The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 139: Unexpected surrender



Finally, some jackals couldn't hold back their hunger and thirst, and ran quickly to the lake full of corpses, even the water was stained red with blood, gulping down the bloody lake water.

Hundreds of thousands, this group of low-level gnolls continued to swarm up.

Thirst drives them crazy.

Even on the city walls and arrow towers, the Vekia archers and Swadian crossbowmen shot arrows one after another, so that the feather arrows and crossbow arrows were inserted all over the corpses by the lake, just like layers of white straw. Still can't stop the more and more low-level gnolls drinking water that are getting more and more crowded.

Even in order to save the more advanced cone-headed arrows, the Rangers of Ravenston have withdrawn their bows and stopped shooting.

But the rain of arrows shot out was even denser.

50 archers and 50 crossbowmen have all gathered on the west wall and arrow tower.

Layers of arrows rained continuously, causing the corpses of low-level gnolls to be everywhere on the shore of the lake 30 meters away. Layers upon layers, blood had already flowed into the lake, rendering the originally crystal-clear lake water pink.

This group of unarmored low-level gnolls can't stop the shooting of bows and crossbows!


Manid couldn't help but speak.

The low-level gnolls in the front were shot to death, and the ones behind had to scramble to move forward.

Just to drink water.

Or come into contact with the lake that has been stained red with blood.

This purpose of survival made all the low-level gnolls red-eyed, and the entire queue completely collapsed. The original appearance of being crushed into pieces, as more and more people fell into the scramble of crazy low-level wolves, completely collapsed. Dissipate into nothingness.

Cannibalism continued.

The mace slammed fiercely at the head of the companion next to him.

Brains burst, blood flowed.

In addition to the rain of arrows that may be splashed down at any time above the head, death is everywhere.

Can make them crazier.

Aren't these jackals just crazy!

Kant stood where he was, looking at the bank of the bloody river below with a calm expression. Following the shooting of the crossbowmen on the city wall, the gnolls who were hit by the arrows fell down every moment, but there were more The jackals were rushing forward, layer upon layer, seemingly fearless, but in the end even the corpses were floating in the lake, and hundreds of people died.

This is a farce.

A hilarious farce.

But Kant's face was calm, with a bit of anger in his eyes.

When he saw more and more of these low-level gnolls dying, the anger in his heart increased.

Clenching his fist slightly, Kant said slowly, "This is the enemy that I demand to strictly ensure the defense. It really didn't make me think that my enemy turned out to be some lowly gnolls, rubbish that even recruits can fight against."

Manid smiled bitterly: "They are indeed vulnerable." He had nothing to say.


Kant nodded, sighing softly: "It's really vulnerable."

At the beginning, he chose to leave this lake outside the city wall, leaving only the spring water inside the city wall, in order to lure the enemy troops who were extremely short of water after a long journey to come to drink water, and use the advantages of the city wall and the arrow tower to consume the enemy. of vitality.

This is a decision made by him personally.

But I didn't expect it to be so good now.

The physical lack of water made these gnolls almost crazy, completely losing their minds.

It stands to reason that Kant should be happy, appreciating the battle where the enemy is dying, but he couldn't be happy, because he didn't have the slightest intention of being an opponent to these low-level gnolls.

It originated from the battle where he led more than 300 low-level infantry and destroyed the Wolf Man tribe.

Now that he has a more elite army, why does he still regard these low-level wolf men as his life and death enemies

Kant prepared.

It should only be enjoyed by those high-level gnolls!

It was prepared for the expeditionary force of the Greymane Kingdom, those high-ranking gnolls from the coast of Mannheim!

"Report the results to me when you're done."

Kant turned around and left the top floor of the executive hall without hesitation.

Not far away, Fatis has already brought 5 Mamluks and 50 Swadian heavy cavalry to prepare for formation, and the charging route is aimed at the side of the group of low-level gnolls fighting for drinking water in the lake. .

Although there are only 50 people in the area, the charge effect caused by it will not be too bad.

This is not a hostile fight between armies.

It was 56 regular heavy cavalry, about to slaughter a group of beggars who lost their fighting spirit.

It was a massacre!

The horse's hoof stepped heavily into the sand layer, and the soft gravel was instantly dented, but it brought effective power to set off the galloping of the horse, and the galloping speed became faster and faster. In just a few seconds, it rushed forty to fifty meters They entered the full-speed charging mode, and slammed into their target heavily!

"Long live Lord Kant!"

Fatis rushed to the front, holding the knight's sword high in his hand, and charged first.

There was a sound of horseshoes behind him, and even if they stepped on the sand layer, there was a roar like faint thunder and lightning.

Five Mamluks stood guard on both sides of Fatis, while the 50 Swadian heavy cavalry behind them lined up one by one, shoulder to shoulder, stepping on a neat charging pace together, and violently began to charge and crush.

Heavy cavalry crushing light infantry!

"Boom bang bang bang bang—"

The fully armored war horses easily knocked away the jackals who couldn't dodge.

The sharp lance easily pierced through the guy who didn't have eyes and tried to resist.

The war horse under the crotch stepped forward, and the horseshoe stepped heavily on the corpse, its muscles and muscles were torn, even if there was still a living unlucky ghost, because of the continuous horseshoes, he vomited blood and completely lost his vitality.

The most straightforward one might be the guy whose head was directly crushed by the horse's hoof.

At least you don't have to suffer!

The power of this charge could not even support the well-made lances, and they broke one after another.

But whether it was Mamluks or Swadian heavy cavalry, they didn't care at all. They pulled out their two-handed iron rods and maces with their backhands, and waved heavily at the low-level gnolls who were scrambling for a way out in a panic. .

The skull was sunken in, and the brains were directly splashed out.

The gnolls with a height of more than 2 meters seemed to be the best targets. These heavy cavalry didn't need to bend down. They only needed to wave their arms to kill them one by one.

As for the counterattack of those low-level gnolls.

A beggar who hasn't drunk water or eaten for a long time can't break through the chain armor's defense even if he raises his mace!

for a while.

The 56-man heavy cavalry troop was chasing and slaughtering thousands of Jackals.

After the route of the horseshoes, there are bloody and bloody corpses that have fallen down and been trampled everywhere.

[Potential to intimidate the enemy] fluttering.

The golden lion on the red background seems to be alive, and it moves automatically without wind, showing its own power.

This is the feature in action.

Looking at the more and more thoroughly collapsed Gnolls, you can see that their morale has been reduced to the bottom of horror, even close to the bottom line, and they have no intention of continuing to resist at all, only knowing to run away aimlessly.

Rushing over each other, fearing like the deepest abyss, opening its bloodthirsty mouth toward them.

As Kant said, this cannot be a campaign.

Just slaughter.

And among the sand dunes on the west side, the 300 Gnoll pirates who left as soon as possible and separated from those lower ethnic groups, their faces had become gloomy and uncertain, and they gathered together with two-handed battle axes in their hands, breathing rapidly.

Desert bandits have surrounded this group of Gnoll pirates.

80 light cavalry surrounded 300 heavy infantry, which is a bit ridiculous.

But it does.

Wearing chain mail and holding two-handed tomahawks, these jackals were known to be elite by their appearance, but they were spotted by desert bandits when they realized that they were fleeing quietly, and they led people to surround them.

Not far away, several short javelins were stuck in the sand, and it seemed that they hadn't made any achievements.

But still let these jackals and pirates dare not make any moves.

Because right in their queue, two companions were sitting on the ground slumped, two short javelins had been deeply pierced in the chest and lower abdomen, and the chain mail they were wearing had no effect at all.

Also because of the huge inertia contained in the short javelin, the wound penetrated so deep that he dared not pull it out.

These Gnoll pirates have a lot of experience fighting their lives in the Sea of Stars.

Of course, I know that if I pull out these javelins pierced into the body at this time, it will definitely cause heavy bleeding. If I am not prepared, it will kill people.

But they have nothing to do.

There was tyranny and despair in the eyes of the pirate leader.

The other pirates were similar.

Looking at those desert robbers, they have already noticed that these humans on war horses have become so strong, so fast, and so terrifyingly lethal!

Even the elves riding the moon deer are not as fast as these human cavalry!

"These are they different?"

Endless doubts arose in the hearts of the jackals and pirates, but this doubts made them even more desperate.

After walking a distance of more than ten meters, they wanted to rush over to fight, but these human cavalry didn't give them a chance to get close at all. Like nimble sparrows, they scatter around and threw short javelins, directly letting their The two comrades in arms lost their combat effectiveness instantly, and there may be a possibility of death.

They wanted to go, but the desert bandits rode their horses around them.

This feeling makes them feel like a pack of wolves.

As long as there is any chance, they will jump up and bite the next piece of meat fiercely. Every time a javelin is thrown, some pirate comrades who have been with each other will fall down, waiting for the countdown to death.

The cavalry and shooting tactics common to the Kujit can wear down all infantry.

Now the Gnoll pirates are restless, but they can't make any choice in despair.

Because when they moved, revealing vacancies and flaws, a dozen short javelins roared towards them, piercing their armor, causing the elite pirates who were once brave and good at fighting in the Sea of Stars to fall to the ground in humiliation.

In a short period of time, more than a dozen jackal pirates were hit by short javelins and fell down.

"Humans... we surrender!"

The pirate leader looked at his subordinates who were full of despair and had no hope at all, but he sighed lightly, swallowed what little saliva he had, and said in a hoarse, smoking voice, "We surrender..."

This is a tip on 7.19. Thanks to "Feiyang Yumang" and "Words of Opposition" for the 1,000 starting coins ~ Thanks to "Legi0nz" "Book Friends 20100630040053234" and "Social Guys All Kinds of Hi" for the 500 starting coins ~ Thanks to "The Devil of the Holy Light" "Purple Su", "lzy1234", "jk90jk", "Crazy Ah Mian", "evair", "You are angry for a beauty", "Melancholy and indifferent overlapping", "May I Xinghua" personally rewarded 100 starting coins ~ thank you "return 200 starting coins rewarded by "sleep"~

(end of this chapter)