The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 155: The power of the elemental giants


In a very short period of time, the Gnoll Expeditionary Army was reorganized.

Under the commander's order, they re-arranged into five square formations, and slowly moved towards the city wall.

They are not waiting.

Because these jackals knew that when they set foot in the southern part of the Nalun Desert and lost their follow-up supplies, time had abandoned them and stood behind those humans.

The advantage of time has shifted.

Now, those who have the time are those who are waiting for work at leisure, with sufficient supplies and city wall defenses.

They can't afford to wait.

The longer the time dragged on, the greater the chance of death for these jackal warriors who were once invincible on the coast of Mannheim. Now, in addition to clenching their teeth, they can attack with the remaining strength in their bodies and use their lives. Besides the final struggle, the longer the waiting time, the weaker and weaker the wolf man warrior will become, after all, weaker than human children!

The sun is hanging in the sky and unleashing its mighty power, making the scorching and terrifying temperature begin to sweep across the desert.

Noon is coming.

This is even more of a threat to the water-scarce Jackal Expeditionary Army.


The commander's shrill wolf howl appeared.

The five heavy infantry phalanx began to move forward at a faster pace, and even began to run. The target of the attack was the two steps of corpses that were still burning, and the thick city gate covered with iron sheets and studded with iron nails!

The remaining gnolls still lined up neatly, with desperate and ferocious killing intent on their faces.

Kant's heart beat slightly faster.

But his face was still calm, and he slowly raised his right hand, with a clear and loud voice: "Everyone, shoot freely!"

"Free Fire!"

"Free Fire!"

"Free Fire!"

Those small captains conveyed Kant's orders one after another.

But compared to the calmness on Kant's face, the restlessness in their hearts was revealed on the cheeks full of cold sweat and tension.

They were still able to support themselves just now, but they, with a small number of personnel, felt great pressure, especially those archers. After the rapid shooting just now, the biceps of their arms had been severely strained. It was extremely sore at the beginning, and I continued to draw the bow and shoot arrows, but it couldn't last for too long.

The only good thing is that due to the lack of siege equipment and long-range arms, the Wolf man has not suffered any casualties.

"Start shooting!"

The Ravenston ranger first rounded the heavy bow in his hand, gritted his teeth and continued to shoot the cone-headed arrows in the quiver.

These bow and arrow masters from Misty Mountain also started to get tired and their hands were sore, but the heavy bow was still drawn perfectly, and the sharp arrows were still deadly. In the first round of shooting, at least 6 jackals fell directly.

Although the other shooters were not killed on the spot, they still suffered injuries of varying severity.

Step into the range of a crossbowman.

These jackals can only choose to suffer in silence!

Vaegir archers and Swadian crossbowmen also began to rain down their arrows.

The "swish" sound of the arrow tearing through the air was endless, and the feather arrows and crossbow arrows flying across the void were almost visible to the naked eye, hitting the phalanx of the wolf man one after another.

At the last 50 meters, the hunting crossbows of the Swadian militiamen also began to shoot.

More and more gnolls fell in the dense arrow rain.

Especially the gnolls in the front row were covered with dense arrows, and the chain armor all over their bodies had been pierced into tatters by the arrows. Bright red blood oozed and dripped down the soles of their feet. The body can still hold on, still gritted his teeth and let out a low howl of encouragement, acting as a shield for the companions behind him for the last journey!

"Concentrate firepower and shoot!"

Kant's order was being conveyed, even the loud howling of wolves from outside was still heard clearly by the crossbowmen.

This is the work of the messengers.

As the order was issued, the firepower of many crossbowmen was instantly switched.

Instead of pursuing the vitality of killing the enemy, they poured all their arrows on the slope where the two wolf man corpses were piled up, forming layers of arrow rain, and shooting the wolf man who wanted to step on the ladder into a hedgehog.


The wolf man's offensive became more and more fierce.

With the bursts of howling wolves became more and more tragic.

Those gnolls didn't even care if the arrow rain in front of them was getting denser and denser, the raging flames could make them feel unbearable pain, they still strode on the corpse ladder, howling and climbing up, or It is to fall on it, forming a higher and more stable ladder!

"Hurry up, force, smash!"

Manid's voice was a little hoarse, and sweat was protruding from his face.

The light crossbow in his hand was still pulling the string and shooting the arrow, while pulling the trigger to shoot downwards, he was still turning his head and urging loudly: "Hurry up! Could it be that your limp movements are because you didn't eat in the morning?!"

Those Swadian militiamen didn't answer, they gritted their teeth and picked up the stone, and smashed it down hard.

Following the muffled sound of "Boom", two or three Jackals were knocked down by the stones on the stairs of the flaming corpse below, their limbs twisted strangely. Although they didn't die on the spot, they couldn't stand up at all. .

Moreover, the Swadian militiamen kept on smashing down the stones prepared behind them one after another.

Now is the moment of urgency.

The corpses piled up by the jackals have completely formed a slope 4 meters wide and 6 meters long.

The fire from the shattered oil tank, the rain of arrows from the crossbowmen, and even the stones thrown down by the militiamen could no longer effectively stop the gnolls who were desperately climbing towards the city wall.

The defensive terrain is currently ineffective.

Kant and the others, who couldn't clean up the corpses, couldn't stop the wolf man's attack at all.

Even a few times, if the Ravenston ranger hadn't swung his two-handed sword and forcibly chopped down the gnolls who were close at hand, the attic of the city wall would have been broken into!

"The situation is critical."

This idea came to Kant's mind, and he has already noticed that the situation is gradually falling into a disadvantage.

The wolf man's life-threatening attack almost chilled him.

Turning his head to look at the crossbowmen on the city wall, the high-frequency shooting in a short period of time not only made them exhausted, their hands were sore, even their spirits became slightly sluggish. After all, their spirits were kept in a state of high tension. !

If the Jackals continue to attack like this, the city wall will fall sooner or later.

"Damn it."

Kant gritted his teeth secretly and touched his chest subconsciously.

He still has cards.

But before he could make a decision, a muffled sound suddenly appeared next to his ears, and he subconsciously turned his head to look down. The 50 Swadian infantry who had been guarding there had already shouted. He raised his shield and pushed forward, and following the howl of wolves, the figure of the wolf man appeared inside the city gate.

Apparently, the muffled sound just now was caused by the jackal smashing the city gate!

"Lord Kant!"

The Swadian crossbowmen acting as messengers at the stairs quickly reported: "The city gate has fallen, and the infantry is organizing resistance!"

"I see." Kant responded, with a cold light in his eyes.

Walking quickly towards the stairs, the chaotic shouts of killing can be heard endlessly.

More than a dozen jackals were rushing into the city gate with their two-handed battle axes, slashing fiercely on the thick fan-shaped shield of the Swadian infantry, leaving a deep mark.

"Uh huh..."

However, the Swadian infantryman who was hit hard took half a step back with his face flushed, and his left hand, which was originally raised with the shield, drooped abnormally. Obviously, the damage caused by this heavy chop made these 4 It is difficult for super heavy infantry to resist effectively.

The strength of the wolf man warrior is indeed far superior to that of human beings.

This is racial advantage.

But the well-equipped Swadian infantry was fearless, and continued to go up with the shield. The sharp hand and half sword stabbed out, directly piercing the chain mail, leaving a deep blood hole.

"No, the jackals are attacking!"

In the attic of the city wall, there are archers roaring, and at the same time there is the muffled groan of Ravenston ranger.

Kant immediately turned his head to look.

Right at the place where the city wall's corpse stairway seemed to feel that the city gate had been breached and was encouraged, more than a dozen gnolls rushed up in one breath, wielding their two-handed battle axes, and fought with the Ravenston Ranger in a small space. The rangers fought in a group, but looking at the battle between the two-handed battle axes and the two-handed swords, the rangers kept retreating, and it was clear that the melee combat was still dominated by these strong, battle-tested high-ranking gnolls. upper hand!

"Keep shooting, Swadian crossbowmen to meet the Ravenston ranger!"

Kant gritted his teeth, but the order remained unchanged.

The Swadian crossbowman holding the fan shield quickly went up, relieving the pressure on the Ravenston ranger, and in this short moment, at least 5 rangers, because they did not block the jackal's heavy axe, And died in the attic and became popular, making Kant's heart tremble violently, this is one of his few level 5 shooters!

With bloodshot eyes, Kant watched as more and more gnolls rolled in along the stairs of the corpse.

He has made up his mind.

Reaching out to touch the two thin pages on his chest, Kant's thinking communication system: "Summon the elemental giant!"

[Page of Clear Spring] and [Page of Fertile Soil] are activated instantly.

And just as Kant cast his sight outside the city wall through the attic window, familiar spatial fluctuations appeared. In the soil, there were 7 earth element giants made of soil, and 4 water element giants with a slightly bloody color. Impressively there, the elemental light flickered in his eyes, which immediately turned into hostile and tyrannical emotions.

Around these 11 elemental giants, a huge army of wolf men was crowding towards the corpse ladder and the broken city gate. They had no defense against the sudden appearance of these elemental giants!

PS: Sorry, the update is a bit late today, there will be another update in a while, 3 times a day is necessary, no less, just wait a little bit, sorry. I may be attending a wedding tomorrow, so the update time will be postponed to the afternoon, but there will be no shortage of third updates. Let me tell you in advance.

(end of this chapter)