The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 141: Elite troops after the war


Easily win battles, slaughter enemies, and gain experience.

Epic victory.

For this perfect ending, the depression in Kant's heart dissipated a little.

At least 5 points of honor is the most practical reward.

Worth the good mood.

"Open the unit upgrade interface."

Kant's thinking moved slightly.

On the retina in front of my eyes, the dialog box is refreshed immediately.

The arms interface appears.

... ... ...

[Upgradable units: Swadian farmers × 500 people]

[Spending 10 dinars per person can be upgraded to: Swadia recruits]

[experience value overflow can continue to upgrade]

... ... ...

[Upgradable units: Swadian light infantry × 37 people]

[Spending 20 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Swadian infantry/Swadian heavy cavalry]

... ... ...

[Upgradable arms: Swadian heavy cavalry × 10 people]

[Spend 120 dinars per person, you can upgrade to: Swadian Knight]

... ... ...

[Upgradable Arms: Desert Bandit × 40 people]

[Spend 25 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: desert bandit elite]

[Ding... the current experience is overflowing, and all staff can upgrade continuously]

... ... ...

[Upgradable arms: desert bandit elite × 25 people]

[Spend 30 dinars per person, can be upgraded to: Sarande Rider]

... ... ...

Most melee units can be upgraded.

Kant frowned slightly.

But he also found that there are very few upgrades for level 4 arms.

Except for the 10 Swadian heavy cavalry, who can be upgraded to the top knights of the Swadian Kingdom, the other 4th-level units have no signs of upgrading at all, which is obviously not correct.

Level 4 infantry and Swadian infantry do not directly enter the battlefield, so it is only natural that they get less experience points.

But know.

In this battle, the crossbowmen played a great role.

The rain of arrows formed by 50 Vikia archers and 50 Swadian crossbowmen can kill many gnolls.

Now no one can upgrade to level 5 arms.

This was obviously beyond Kant's expectations.

The thinking communication system directly asked: "System, the experience gained in this epic battle, can't more level 4 arms reach the full experience and be upgraded to level 5 arms?"

If you don't understand, just ask.

The system will always give an explanation.


A dialog box pops up on the retina: "Insufficient experience points, unable to provide more upgrades for level 4 units."

"This is the explanation?" Kant frowned slightly.

"Yes." The system answered very simply.

At the same time, he explained to Kant in detail: "Although the scale of this battle is large, the enemy is mostly low-level infantry, and their morale is low. So there are only 10 Swadian heavy cavalry, which can be upgraded to 10 Swadian knights."

After the explanation, the system dialog box is hidden.

Kant nodded.

It is indeed a systematic style, straightforward and clear, never talking nonsense.

It is true that fewer troops won more in this battle, but it was mainly the massacre of low-level troops by elite troops. Such scenes are not uncommon in the history of warfare, and most epic victories are precisely because of this.

To some extent, the size of the army is indeed more than quantity.

But there is a bottom line.

A quantity of troops with a certain quality is the best choice.

Otherwise, it would be like the end of the Han Dynasty in an ancient country on earth. The Yellow Turban Army, which had a numerical advantage, was arbitrarily slaughtered by the elite court soldiers, which eventually led to the collapse of the whole situation, and a group of more elite local warlords were raised by the way.

As an ancient Greek writer said, a group of beggars cannot be called an army.

And now.

Kant's troops were very elite.

For the thinking communication system, Kant directly chooses: "Upgrade all."

[Ding... system prompt]

[A total of 8690 dinars are required for all upgrades]

[Yes/No choose to upgrade?]

"Yes." Kant did not hesitate: "Choose to upgrade!"

Kant's current deposit is 22,000 dinars. Even if he has spent the cost of this troop upgrade and the maintenance cost of the troop next week, he doesn't have to worry about the lack of balance.

Because next month, Zhiwadin's caravan will arrive.

Jocelyn, the leader of the caravan, will purchase all the captives obtained in this battle.

Although statistics are not yet available.

But the quantity will definitely not be too small.

Look outside the governing hall, in the open space on the east side of the fortress, those gnolls are crowded and squatting. From a general look, it is estimated that there are more than 2,000 people. Converting it into dinars is another huge sum of money. !

Kant's savings will also explode to huge numbers.

With his affirmation.

8690 dinars disappeared instantly.

The data stream gushed out quickly, and in the entire sentry oasis, all the arms that could be upgraded were wrapped in it, especially the 500 farmers who were still cleaning the battlefield, and data links appeared all over their bodies.

This is a symbol of the transition from agricultural laborers to military soldiers.

Seems like a short time.

But in the eyes of these upgraded soldiers, it seems that several years have passed.

A complete set of combat literacy has been instilled into their minds, and their bodies have also been transformed, as if years of hard training, plus a strong physique acquired after several battles on the battlefield.

During the upgrade process, the system then pops up a dialog box.

[Ding... system prompt]

[Due to the overflow of experience points, Swadia recruits can continue to upgrade]

[Spend 5000 dinars, all can be upgraded to Swadian militias]

[Yes/No choose to upgrade?]


Kant still did not hesitate and made a choice directly.

The 5000 dinars then disappeared.

But the recruits who were only wearing leather armor, armed with spears and spliced wooden shields, began to grow stronger, and the spears in their hands became military standard heavy spears, and the leather armor became more defensive. Excellent iron-inlaid leather armor, a quiver beside the fighting hoe at the waist, with 20 crossbow bolts inserted, and a light crossbow on the back, which has the means of long-range attack.

Compared with the appearance of the peasants recruited before, these recruits are more like soldiers in the army.

All staff have been upgraded.

10 Swadian knights.

37 Swadian heavy cavalry.

25 Sarande riders.

40 elite desert bandits.

500 Swadian militiamen.

The spirit of these elite soldiers is completely different.

Their appearance directly raised the quality of troops in the "Drehem" fortress.

And when the originally useless 500 farmers could only play an auxiliary role, they were all upgraded to the Swadian militia, which increased the number of troops in the sentry oasis, and increased the combat effectiveness of the troops!

All troops are close to a thousand people.

If they encounter these low-level gnolls again, they are already qualified for a direct decisive battle.

Moreover, from Kant's point of view.

Even before the 500 militiamen joined, the "Drehem" fortress with more than 500 troops was still qualified to confront those low-level gnolls head-on, and would even win easily!

The 500 troops are all combat soldiers in armor.

It can be called the elite of the elite.

With these low-level gnolls who lack water and food, can they still compete against Kant's troops

That's a joke!

Just like the current troop size, Kant is already confident that even if the real Greymane Kingdom's expeditionary force trekked over the coast of Mannheim and crossed the Nalun Desert exhaustedly, even if the quantity and quality were all available, but in the wild When encountering the Kant troops who are waiting for work, it is really not certain who will live and who will die.

Kant smiled.

This battle can be regarded as a turning point for the "Drehem" fortress.

Nearly a thousand elite soldiers will bring absolute security.

Even if the Greymane Kingdom's expeditionary force arrives and wants to take down this heavily guarded and well-equipped fortress, it is absolutely impossible to succeed if it does not pay a heavy price.

And there is also the possibility of being counter-killed.

10 Swadian knights, 87 Swadian heavy cavalry, 5 Mamluks, 40 Sarande riders, and 40 elite desert bandits. These are all extremely mobile and can tear the infantry line apart. cavalry troops.

142 heavy cavalry that can directly attack the enemy's formation.

40 assault cavalry that can coordinate the assault.

After launching a charge, the power produced can definitely crush hundreds of infantry sequences!

Cooperate with the offensive of heavy infantry and infantry, break through the surface, and forcibly defeat the enemy's troops in the field. In this era when heavy cavalry represents the elite trump card, it is not too simple.

The upgrade is all done.

Kant put away the dialog box on the retina.

In the governing hall, Fatis and Manid had already left.

The battle outside had just ended, and after a short report, they continued to get busy with various things.

Especially with regard to the placement of soldiers is also a problem.

Civilians have all but disappeared.

Only 50 peasant women were not upgraded.

The vacated 50 houses can be temporarily transformed into military camps.

It is good to let the current soldiers rest. The quality of sleep does not need to be considered at all. As soldiers who have fought on the battlefield, being able to live is their greatest requirement.

The current fortress is not yet able to let everyone have a good rest.

There is a long way to go.

Kant shook his head slightly, stood up and walked outside the governing hall.

A large number of captives have been taken to the open space of the military zone on the east side.

There are gnolls everywhere.

All of them crouched and crouched, not daring to speak loudly, their eyes full of fear and resentment.

There is also weakness from lack of water and food.

The militiamen came outside the city, each carrying the captured trophies in their arms.

It's the chain mail of the High Gnoll and the two-handed battle-axe.

Only these valuable things will be collected by the militiamen. As for the broken animal skins and linen, they will not be seen at all. Although they are also collected, they have the same function as those maces. It is used as cheap fuel and becomes combustible for boiling salt in sugar workshops.

But with the end of this battle, Kant was at peace.

According to Fatis' report, many high-level gnolls have been captured, and now it is entirely possible to use these captives to determine where the Graymane Kingdom's expeditionary force has gone and know their movements.

PS: The update resumes today, don't panic! The grades of this book are quite good, not eunuchs...

This is a tip on 7.22. Thanks to "Book Friends 20100630040053234" and "Words of Opposition" for the 500 starting coins~ Thanks to "Zhu Yunhai", "a black cat with a proud belly" and "jk90jk" for the 100 starting coins~

(end of this chapter)