The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 136: Kant stared in astonishment


Fatis agreed with Kant's proposal.

With the order issued, the two gates of the "Drehem" fortress were reopened, and the light cavalry with grimaces on their faces rode out in single file, yelled at each other for their familiar comrades, and disappeared into the vast sand dunes.

They may not be so proficient in defensive battles that require rigid tactics.

But equipped with light equipment, as long as they are scattered into pieces, they are like fish jumping into the sea. They can easily use all kinds of methods in the desert of Sarande.

Although they are Kant's light cavalry.

But in the past, they were still the Sand Sea bandits that caused headaches for the entire Sultanate of Sarande!

Disperse the harassment.

This is their forte!

Sarande horses and desert horses, who are good at living in desert areas, step on the sand layer briskly and move quickly between the dunes. This speed is not much slower than that in the plains.

Centered around 15 Sarande riders.

25 elite desert bandits and 40 desert bandits spread out over a wide area.

Only tens of meters away can the other teams be seen.

But in fact, the distance is not a problem. They all have a way to communicate with each other. They are all teammates in the front, back, left, and right. As long as someone gallops up the sand dunes, yelling and greeting a few times, the Salander robbers will know the tone. The tacit understanding cultivated can make other comrades have a tacit understanding and respond quickly.

Or spread out and harass the enemy's troops.

Or gather behind a certain sand dune, form a neat charge formation, and set up spears to charge directly at the enemy's formation.

However, what they are best at right now is hiding.

Kant stood on the top floor of the executive hall, Fatis and Manid were following behind him, staring at the north, he could clearly see the desert bandits spreading behind the sand dunes, gliding like loaches. Shuttle between the gaps in the bottom of the dunes.

"They're good." Kant's eyes were somewhat satisfied.

"Perhaps." Fatis nodded.

His tone is indifferent, which is the confidence brought by the country and the contempt brought by education.

For this Swadian knight, although desert bandits are notorious in the Sultanate of Sarande, they are light cavalry that everyone fears, but he knows that these light cavalry are fundamentally effective on the frontal battlefield Not much effect.

Even the Sarande riders could chase after them, not to mention the Swadian heavy cavalry with their horses and men in heavy armor.

After a pause, Fatis realized that the tone of his answer to Kant was quite rude, so he explained: "However, these Salanders can cause some trouble and confusion to the enemy army, so it is quite good."

"That's right, that's it."

Kant chuckled, not caring about Fatis' previous wrong words.

He didn't ask much of the desert bandits.

After all, in the division of arms, they belong to cavalry around level 3. To be precise, they should be around level 2.5. The elite desert robbers can be regarded as level 3 cavalry, and their combat effectiveness is not strong.

Troops that can harass the enemy are annoying, that's what he wants.

These desert bandits sure can do it.

4 short javelins per person may not be many, but there are 160 javelins for 40 desert robbers, which has a miraculous effect on harassment.

What's more, there are 25 elite desert bandits.

Equipped with 6 extra short javelins per person, although there are only 25 people, the number of javelins has reached 150.

So Kant is confident.

Throwing these 300 heavy short javelins one by one, the killing effect is much better than that of feather arrows and crossbow bolts. Although the disadvantage is that the shooting range is short, which is only more than 10 meters in total, but it cannot hold up to great lethality.

What's more, people use the horse's power to quickly help their arm strength, and the short javelin thrown out has the effect of piercing armor.

It is estimated that even the chain armor worn by Salander's riders can have a blood hole.

What's more, according to Kant's understanding, those high-level wolf man warriors in the Gray Mane Kingdom are generally equipped with chain mail. Although they have a good defense effect against swords and swords, they are not as good against stab wounds.

Due to structural problems, chain mail is not as effective against bows and crossbows as armor, chain mail or scale armor.

Now I have encountered a javelin that can destroy even shields and chain armor.

Those gnolls can only hope for luck!


Fatis spoke suddenly, his eyes narrowed.

Kant and Manid's expressions were also serious, and they followed Fatis's gaze towards the north.

In the layers of sand dunes to the north, countless black spots are appearing on the top of the sand dunes. They seem to be slow, but in fact they are moving quickly towards the sentry oasis where they are located. Seven or eight sand dunes.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

The bronze bell was rang hastily by the Swadian light infantry in charge, and the clear bell echoed in the fortress.

The soldiers who were still on standby all stood up.

The crossbowmen on the city walls and arrow towers all pointed their weapons at the north side.

Crowds of civilians are also waiting in line in the open space under the city wall. If a city wall enters a state of emergency and is about to be breached, the special effect of the clock tower will be activated, turning into 550 recruits with basic armed forces.

Although he couldn't withstand the powerful offensive, it was still no problem to use his own life to barely maintain the front line.

"finally come."

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, propped his hands on the concave and convex arrow wall, but his heart was calm: "The expeditionary army of the Gray Mane Kingdom."

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.

Ever since he defeated the Gnoll tribe, captured Assage, discovered the Mannheim coast in the north of the Nalun Desert, and learned of the Gray Mane Kingdom composed of high-level Gnolls, Kant understood that today's battle is absolutely unavoidable, because The other party came here with malicious intentions, and their essential intention was to plunder and war.

These high-ranking gnolls of the Gray Mane Kingdom have no idea of peace talks or trade.

Kant had no such idea either.

War is the best option.

If those high-ranking gnolls in the Graymane Kingdom really came here out of friendship, choosing peace talks, commerce, and trade, then who can he represent in the sentry oasis, the nominal Baron of the Lion Principality

He can't represent anyone!

On the contrary, because of the profits brought by the wolf man, he will fall into endless crisis.

Why did the nobles who forced him to be exiled to the desert to let Kant take this opportunity to reappear in the upper class, laugh and talk with them hypocritically, and then slit their throats with a knife

Just look at the heirs of the Lion Principality who die every year for some reason.

No one is good enough to become a nobleman!

And the most critical point is the natural salt mine, a resource point that is extremely important to Kant's future development. He absolutely cannot let go of it to anyone, even if it is a war, he will not hesitate.

This salt mine represents the future!

Perhaps the most valuable thing in the barren Nalun Desert is this salt mine.

It was impossible for Kant to let go.

The heart beat faster due to the spread of thinking, not fear, not excitement, but pure throbbing, especially watching the enemy troops getting closer, and condescendingly watching the surroundings disperse. Watching the light cavalry carefully, Kant slowly held hands and said in a deep voice, "Tell everyone, get ready."

The wolf man's troops were less than 2000 meters away.

It's still dark.

The unique gray fur of the wolf man is quite conspicuous, with a slightly hunched back and a beast-like head.

If it is night, there must be a green glint in his eyes.

It's terrifying.

Kefatis frowned slightly, his gaze swept across the hordes of gnoll troops, and finally fixed his eyes on the middlemost position, his brows furrowed more and more, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"Huh?" Kant's brows were also frowned.

Even Manid, who is not good at military affairs, couldn't believe it.

"What's going on?" Someone murmured to himself.

The tone is even more suspicious.

This is the voice of everyone now, even with a bit of shock in their tone.

The number of gnolls who arrived in a dense group was indeed large. According to Fatis' visual estimation, it definitely exceeded the 2,500 people estimated by the desert robbers. Even looking down at the dense queue, there were 3,000 people.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to form such a large-scale march and step on several sand dunes.

Kant and the others were therefore puzzled and astonished.

Still can't believe it.

Because there are more than 3,000 gnolls here, and all of them are "old friends" they are familiar with!

The lower jaw has long and sharp fangs, gray fur, and a beast-like head. The body is covered with tattered linen and animal skins, and he holds a mace studded with gravel and inferior iron. …

Inferior Gnolls!

These are the favorite race of "Drehem", the favorite goods of the Vekia Kingdom, the favorite slaves of snowfield iron mine owners, and Kant's favorite dinar, these low-level gnolls.

The astonishment comes from here.

That's right, it's the army composed of these low-level wolf men.

A low-level wolf man who can be killed by 40 desert robbers, riding horses and chasing more than 300 tribes with scimitars!

They actually launched an expedition to Kant's "Drehem". Gathering so many people, it was like desperately trying to use the mace in their hands to flatten this stone fortress. .

"Heh, are you kidding me?"

Kant narrowed his eyes slightly, and his eyes swept over the huge gnolls.

The crows were crushed into pieces, but they approached with the distance. Seeing their messy formation, which had no tactics at all, they couldn't help but clenched their fists, and said in a deep voice as if being insulted: "Now I want to You know, what about those...expeditionary troops from the Graymane kingdom on the coast of Mannheim?"

In Kant's eyes, those were his enemies.

As for these low-level gnolls, they are just a bunch of garbage that can be defeated at any time!

PS: I clearly set it to automatically update at 3 o'clock... When I came back, I found that I forgot to post it regularly, sorry...

This is a tip on 7.17. Thanks for the 3,000 starting point coins rewarded by "Niubi Ruo"~thanks to "book friend 20170706230948516" for the 2000 starting point coins~thanks to "book friend 20100630040053234" and "book friend 20170228101547353" for the 500 starting point coins~thank you" Camel *Taen Knight" "Driving with a tank" "Nanshan Bank" "The Devil Believe in the Holy Light" "I can't help myself" "Morgen King" personally rewarded 100 starting coins~Thanks "Xiao En WANG" for personally rewarding 300 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)