were not polite.

Sitting on opposite sides of the long table, they still looked at Kant seriously.

This is the real defense battle since the establishment of the "Drehem" fortress, and it is also among the enemies they face, they need to be cautious.

Just like when Kant personally led the team to attack the gnoll tribe.

But now, the situation is even more critical.

"Is everything arranged?" Kant asked in a deep voice.

"All ready." Fatis and Manid nodded.

The words of affirmation made Kant nod slightly, but his voice was still heavy: "This battle of defending the city is absolutely not allowed to fail. If you fail, I think you understand the consequences."

"We... do our best."

Fatis and Manid looked at each other, then nodded heavily.

The price of failure is too high.

It was like falling into an abyss. Although they came from the continent of Calradia, they could also understand that once the "Drehem" fortress at the key point of the sentry oasis fell, the situation they faced would collapse.

Because of their current strength, they are still unable to bear the consequences of defeat.

The current strength of the "Drehem" fortress consists of 37 Swadian light infantry, 50 Swadian infantry, 50 Swadian heavy cavalry, 50 Swadian crossbowmen, 50 Vikia Archers, 20 Ravenston Rangers, 5 Mamluks, 15 Sarande Riders, 25 Elite Desert Bandits, and 40 Desert Bandits.

All 324 soldiers.

And 500 civilians and 50 peasant women, who can be called up as recruits if necessary.

There are less than a thousand troops.

Quantity is at a disadvantage.

But in fact, Kant's pressure is not too great.

There was even the idea of counterattacking and defeating the army of more than 2,000 jackals outside the city gate.

Of course, this is a risk, and Kant would not really take it.

This also represents his confidence.

Because the troops currently owned by Kant can be said to be elite troops.

Look at those infantry, cavalry, and crossbowmen. Even the baron in the Lion Principality can only command troops under his command. After all, full armor, war horses, and precious crossbows are all strategic resources. Ordinary craftsmen can't make it, and it's too expensive to equip.

Baron Dylan's vassal knights could betray him for the chain armor of Salander's rider.

It is enough to prove how precious the equipment worn by Kant's soldiers is!

On the war zone.

These weapons and equipment represent the guarantee of destroying Rakuku and defeating the enemy!

Winning with weapons is never a lie.

In war, excellent weapons and armor are also the guarantee of decisive victory.

Thinking of this, Kant stopped tapping the table with his fingers, and instead raised his head to make a solemn proposal to the two of them: "I plan to let all the light cavalry leave the fortress, each carry food and water for 3 days, break them into pieces and harass the ashes all the way." The gnoll troops of the Mane Kingdom, just like the Kujit, harassed them until they became extremely tired."

PS: I feel that the rhythm has resumed. I think the recent writing is not enough, and the plot has begun to unfold. The detailed outline has been revised today, and it will be updated tomorrow...

PS: This is a tip on 7.16. Thanks to "Drunken Language Kuangge" for the 3,000 starting coins~Thanks to "Jianniang Chef" for the 2,000 starting coins~Thanks to "Book Friends 20100630040053234" "Personal Fighter with Galaxy" for the 500 starting coins ~Thanks to "jk90jk", "Green Nightmare f", "Penguin Boyer", "You are angry for a beauty" and "Book friend 20170318215957668" for the 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Nanshanpan" for the 200 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)