The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 150: A fortress that has been prepared for a long time


When the wolf man's troops appeared within the observation range of the arrow tower, the sentry oasis was ready.

"Drehem" has been waiting for a long time.

The troops were mobilizing quickly, and the crossbowmen all entered the preset positions, holding their longbows and crossbows, and looked coldly at the expeditionary army of the Gray Mane Kingdom that appeared on the top of the sand dunes.

100 Vaegir archers are in charge of the towers and gates.

50 Swadian crossbowmen were in charge of the attic firing windows.

The 500 Swadian militiamen who also held hunting crossbows all climbed to the top floor of the attic.

Although the hunting crossbows generally equipped by the militiamen are less powerful, there are pre-prepared stones on the top of the attic, which are nearly half the size of a human head. When they are lifted up and smashed down the city wall, the jackal's head can't stop them. It is estimated that the skull will burst in an instant. If you are lucky, your face will be covered with blood. If you are not lucky, you will directly become a corpse with a crushed head.

"Get ready to fight, get ready to fight."

The figure of Fatis walked quickly in the attic with a solemn face.

Sweeping outside the attic, the Greymane Kingdom Expeditionary Army on the sand dunes in the distance subconsciously tightened their grip on the hilt of the sword, and told the crossbowmen passing by in a deep voice: "Aim after aiming before shooting!" , strive to cause maximum damage!"

These words are actually well-known things.

Kofatis still repeats before the battle.

As long as he can win this battle, win this crucial battle to defend the city, Fatis is willing to tell him hundreds of times, not to mention once.

He is a nobleman of Swadia, and this is the most difficult battle after following Lord Kant.


Both Fatis and his family will be honored for a lifetime.


Even Lord Kant's life will be threatened. He has no choice but to die in battle to prove his family's honor. This is also the best way for nobles to preserve their honor.

Fatis is still arranging the battle plan for the crossbowmen.

There was a little commotion from the city wall behind him.

"keep quiet!"

Fatis reprimanded him, but found Kant's figure appearing on the city wall.

Also arriving at the same time were the 20 Ravenston rangers who were originally stationed at the top of the governing hall.

"Lord Kant, it's very dangerous here."

Fatis walked over and bowed to salute, but his tone was worried, dissuading: "The city wall is the defense line of the soldiers, not the place where the nobles should appear."

Kant smiled indifferently: "The noble one?"

"grown ups."

Fatis still discouraged: "Please go back to the governing hall."

The surrounding crossbowmen also looked sad. After all, this is an extremely dangerous front-line city wall. If an enemy rushes up, the narrow width of the attic is only 3 meters, and it will definitely block the way to leave.

As a lord, you must never risk yourself.

"It doesn't matter."

Kant looked out through the window of the attic: "These gnolls will not be able to charge up the city wall in a short time."

He did not find that the enemy was carrying siege weapons.

Slightly frowning, Kant turned his head and told the 20 Ravenston rangers: "Go to the east gate, and you will be stationed there. You will be assigned to the crossbowmen and follow the orders of Fatis."


The 20 Ravenston rangers responded in unison, turned around and walked quickly towards the city gate.

"The support of these bow and arrow masters is very timely."

Fatis nodded his thanks and analyzed: "Those Jackal expeditionary forces did not carry ready-made siege weapons. According to my inference, their main attack direction is our city gate."

"That's right." Kant nodded, which was exactly what he thought.

Crossing the Nalun Desert, these expeditionary forces carried very little supplies, not to mention heavy and complicated siege equipment.

There are only two ways to attack the city.

Use two-handed battle axes to cut down trees, build simple siege equipment such as wooden ladders and siege cones, or just directly charge into the city gates, and use the strong bodies of these jackals and heavy two-handed battle axes to smash the city gates. smashed.

Of course, it is not impossible to stack corpses to the height of the city wall.

It's just that looking at the thoughts of these high-ranking gnolls, the idea is to smash the city gate with a battle axe!


The howl of wolves came from outside, urgent and decisive.

Kant and Fatis looked at the sand dunes. The jackals had formed five square formations and started moving towards the east side. Obviously, as they guessed, the target of the attack was the city gate on the east side.

At the same time, there was also a centurion of gnolls who broke away from the majority and rushed out, carrying a battle ax to attack.

"Not even diplomacy?"

Kande's tone was slightly sarcastic, but his eyes were full of sternness: "I still want to persuade them to surrender."

Fatis chuckled and didn't take up the topic.

Pulling out the knight sword in his hand, Fatis turned his head and ordered in a deep voice: "Attention all archers and crossbowmen, free shooting is prohibited, stay alert and wait for shooting orders!"

Shen Sheng's answer merged into one sentence: "Understood!"

"My idea is to wait for the enemy to get close before shooting."

Fatis reported to Kang Dehui in a low voice: "The sudden burst of arrow rain will kill and injure all the enemy's centurions, which can damage the morale of the enemy."

"You are the commander, you arrange it."

Kant nodded.

All the crossbowmen have gathered on the east wall.

There are only a small number of militiamen guarding the other walls.

The number of enemies is not large, and the strength of the "Drehem" fortress is not large. Therefore, in terms of siege warfare, troops are often concentrated to attack a city gate. What's more, these gnolls who are short of supplies can't last for too long. attack.

According to Kant's speculation, three days at most!


The orders of Fatis appear on this wall.

The loud voice made all the crossbowmen react instantly, let go of the bowstring in their hands, pulled the trigger in their hands, and shot out the feather arrows and crossbow arrows that had been prepared for a long time!


The vibrating sound of the bowstring instantly appeared inside the attic.

But the screaming sound of "whoosh" outside was actually the shrill hiss of an arrow tearing through the air.

A black shadow roared past.

top down.

Then it slammed heavily on the Gnoll Centuries within more than 50 meters outside the city wall.

The arrows easily penetrated the chain mail and penetrated deeply into the muscles. On the sandy ground within the entire range, clusters of flowers with arrow tail feathers bloomed in an instant, connecting the three rows of arrows that were originally lined up, striding forward with two-handed battle axes. The running jackal also had more than a dozen feather arrows or crossbow arrows on his body.

With a shooting distance of 50 meters, even militiamen armed with hunting crossbows have very little chance of missing their shots!

What's more, those level 4 long-range arms with more exquisite archery skills.

And the strongest ones are still those 20 Ravenston rangers. As a fifth-level unit, they draw their bows and shoot arrows indifferently, and use the cone-headed arrows in their hands that can easily pierce armor. Between the eyebrows, eye sockets, and chest, pierce the sharp arrows that belong to them!

(end of this chapter)