The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 151: The beginning of a full-scale attack


"Buzz buzz—"

The bowstring was vibrating violently, and the arrows shuttled rapidly through the air.

Under the city wall, arrow feathers bloomed all over the ground like white flowers, mixed with a strong bloody smell, which became more and more strange.

The strong and burly Gnoll warrior was howling and striding forward.

The arrows all over their bodies made them look like hedgehogs. Even if they tried their best to move forward, they were like returning to the light. In the end, they could no longer hold on in the continuous rain of arrows and fell heavily on the ground.

"Stop shooting!"

On the city wall, Fatis' voice sounded.

In the arrow tower and the city wall, all the long-range units stopped and were still pulling the strings.

And the rain of arrows that was originally dense like a torrential rain also came to an abrupt end.


Just outside the city wall, the centurion of wolf men who were originally arranged in a neat formation had been completely annihilated in the arrow rain. Arrows were stuck all over their bodies, and the sand behind them had been stained red with blood oozing out.

The scene was extremely tragic, but the expressions of many soldiers on the city wall were still indifferent.

This is a life-and-death war.

mercy? nonexistent.

They all understand that compassion to the enemy is cruelty to themselves!

In this short distance of 50 meters, 650 archers holding long-range crossbows on the city wall have already let those gnoll warriors know what arrows are like raining down. Looking at most of the gnolls who are silent on the sand dunes in the distance, these archers quickly check The bow and crossbow in his hand, after making sure that his weapon was not damaged at all, he continued to draw out the feather arrow and crossbow arrow from the quiver behind him, and got ready to shoot again.

Standing on the city wall, Kant clenched his fists tightly, and his face was also extremely solemn.

He has a dry mouth.

This was the calm before the storm. Those jackals from the coast of Mannheim would not be timid due to such a dense rain of arrows, let alone give up their attack because of the stubborn resistance of the "Drehem" fortress.

Both sides are in the same situation.

Kant and "Drehem" had no retreat.

These gnolls from the Gray Mane Kingdom also have no way out!


The almost shrill wolf howl was very long, containing uncontrollable anger and despair.

More gnoll centurions began to howl.

It makes people's hearts clenched tightly, just like running into a pack of hungry wolves while driving in the dark. The howling sounds seem to scare their hearts and souls. Ordinary people's legs will go weak just listening to it, and they will stand still. unstable.

It is a dirge of despair.

Kant looked at the jackal who stood a thousand meters away and raised his head and howled, his breathing was a little short.

Even the compatriots in the Nalun Desert, those low-level gnolls can't say it, because this is the tragedy of the civilized race, the despair of the way forward, and the determination to completely fight even if it is broken!

These gnolls are really going to start desperately!

It's also why they don't work hard.

The Gray Mane Kingdom is located in the southern part of the Nalun Desert, and the strategic layout that was prepared in advance with the investment of countless manpower and material resources has been completely destroyed by Kant.

Such as the Assage of Salt Mine.

The well of the lesser gnoll tribe.

Lesser gnolls scattered throughout the southern desert.

There is also the most important thing, which can be used as an outpost, a sentry oasis that can be called an enclave!

Kant was exiled in the Nalun Desert by the Principality of Lions. Instead, he seemed to have released real lions, occupied the sentry oasis, established the "Drehem" fortress, destroyed the wolf tribe, and killed Assage.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the layout of the Gray Mane Kingdom was easily resolved in this way.

It has been less than three months since Kant came to Nalun Desert.

However, due to the difficulty of information transmission, the information could not be known by the Gray Mane Kingdom in time, so these high-ranking gnolls had no idea at all, and half of the strategic plan that they had worked so hard to plan was easily erased by others, and it was very important , the southern part of the Nalun Desert, where even repentance is impossible.

Because of this ignorance, step by step into the current desperate situation.

There is no way to retreat.

Without food and water for the return trip, insisting on retreating can only be dried into a mummified corpse in the desert.

In fact, in order to carry out this strategic plan, they have been planning for nearly 10 years from the beginning to the end. They even started planning when the low-level gnolls appeared within their sphere of influence and knew the human countries in the south.

That's why they hid for so long on the coast of Mannheim, and abandoned most of the interests of the Sea of Stars, in order to cross the Nalun Desert, come to the edge of the desert bordering the southern human countries, and successfully develop the colony of the Gray Mane Kingdom , became the retreat of their race on the coast of Mannheim, and the crucial rear.

The arrow has to be fired on the string.

These expeditionary gnolls had no choice but to attack and fight desperately.

This is the only way to survive!


The commander let out a roar of a general attack, and the five phalanxes began to advance neatly.

The 2,900 gnolls are all soldiers who can be put into the battlefield. Now that they are launching a general attack, even if they are exhausted, the heavy infantry phalanx, which was once invincible in land battles on the coast of Mannheim and can crush everything, still brings soaring power. momentum.

Stepping on the sand layer step by step, the dull sound was like a group of heavy cavalry running slowly.

The faint sound of "哗啦啦" can be heard endlessly.

It was the crisp sound of chain mail colliding with each other while walking, but it was not pleasant, more like the god of death holding a small bell, shaking like a toy, waiting for the final harvest of life.

The tentative attack is over, now it's a brazen and desperate all-out attack!


On the top of the attic of the city wall, Manid watched the silver troops slowly approaching in front of him with a serious expression.

He was holding the light crossbow that originally belonged to Kant in his hand, commanding the 500 Swadian militiamen standing on the top of the attic to fight, but now he couldn't help but take half a step back, gritted his teeth and shouted at the militiamen next to him Said: "Ready to shoot!"

500 Swadian recruits pointed their crossbows at the slowly approaching troops ahead.

The power of united will brought great oppression to their hearts.

Not to mention these militiamen.

Even the battle-tested Vekia archers and Swadian crossbowmen in the attic of the city wall changed their complexions slightly, and immediately gritted their teeth with the determination to go all out.

"Here we come." Fatis' breathing was also slightly rapid.

But at this critical moment, Kant stood directly in front of him, and at the same time took over his command over the city wall.

At the same time, he turned his head and said to him: "Fatis, go and command all our cavalry troops and gather at the south gate. If you find an opportunity, or if there is a crisis on the city wall, you will lead the charge!"

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(end of this chapter)