The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 142: Brutal and direct interrogation


Naturally, Kant didn't need to worry about interrogating this matter.

Follow his orders.


There were 10 Swadian infantrymen, and they escorted 5 high-ranking gnolls to the gate of the governing hall.

The chain armor boots ruthlessly kicked the legs of these high-ranking gnolls, gathering enough strength, directly made these captives with their heads bowed stagger to the end, just kneeling in front of Kant.

"Roar..." These gnolls howled in a low voice because of their humiliation.

But the 10 Swadian infantrymen in charge of custody showed no fear on their faces.

Instead, with a disdainful smile at the corner of his mouth, he directly pulled out the hand and half sword from his waist, and thrust it heavily into the sides of these captives. The cold light of the sword tip touched the ground. This naked threat was not concealed at all.

The captives immediately bowed their heads and wisely chose to surrender.

Only then did the leading infantry nod in satisfaction, and Shen Shenghui reported: "My lord, you have already brought it."

"Well, well done." Kant looked at the scene and said calmly.

At the same time, he looked down at the five gnolls in surprise linen robes, and asked calmly, "Gnolls from the Graymane Kingdom on the coast of Mannheim, why did you invade my fief territory?"

Kant's voice fell, but no one answered.

The five kneeling Gnolls raised their beast-like heads, their fangs still bared.

His eyes were full of unyielding and resentment.

It seems to want to look at people and devour them.

The eyes are sharp!

Obviously, all the tortures and insults they suffered after being captured were attributed to Kant.

If they were healthy and full of food and drink, they probably would not have estimated their own life and death at all. They would have to pick up their two-handed battle axes and die together with Kant, who was sitting on the chair on the front steps of the governing hall.

"Oh, unyielding eyes." Kant chuckled.

Kneeling in front of others, threatening others with your eyes, will always be so weak and powerless.

At least Kant didn't care.

He opened his mouth lightly, and said to the captives: "You have to know one thing, eyes can't kill others, but I, who holds your life, can easily..." The tone paused, and said indifferently: "Kill you."


Behind the Gnoll captives, the well-crafted chain armor boots were lifted up, and then they kicked heavily on their backs.

muffled sound.

These captives were all lying on the ground, their hands tied behind their backs made them unable to stand up, but they didn't need to get up by themselves, the Swadian infantry who kicked them down stretched out their hands and pulled the gray hair on their heads to kneel down again. On the ground, only the hands and half swords that were shining with cold light were also placed next to their throats at this time.

The infantrymen from Swadia don't want to see their lords threatened by these inferior races, even if they are threatened by eyes, that won't work!

Kant nodded at them, looked at the captives and asked calmly: "We can have a good conversation."

" it?"

Finally, a jackal spoke in the human language with a perfect accent.

It was the pirate leader at the head. Anger and humiliation were still hidden in his eyes, but he suppressed it and said, "Human lord, what on earth do you want to know..."

Received a response, Kant nodded in satisfaction: "Cooperation is a wise choice."

"What do you want to know," repeated the pirate leader.

"No, if you cooperate, I think your emotions should also calm down. Cooperating with our friendly conversation is a good thing for both of us, and a good thing that can be praised."

Kant looked at the pirate leader with a smile: "What do you think?"

The pirate leader's face was slightly grim.

For so many years across the sea of stars, it has never knelt down to answer questions in such a humiliating manner.

What's more, it's human beings who have always looked down upon it, kneeling in front of them and answering humiliatingly, their hearts are pounding, and their eyes are bloodshot, which makes it really unacceptable.

It is very angry!

But for its anger, Kant just chuckled: "Help it calm down."

"Yes." The infantry responded in a deep voice.

But then, after the voice of response, the whisper of hunting came faintly.

Before the pirate leader could react, the scabbard inlaid with iron was directly drawn on its cheek, and the force contained in it instantly knocked out its lower jaw fangs, and even its lips were ripped apart, bleeding out.


This twitch instantly angered the already tyrannical pirate leader.

Standing up instantly with both legs, and frantically breaking free from the hemp rope with both arms, the green eyes were bloodshot, and the mouth was full of blood in a low voice, wanting to rush towards Kant on the steps.

This was a pounce regardless of death, and even the four jackal pirates on both sides were also aroused with blood in their hearts.

Although they are civilized and intelligent.

But when they become crazy, the level of ferocity is far more terrifying than uncivilized low-level gnolls!

"Stupid." Kant looked at the wolf man who rushed forward without any fear.

Just to the side, infantrymen with thick fan-shaped shields stepped in to block Kant's face. Holding the shields, they forcibly resisted the pounce. Because of the strength, they took half a step back slightly, but they immediately withdrew their shields like a spring. The right hand of the glove made a fierce right hook from bottom to top, and heavily touched the left cheek of the pirate leader.


The pirate leader's teeth flew out, and his whole body also flew out following the heavy punch, and fell heavily down the steps, lying in front of the four shocked subordinates of the wolf man pirates.

The Swadian infantry remained silent, shook his right wrist, and stood next to Kant again.

"Can we have a good chat now?"

Kant spoke lightly.

The Swadian infantrymen next to them raised their half-swords cooperatively. The sharp blades reflected the noon light, and what they brought was not enthusiasm, but the serenity of harvesting life.

"Can..." the pirate leader coughed dryly and struggled on the ground.

Spit out two knocked out teeth, mixed with the smell of blood in its mouth, with despair in its eyes, it stood up again and knelt in front of Kant, lowering its head as if giving up everything: "Human nobles, do you want to... know What…"

"This is good."

Kant nodded, satisfied with his wit.

Standing up and walking down the three-story stone staircase, Kant came to the pirate leader, squatted down slightly, looked at its cloudy and hopeless eyes, and asked slowly: "Tell me, your large army, When will you reach this desert, tell me, I will let you go, I swear on my honor, I will never kill you."

His words are very tempting, and there is no hint of ferocity on his immature face, even his eyes are quite sincere.

The four jackals swallowed suddenly.

Regarding Kant's words, they were like grabbing a life-saving straw, subconsciously looking at the leader whose cheeks were swollen and swollen, their eyes full of longing for life.

No one really wants to die.

No matter how firm the will is, after experiencing thirst and hunger, there is no previous belief.

"What I said is true."

Scanning their eyes, the corners of Kant's mouth slightly curled up: "I swear on the honor of the nobility."

"There are still 7 days!" The pirate leader finally said, his blood was bleeding, his swollen cheeks were lowered, and he said: "We are the advance team, and we will only set off half a month earlier than the expeditionary force. , They will reach the southern part of the Nalun Desert in 7 days, that is, at the beginning of next month."

"Very good." Kant stood up with a smile and sat back in his seat.

Seeing that Fatis and Manid just came back after patrolling the captive area, Kant nodded and said, "This information is very important. I like this friend. What do you think?"

"Of course, he is a very good gentleman." Manid followed Kant's words and complimented.

Fatis just nodded.

As a knight, he looked down on this kind of guy who revealed his secrets after being captured in the war. If he could withstand the torture and torture and die generously, he could still praise him a few words.

Although the end result is still death.

But Fatis can guarantee that it will not be chopped up and used as food for those gnolls or as fertilizer for the soil.

"Send them back."

Kant waved his hand and signaled the infantry to pull the five high-ranking gnolls down.

It seemed to be thinking of something, and he told the infantry: "Give them some water and bread, well, if you don't eat bread, you can also eat some air-dried meat, which is a reward for answering questions."

"Yes." The Swadian infantry replied.

"My lord... we, we eat bread!" A jackal pirate replied eagerly.

Kant smiled lightly when he heard the words: "Oh, that's better, give them bread, air-dried meat, and clean water." After a pause, he looked at the jackal pirate who answered, pointed to it and said: "I like this guy very much, Give him another sausage, and if he can answer the questions we want to know later, let him be full at every meal."

"I, I am willing to surrender and join your camp!" The Gnoll pirate immediately knelt down on the ground, ignoring the complicated and angry eyes of his companions, and shouted: "I know a lot of Mannheim Coast and Gray Mane Information from the kingdom!"

"Very good." Kant nodded with a smile, still waving to take it away.

Soon, the infantrymen put them back down.

Kant turned and entered the governing hall.

Fatis and Manid also followed.

Sitting back in his seat, Kant withdrew his smile and said lightly, "The expeditionary force will arrive in the Nalun Desert in 7 days, which means that we will meet the real enemy at the beginning of next month."

"That's right." Fatis and Manid looked at each other.

Kant frowned and tapped his fingers on the table.

Looking at the two subordinates who are deeply trusted by him, he said: "You arrange to have these high-ranking gnolls interrogated, let them reveal everything they know, and improve our understanding of the coast of Mannheim as much as possible. As well as the cognition of the Gray Mane Kingdom, don't relax, we will formally contact them next month."

"You will know more comprehensive information." Manid has a little research on interrogation.

"Okay." Kant nodded, and looked at Fatis at the same time: "Since Manid is in charge of the interrogation, you will be in charge of the troops. When those gnolls arrive at the sentry oasis, I hope you can make the best response."

Fatis also nodded heavily: "I will do my best."

Thanks to "丿DevilMayCry" for the reward of 1000 starting coins~Thanks to "Method Glass Plastic for 20 Years" and "Pursuing the Knight" for the reward of 500 starting coins~Thanks to "Life is like a drama like a dream" "jk90jk" "Brother Kevin" 100 starting point coins personally rewarded by "You are angry at a beauty" and "Xiao En WANG"~

(end of this chapter)