The Lord of the Oasis

Chapter 156: The outbreak of the enemy's momentum


"Boom boom boom—"

The thick mud arm smashed the surrounding gnolls into the air.

The earth elemental giants used their powerful power to rampage through the surrounding gnoll troops.


The attack of the water elemental giant is even more strange.

The body composed of water swept across the gnolls, like sulfuric acid, which immediately corroded the fur and muscles on the surface, making the gnolls howl in pain, chopping with the battle ax in their hands, but they could only slash in the light red area. On the elemental body formed by the flowing water, there was a short-lived gap that healed in an instant.

As for the earth elemental giant, it is full of bumps and holes, but it is also not afraid of the wolf man's battle axe!

For a while, there was chaos outside the city walls.

Even the gnolls in the attic of the city wall were killed, and the gnolls who broke into the city gate were knocked out, and the follow-up support failed to catch up, all of them were dragged down by the 11 elemental giants!

The direction in which Kant released the elemental giant was near the location of the stairs and the city gate.

This is also the summoning position that he has carefully considered.

"Don't be dazed, pack up the corpse, and keep shooting!"

But Kant waved his hand, and the order came quickly.

The corpse of the wolf man was directly thrown out of the city wall, while the corpses of his own people were carried under the city wall, but more crossbowmen still forcibly supported their sore hands and continued to pour down the rain of arrows.

This is their way of fighting back.

And those jackals' attack on them was not over yet.

"The time is coming."

Kant gritted his teeth, the strong smell of blood and burning scorched made him short of breath.

Looking at the gnolls who were in chaos outside due to the elemental giants, Kant subconsciously looked towards the south side, where his real main force was hiding. As long as he appeared, he could instantly turn the tide of the battle!

But now is not the time to appear.

Still need to wait.

Kant understood, and so did Fatis.

"keep quiet!"

Fatis was roaring, signaling the restless cavalry around him to calm down.

The knight sword in his hand was tightly held, his face was extremely ugly, but he still restrained his emotions, and roared: "It's just that the city gate has been breached, the city wall has been breached, and it's not yet fully defended. If we go out, we can only ease the situation temporarily, and cannot solve the real problem at all, so please wait quietly for me!"

This is what he said to those restless cavalrymen, but it was also what he said to himself.

They've been on standby for so long.

Just keep waiting, wait until the enemy is exhausted and unable to continue to maintain a high-intensity attack, that is when they attack, completely defeat the enemy's exhausted front, once and for all, and end this tragic siege battle!

Even more and more crossbowmen on the city wall were killed in close combat.

The Swadian infantry at the gates were in trouble.

These cavalry, who are the main force, still choose to wait, because they are all waiting for the final victory.

For the sake of the big picture.

Those crossbowmen and infantry are all objects that can be sacrificed!

"All retreat, enter the city walls and gates in batches to start a joint defense!"

Manid was also shouting orders in the attic.

Looking at these Swadian militiamen who were slightly thin and wearing iron-leather armor, he couldn't bear it, but he still ordered loudly: "For Swadia, block the group of gnolls! "

"For Swadia!"

The militiamen shouted, with excitement and ferocity on their faces.

They already understood Manid's arrangement.

Because entering the city walls and gates to help defend is actually to use one's own body to block those jackals, and for the militiamen who are weak in equipment and combat skills, it is tantamount to death!

But they didn't care, and strode down the stairs to the attic.

Holding up his own wooden shield, he rushed up with his fighting hoe, and forcibly held up the two-handed battle ax of the wolf man warrior. Even if the wooden shield was easily split open, and the companion in front of him was directly chopped to death, he would not be able to do so. Go up without fear!

Gnolls risk their lives to survive.

Then these Swadians can also sacrifice their lives for their homeland!

"Lord Kant, let's leave the city wall."

Manid went down to the attic, saw more and more gnolls appearing on the city walls and gates, and said eagerly to Kant: "We have to go to the ruling hall to set up defenses!"

"No, not yet!"

Kant turned his head, his face was also a bit grim.

The 11 elemental giants I summoned outside the window were smashed into pieces with two-handed battle axes by the wolf man, and the elemental body completely collapsed, turning into the original substance of the element and declaring death.

But these elemental giants also took away at least a hundred corpses of Gnolls.

It also involved a lot of troops.

The opportunity was getting closer and closer, and Kant was no longer willing to retreat into the governing hall to set up defenses. If he left, the soldiers who lost his encouragement would be broken through, and the defense of the "Drehem" fortress would also be breached.

At that time, the impact of the cavalry will not have much effect.

"Lord Kant!"

Manid is eager to dissuade: "You have to leave here!"

"No need!" Kant replied firmly.

The battle situation is in a critical situation, he must not leave, and the current defense line is not in jeopardy!

500 Swadian militiamen filled the gap and resisted the wolf man's attack with their lives. Desperate to die, they actually blocked the two corpse steps and the city gate, bringing the battle situation to a stalemate again.

Those gnolls attacked even more frantically.

However, the strength of the attack has become much lighter without knowing it.

Although the chopping two-handed battle ax is still powerful.

However, the wooden shield in the left hand of the Swadian militiamen could not be smashed with one blow, which often turned into two or three blows, and even because of the slow movement, they were nailed to the skull by the militiamen's fighting hoes, causing casualties.

Although the Swadian militia died and injured faster.

Gnoll deaths are also increasing!

Seeing that Kant did not leave the city wall at all, Manid also showed determination on his face. Holding the light crossbow in his hand, he continued to shoot outside the city wall to slow down the wolf man's attack speed.

However, he frowned slightly, and suddenly realized that something was wrong with the wolf man.

"Their offensive has slowed down." Manid couldn't help muttering to himself.

"That's right."

Kant took his words, and a smile finally appeared on his solemn and serious face: "It's our turn!"

"Hoo hoo—"

The flag planted in the middle of the road behind him buzzed instantly, as if being blown by a strong wind.

The golden lion on the red background moved against the wind, and the power spread instantly.

The invisible area was divided, and the wolf man who was shrouded in this area suddenly felt palpitations for some reason. He was still howling crazily and fighting forward with his two-handed battle ax, but now he became afraid. Fearless, looking at the tragic battlefield in front of him and around him, a chill appeared in his heart.

They're getting scared, they're getting scared, they're getting... cowardly...

They were already short of water and food, but now they feel extremely thirsty and hungry.

The power to swing a two-handed tomahawk is waning.

Especially seeing his comrades killed in battle in front of him, instead of losing the madness of wanting to avenge his comrades desperately, he felt more panic and fear in his heart.

Morale began to plummet within a short time.

Even the Swadian militiamen noticed that the gnolls whose morale had plummeted no longer had the terrifying fighting power they had before.

become weak and weak.

He also became afraid to go all out, and even started to retreat.


Sensing that the morale of one's own troops was plummeting rapidly, the commander-in-chief let out a mournful howl.

Hearing this familiar howl, the surrounding gnolls seemed to regain a little courage.

But right on the wall.

Kant's eyes were gloomy and cold, he gritted his teeth and looked at a certain figure in the crowd of wolves, raised his right hand and swung it forward fiercely, at the same time angrily said: "Do you know, my order is to kill it!"


The only seven remaining Ravenston rangers still have blood on their faces.

But the heavy bows in their hands were drawn straight to perfection, and the cone-headed arrows rested on it. Facing the jackal that Kant was pointing at, they let go of the fingers hooked on the bowstring, turning the cone-headed arrow into a life-threatening black shadow. In an instant, it appeared on the seemingly ordinary Jackal more than 20 meters away.

A cone-headed arrow hit the eyebrow.

A cone-tipped arrow hit the throat.

Two cone-headed arrows hit the eye socket.

Three cone-headed arrows hit the chest.

Then the seemingly ordinary jackal fell down and died instantly, with no possibility of survival.

[Awe-inspiring momentum]

The golden lion with a red background suddenly soared, and the sound of hunting was violent and rapid.

But in the eyes of the stunned jackals around him, the falling of that figure was like the sky falling, his heart was beating violently, his heart was filled with confusion, and even the attack was completely relieved.

Because the captain is dead.

From the coast of Mannheim, the strongest commander of the Greymane Kingdom, the highest commander of the expeditionary force, died.

Their general is dead!

The confusion dissipated immediately, but what appeared was not indignation, but panic.

The remaining 1,500 Gnolls were exhausted.

Looking blankly at the strong fortress in front of him, those figures with blood on their faces, but still stubbornly guarding behind the city walls and gates, even if they are stepping on the corpses of human compatriots, they will use their lives to block them. The Jackals suddenly felt terrified, and their hearts were filled with fear and uneasiness.

Even the two-handed battle ax in his hand was unsteady.


Like the tide rushing, the sound of breaking the dam came from the south side.

These dazed wolves stared wide-eyed at the humans riding on the backs of a creature not found on the coast of Mannheim. They were fully armed, including men and horses, holding spears and spears with terrifying With a roar, it slammed heavily into those gnolls standing in the south.

The neighing of the horses, the shouting, the screams of the gnolls, and the power to completely tear a phalanx in half!

Fatis and his cavalry unit finally charged!

(end of this chapter)