The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 137: A queue that collapses on its own


On the sand dunes, 300 Gnoll pirates stepped forward with two-handed battle axes.

But his face became more and more ugly.

Because when they saw the city walls and arrow towers on the sentry oasis, their hearts, which had been extremely irritable due to the long journey, turned into flames and rose in their severely dehydrated chests.

His eyes were bloodshot, looking at the stone building, his emotions were almost uncontrollable.

"That's not right."

The pirate leader gripped his two-handed tomahawk tightly in his hands.

Anger also came straight to his mind in his chest, making him unable to help but want to swing his battle axe and slaughter all the cowering and smelly lower races around him, in order to relieve the anger in his heart , and hatred.

These lowly gnolls tricked them.

These low-level gnolls found and collected at the waterhole even said that there is nothing in the sentry oasis.

There are no arrow towers, no walls, and no fortresses.


An angry howl came out of the pirate leader's throat, full of mournful and desperate hatred.

The surrounding gnolls and pirates also howled, holding up the battle axes in their hands. Even though their throats were dry due to lack of water, they still made this shrill sound, like howling in a desperate situation.

This is their way of expressing their inner emotions.

Once in the sea of stars, they just finished howling, and with the despair of mortal death, they wiped out powerful enemies one by one.

Although jackals are not good at water warfare, they dare to fight with all their might!

But now no matter how much they howled or how shrill they were, the despair in their hearts made them unable to feel the slightest bit of emotion to win. Even if they tried their best, they had no chance of winning.

The sentry oasis has already become a human territory.

Made of stone, with arrow towers and city walls, it is a fortress that needs siege weapons to conquer.

This is not merchant ships and warships.

A deck that you can jump on and fight with a rope and approach.

The towering arrow towers and the straight city walls have formed an absolute moat, making these jackals and pirates who have traveled a long distance and become exhausted and are about to run out of fuel, extremely desperate.

The expeditionary force of the Graymane Kingdom, of course, prepared siege equipment.

After all, they made up their minds to conquer the cities and fortresses of the human kingdom, and establish colonies dominated by jackals.

But the 300 Gnoll pirates did not.

They are just the outposts of the expeditionary force, they belong to the advance team, and they come to explore the way first.

The task is to contact the Gnoll tribe, take the lead in preparing food and water for the expeditionary force to reach the southern part of the Nalun Desert, and replenish them in time to ensure that the combat effectiveness of the troops can be restored in a short time.

It's that simple.

Although they still have hidden missions.

But it was nothing more than killing the gnoll shaman and chief, and taking control of the low-level gnoll tribe who were not under command.

It is definitely not like it is now, because the wolf tribe was burned by humans and turned into ruins, and even the wells were buried. It is necessary to dig a large pit 7 meters deep and 20 meters wide to find water the size of a washbasin at the bottom.

Not to mention the expeditionary force of 3,000 people, even if it is 300 people, each of them will dry up after drinking a few sips.

This is a severe lack of water, let alone any supplies.

That's why the pirate leader decided to gather all the fleeing gnolls in the desert, or recruit those small gnoll tribes, to coerce and lure them all, and take advantage of the large number of people to occupy the sentry oasis and obtain fresh water. supplies, and at the same time take the lead in establishing an outpost, waiting for the arrival of the expeditionary force.

Otherwise, when the expeditionary force ran out of supplies and came to the south of the Nalun Desert, they would still run out of fuel like them.

They can tolerate lack of water.

But you can't completely drink water.

Originally, the sentry oasis was the motivation to support them to come here, but now they fell into deeper despair.

"We failed."

The pirate leader spoke in a low voice, with despair in his voice.

Even if it tried its best to gather all these inferior ethnic groups together to form a cannon fodder force of more than 3,000 people, facing such a high city wall, they still have nothing to do without siege equipment.

The pirates behind it were silent, and no one spoke.

But the eyes were filled with hatred, anger, and unwillingness.

When they came here, they were all prepared to die in battle, but it didn't end in such a humiliating death.

"Desperate! We still have a chance, the disciples of the Storm Lord will not give up!"

Some jackals and pirates raised their two-handed battle axes angrily, pointed their sharp blades at the fortress in front, and roared: "We are going to die after all, we can break through the gate of the human fortress, and we can win by rushing in. Back then Isn't that what we did when we broke into the fortress defended by the lizardmen, no one is our opponent in close combat!"

Its words made all the Gnoll pirates shake off in a state of despair.

The same goes for the Pirate Chief.

Clenching the two-handed battle ax tightly, looking at the fortress thousands of meters away, he roared in a low voice: "Let all these cannon fodder die, and we have to rush in, this is the only way we can survive!"

"Ouch! Kill, kill, kill!" The ferocious nature of these jackals and pirates welled up in their souls.

The low-level wolf men around looked at them in fear.

The natives of the Nalun Desert did not have the slightest will to resist these high-level gnolls.

Their IQs are poor.

And the wolves from the Gray Mane Kingdom are very powerful.

Under coercion and lure, this group of low-level wolves who were already on the verge of death and had no way out finally made up their minds to follow these obviously higher-level, intelligent kinsmen like the shaman of the gnolls, towards the Sentinel Oasis set out to take back this water source occupied by humans.

Moving forward slowly, the group of wolves stepped forward in a mess, crossed the sand dunes, and came to a kilometer outside the city wall.

"Drehem" has only two gates, on the east and south sides.

These gnolls did not find the gate.

But when many gnolls were scattered towards the two sides, they found a small lake with sparkling water next to the city wall on the west side, which made these low-level gnolls who hadn't drunk enough water for many days feel like crazy. Just as restless.

If it wasn't for the pirates composed of high-level gnolls who could scold and suppress them, they would have already rushed to drink water.

"There are archers, don't take risks."

These intelligent high-ranking gnolls obviously saw the crossbowmen in the arrow tower and attic.

They have experience with this.

Lizardmen are good at using crossbows, while elves are good at using bows. Without enough siege equipment, they must not attack heavily fortified fortresses, because the continuous crossbow arrows and feather arrows will kill even the strongest gnolls. .

Thinking of this, they became more and more desperate.

Their current defect is that they have no siege equipment.

If there is a large leather shield here to block the rain of arrows, they can go to the lake to drink water one by one.

But let alone big shields, there are not even trees in the desert, and it is impossible to make them. This is not the Mannheim coast with lush vegetation. There are enough trees that can be cut down by their two-handed battle axes and then split into planks.

"My lord, we can only break into the gate of this fortress first."

Some pirates offered advice, suppressing the thirst for water in their smoldering throats: "This lake is a trap. I can see those human archers and crossbowmen, expecting us to approach."

"Then transfer." The pirate leader gritted his teeth and issued an order.

But those low-level wolves who were extremely thirsty became agitated by this order.

Many people even left the team and ran towards the lake.

Ever since the well was destroyed, these low-level gnolls were already hungry and thirsty. Although they dug up the well and ate the corpses of their dead companions one after another by instinct, they couldn't bear it now.

They were originally a low-level race, and they didn't have the wisdom of a high-level wolf man at all.

Now seeing water, they go crazy.


The roar could not be heard, and the low-level gnolls couldn't bear it anymore, and ran towards the lake on the west side of the sentry oasis with big strides, their eyes were full of longing for water, and they didn't notice it at all. , In the attic of the city wall, the Swadian crossbowmen who have already tightened their crossbows, and the Vekia archers on the arrow tower with long bows.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Nearly three hundred low-level gnolls rushed directly into the lake, and the splash of water wet their gray fur. These daring gnolls enjoyed the first water.

They gulped down the clear lake water, enjoying the hard-earned moisture.

More low-level gnolls in the rear are about to move.

Even if the 300 Gnoll pirates held the formation and smashed the heads of a few Gnolls with their two-handed battleaxes, the whole queue started to stir up, and they wanted to break up on their own, and couldn't wait to go to the lake to drink water.

The physiological desire for water almost blinded the hearts of these lowly gnolls.

"Damn it! All of you inferior ethnic groups, stand where you are! Stand where you are!"

The pirate leader and his subordinates raised their bloody tomahawks, threatening those low-level gnolls who were about to collapse without even touching the enemy, their eyes were bloodshot.

Of course they know this is a human trap.

But the heart is full of despair. This is an obvious trap. It is the result of breaking up the thirsty troops in the desert and being unable to endure the thirsty smoke in the throat in front of a small lake!

But their stop became more and more weak, even with the blood of the lowly wolf man.

When more jackals saw that their companions were drinking water recklessly, they almost couldn't bear it anymore.

The queue became more and more commotion.

Even the low-ranking gnolls at the back looked forward with red eyes.

No one noticed that dozens of human cavalry had gathered at the top of the sand dunes where they came, and they were silently watching the formation of these low-level gnolls, which became more and more scattered and commotion. Even succumbed to a state of collapse.

This is a tip on 7.18. Thanks to "Awesome and Ruthless" for the reward of 4,700 starting coins~Thanks to "Zhengzheng Damowang" for the reward of 2,500 starting coins~Thanks to "Old K Luo" for personally rewarding the 1,600 starting coins~Thanks to "Xiao En Wang" "Legi0nz" "Sister Control, Brother I Want" "The Legendary Cabbage" personally rewarded 1,000 starting coins ~ Thank you "Please call me handsome and handsome Xiaozuanfeng" "I love reading books" "Little Huangbai" dear The reward of 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Aiel 512" for the 100 starting coins~Thanks to "Slanting Moon Samsung I" for the 200 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)