The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 146: A true expeditionary force


Time passed day by day.

But the defense of the sentry oasis has not let up in the slightest.

Forty Salander riders, leading 40 elite desert bandits, and 50 desert bandits, like the stars scattered in the sky, started patrolling on the northern side of the Nalun Desert in a scattered formation.

A large number of light cavalry scattered out, scouting very carefully.

But the scope of the cone is reconnaissance after.

The 10 desert cavalry did not return like the other light cavalry. Instead, they continued to ride their horses forward, continuing to ride along the top ridge of the dunes, and rode their horses towards the depths of the desert.

Just on horseback, there is enough food and water to last a week.

They are going to the natural salt mine.

According to the description of the captured high-ranking gnolls, their marching route came from the depths of the Nalun Desert, passed through the white-spangled saline-alkali land, and finally arrived at the salt-extracting land south of the salt mine, which is considered to have truly come to the Nalun Desert. of the south.

According to the plan, a support team will be stationed in the area where the salt mines are mined.

And these 300 wolf man pirates will also brazenly seize control of the lower wolf man tribe by force.

Then lead the troops to continue to occupy the sentry oasis.

In the shortest possible time, establish an outpost of the expeditionary force, and then attack the rocky pass in the canyon gap of the Sanwaya Mountains, successfully enter the territory of the human kingdom to plunder, and create a colony dominated by gnolls.

Sounds like the perfect plan.

It's just that whether it can succeed is not determined by the expeditionary forces of the Gray Mane Kingdom.

Kant, who regards the Nalun Desert as his territory, will not cooperate obediently.

Not for the nations of men.

It's not for the Lion Principality of Cameron the Lion.

Just for myself.

Kant would not let the strategic ideas of these gnolls become a reality.

Therefore, these 10 desert bandits were sent by him to conduct reconnaissance in the natural salt mines, to be the first to detect the news of the arrival of the Gray Mane Kingdom Expeditionary Force, and to use the high mobility of the light cavalry to transmit this information back to the sentry oasis in the shortest possible time. , to ensure that Kant and Fatis can prepare as soon as possible. It can't be a ridiculous oolong incident like last time.

Even now.

Kant felt very distressed when he thought of the 5 acres of date palm trees that had been completely cut down.

But it's irreversible.

According to the calculation of time, within ten days, the expeditionary force of the Gray Mane Kingdom would reach the Nalun Desert.

At that time, these date palm forests will also be cut down.

"It is indeed a pity."

Standing on the top of the governing hall, Kant looked at the bare sandy land on the north side, where the exposed wooden stakes were neatly arranged, and the lush forest before could still appear in his mind.

Now there are only wooden piles and canals flowing with lake water, and we can vaguely recall the lushness of the past.

But the "Drehem" fortress is heavily armed.

100 Vaegir archers have been stationed in the four walls and arrow towers, together with 50 Swadian crossbowmen at the windows of the attics of the city walls, and 20 Ravenston rangers at the top of the government hall, forming the current long-range defense firepower.

This is the first rain of arrows to cause damage to the enemy.

Fifty Swadian infantrymen in double-layer heavy armor held thick fan-shaped shields and stood in the shadows of the eaves with cold faces. The eyes under the flat-topped helmets were also cold.

Surrounded by the 500 Swadian militiamen who are on call at any time, waiting for orders.

Holding a hunting crossbow that is not very powerful but can still cause damage, he looked ahead indifferently.

Their tasks are very important.

Because just under the city wall not far away, there are close to 2000+ jackals living in countless captive camps built with tents.

Although they are all hungry and dizzy now, it is difficult to stand up and walk.

But with such a large number, if they really rioted, it would definitely be a threat.

Even the heavy cavalry not far away were secretly on guard.

Ten top Swadian horses wearing double-layer heavy chain armor and leading Swadian horses that are also equipped with heavy-duty full-covered chain armor. They are unusually burly and 2-meter-tall Swadian knights. With a knight sword, a kite-shaped knight shield on his back, and a heavy knight spear in his hand, he walked slowly on the training ground.

Behind them are 5 Mamluks from the Kingdom of Sarande.

And the equipment is very similar, including 87 Swadian heavy cavalry from the same source, including men and horses wearing heavy armor.

This is the heavy cavalry force that Kant relies on at present.

There are also light cavalry who have already dispersed to patrol.

For example, 40 should actually be defined as heavy cavalry, but they win against the more mobile Sarande cavalry.

And 40 elite desert bandits, and 50 desert bandits.

"This is my confidence."

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Kant stood at the top of the governing hall and couldn't help exhaling softly.

Power grows out of the barrel of a gun.

In this world where the weak are prey to the strong, the fist is also big, which is justice.

All arranged well together.

At the top of the sand dunes at the natural salt mine, 10 desert robbers have already set up their tents, and they are always on guard, looking into the distance uninterruptedly, looking for possible enemy troops.

Thanks to the siege of the Wolf man last time.

Most of the low-level gnolls here have been captured.

Even if there were a small number of low-level gnolls who escaped, facing these ferocious desert robbers, even forty or fifty, would be chased and killed by these ten light cavalry with scimitars on their horses, and slaughtered in this saline-alkali land.

The low-level gnolls, who had been scared out of their wits, didn't dare to face the human cavalry at all.

In this dangerous calm, this week is drawing to a close.

Night covered the sky.

In the bright stars and the white moonlight, spend the early morning in the middle of the night.

It's already a new week, a new January.

On the top of the sand dunes in the natural salt mine, the two desert robbers who were in charge of night duty had just finished feeding the desert horses of themselves and their comrades with night food and water. The desert to the north.

Taking a casual glance, they seemed to find a faint shadow on the horizon.

Rubbed his eyes.

The two of them cheered up and looked again.

But his originally relaxed face instantly froze, turned his head extremely seriously and entered his tent, kicking up all the comrades who had just fallen asleep and were not yet asleep: "The enemy is coming!"

The other 8 desert robbers woke up suddenly.

All climbed up from the sandpit, went outside the tent and stared at the distance to the north.

In the depths of the night.

A long black snake is stretching crookedly. Although the starry night and the moonlight cannot be seen clearly, how can these robbers who have lived in the desert for more than 20 years not be able to distinguish it? This is the word commonly used by troops marching. Long snake array!

Thinking of the order that Lord Kant ordered when he came.

The 10 desert robbers immediately packed up their tents, got on their horses, and ran towards the south.

They need to quickly report this important information.

The expeditionary force of the Graymane Kingdom...


(end of this chapter)