The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 149: Tupac's Centuries


Tupac was exhausted.

Walking forward, step by step, I only feel that my legs are weakening.

The chain mail in the backpack and the two-handed battle ax on the shoulders are all the reasons for its exhaustion, but the most important thing is its thirsty throat, which reminds it that it needs to drink water .

Since arriving in the southern part of the Nalun Desert, it has only drank 3 sips of water, 2 of which were still smelly urine.

Its supplies were almost depleted as it crossed the Devil's Field.

All the water bladders in the backpack had dried up, even if they were bloated, they were filled with smelly urine, and the only water bladder filled with fresh water was not allowed to be drunk at all.

This is a water sac that is only allowed to be drunk when a general attack is launched.

They lack water.

Therefore, we can only use the price of life to seize the water source in the hands of the enemy.

Make a swallowing motion in your mouth.

But his throat was full of dry pain.

Due to the inability to take in enough water, Tupac's mouth could no longer secrete saliva, and even the sweat on his body became very small. Even in the past two days, he found that he had stopped urinating.

This is a red flag.

If there is not enough water to moisten the body, it will die of thirst.

As a member of the Fang family, Tupac had seen similar records in the family library, and those low-level jackals who passed through the Nalun Desert and the Devil's Land also spread word of mouth about the tragic consequences of lack of water.

Fell in the desert, scorched into a mummified corpse by the scorching sun.

Fortunately, it was buried in the desert.

If you are unlucky, it will become food for other Gnolls.

"No." Tupac spit out the word softly, struggled and continued to walk forward, followed the comrades in front of him and continued to move forward numbly, but he was unwilling to face such a humiliating death in his heart. Being well educated by the brave, it would rather face thousands of enemies and die gloriously on the battlefield, than be dried into mummified corpses or swallowed as food like the lowly wolf man.

This is also one of the reasons why it can hold on and continue to move forward.

There is also the most important reason.

As long as they reach the sentry oasis, they can drink enough spring water!

Sweet and clear spring water.

Tupac believed that his comrades who were marching in the shape of long snakes were insisting for this reason in their hearts. Otherwise, when they saw that there was no response team at the natural salt mine, and the tribe of low-level gnolls was in ruins, only When the puddle is about to dry up, it will all be to the point of a nervous breakdown.

But there is still resentment in everyone's heart.

Under the commander's notice, they all knew that all these humans did it.

Annihilate the supporting advance team and the tribe of low-level gnolls, so that they are now in a desperate situation. If you don't chop off the heads of those humans with the two-handed battle ax in your hand, the anger will not subside.

While thinking wildly, Tupac suddenly noticed that the queue in front stopped.

Everyone stops moving.

Climbing up to the top of the sand dune, it stared blankly at the open space in front of it. A rectangular fortress was located in the oasis. There were 4 arrow towers and a square tower in the middle, all made of stone and wood.


There was a howl in front of him, and Tupac couldn't help shivering.

This is the howl of the commander, and all the jackal warriors in the expeditionary force woke up instantly. They strode forward quickly, resisting the feeling of thirst, and formed four square formations of 500 people, and quickly took off their clothes. He took out the chain mail from the backpack on his back and quickly put it on, holding a two-handed battle ax, and became the invincible Jackal warrior who once fought frontally on the coast of Mannheim.

Tupac had also put on his chain mail and put on a linen robe over it.

Holding a two-handed battle ax in one hand, while howling in the language of the jackals, he let the 99 jackal warriors under his command quickly line up behind him, waiting for the next order.

Tupac is a centurion of the Gnoll army.

The subordinates who belonged to the commander of the commander himself were also leading the troops and rushing to the front of the centurion.

Only the most elite Jackal fighters can appear in this centurion.

And Tupac is not only powerful, but also one of the three major families of the Graymane Kingdom, a member of the Tusk family, who is definitely qualified to be the centurion of this elite centurion.

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom"

The eager bells echoed.

Tupac looked up at the fortress in the distance, his eyes swept across the city wall and arrow tower, and he could vaguely see a human infantry standing on it holding a crossbow or bow, making demonstrations towards them.

"This is a massacre!"

Tupac howled angrily and raised his two-handed battle axe.

The Centuries behind them also started roaring.

Even the entire wolf man army was roaring with angry howls.

It is anger at the weak who provoke themselves.

Past experience has proved that as long as they climb the city wall and fight in close quarters, these humans are no match.

Even underage gnolls can defeat adult human sailors, not to mention that they are all selected elite fighters who have been tested on the battlefield. They can easily kill several humans without being injured at all. !


The captain's howl came again, an order that only the Jackal troops could understand.

The whole army moved towards the east wall.

Soon, Tupac, who was the first to charge, saw the south of the east wall, and the gate made of wood and iron appeared in front of him. There were also a large number of human soldiers defending it, but no matter how he looked, it looked like It is the last struggle, as if surrendering to the siege they are about to begin.

"Drink water!"

Tupac let out a loud growl.

Afterwards, he took out the only remaining water bag in the rucksack, which contained clean fresh water from the Graymane Kingdom.

The elite Centuries behind it, and even the other Gnoll Centuries, took out the water bladders and uncorked them all, and poured them down their throats. As the stomach was filled with fresh water, all the strength in their bodies seemed to Swelling up, bloodshot eyes that were extremely eager for killing also slowly appeared in the pupils.


Neat howls of wolves appeared in the throats of all the gnolls.

There is no way out.

They couldn't go back alive, their voices were solemn and decisive.

This is the howl of wolves that would only be emitted during a deadly battle, the sound of the ancestors of their race.

The blood began to boil in the wolf man's body, and they, who are extremely sensitive to the smell of blood, can't wait to enjoy the upcoming tragic battle.


Tupac raised his two-handed tomahawk, carried it on his shoulders, and led his centurions forward in an instant.

And the speed is getting faster and faster, almost running.

However, the formation of the centurion was not scattered. Three rows of gnolls formed a rectangular formation, and they quickly followed Tupac, the centurion, with their two-handed battle axes. Their running speed was getting faster and closer, and they were getting closer to the city gate. .

The bloodlust in his eyes also became more and more intense.

They all knew that there was a lake under the city wall on the west side, but no one told them.

No matter how thirsty their throats are, they still act as if they don't know that there is a water source there, they can drink it, they can survive, and they can relieve their current state of extreme thirst.

Because they all know.

Such a lake is equivalent to a moat during the siege, because they have abandoned all the siege equipment after crossing the desert, it is impossible for them to attack the humans on the city wall after passing through the moat.

That's the dumbest choice.

Only by smashing the city gate with two-handed battle ax can they have a real way to survive!


Tupac roared, his mouth full of sharp teeth, but terrifying.

The centurions behind it followed closely, holding the two-handed battle axes tightly in their hands. As long as they reached the city gate, their battle axes made of fine iron could swing them with their own powerful strength. The city gate was chopped into pieces.

Getting closer and closer to the city gate.

Five hundred meters.

Three hundred meters.

One hundred meters.

Eighty meters.

fifty meters.

But at this moment, Tupac suddenly heard a dense sound of "buzzing".

Look up and look forward.

As soon as I saw it, the arrow rain covered the top of the city wall in an arc like a torrential rain. The dense feather arrows and crossbow arrows arrived almost instantly, and finally enveloped them all.

"Why is it denser than the lizardman's crossbow arrows..."

A bit of doubt suddenly appeared in Tupac's head. He had seen the rain of arrows before, but it was definitely not like this.

Lizardfolk like to use crossbows in conjunction with their phalanx of spears.

It is definitely not like falling from the sky like a torrential rain.

But Tupac couldn't continue to think at all, because a brown cone-headed arrow had already shot into its eye socket and pierced its neck directly, destroying its head and spine.

Now it fell to the ground, just like the ancestors of the Tusk family, died in battle with honor.

right around.

The elite Centuries, which were originally honorable, have all fallen.

In front of the waves of arrow rain, they all fell to the ground miserably one by one.

The whole body is covered with white arrow feathers.

And on the surrounding sandy ground, there were countless feather arrows and crossbow arrows slantingly inserted, like flowers for the funeral of this elite centurion, appearing in this sentry oasis in the Nalun Desert.

With the strange and coquettishness of death, it blooms through the corpses of living beings.


The Gnoll troops in the rear were silent, watching the strongest elite centurion without even approaching the city gate.

The sudden death was beyond the expectation of all the jackals.


In the minds of some jackals who had more experience, they thought of the arrow rain of the elves.

Never seen it, but heard of it.

It's that dense.

It just doesn't make sense.

Shoot any enemy who dares to appear in front of you with the most violent and violent arrow rain.


The commander howled furiously for the general attack. This resolute order made all the centurions instantly understand his commander's thoughts. The city wall, massacre all the humans inside, and use the blood of those cowardly, weak humans who only know to guard the city wall to commemorate their comrades who died in battle!

This is a siege battle that can no longer be turned back, and can only be fought recklessly with gritted teeth!

(end of this chapter)